环境会计,environmental accounting
1)environmental accounting环境会计
1.Establishment of environmental accounting assumption system;环境会计假设体系的构建
2.Applying environmental accounting in traffic transportation industries;浅谈交通运输企业运用环境会计问题

1.Inter-agency Environmental Accounting Committee机构间环境会计委员会
2.Expert Group Meeting on Environment Accounting环境会计专家组会议
3.Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Accounting综合自然资源和环境会计(制度)(环境会计)
4.Study on Enterprises Environmental Accounting and Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure;企业环境会计环境会计信息披露的研究
5.Analysis on the Influence of Environmental Accounting Entity to Environmental Resource Property Right;环境资源产权对环境会计主体的影响分析
6.The Implementation of Enterprise Environmental Accounting Information in the Progress of Environmental Regulation;企业环境会计信息在环境规制中的应用
8.A Comparison between China and Western Countries on Environmental Management Mechanism and Environmental Accounting Development;环境管理机制与环境会计发展的中外比较
9.Research on the recognitions of the environmental assets;论环境会计核算中的环境资产确认问题
10.Research on Evaluating for Enterprises Environmental Performance by Environmental Accounting环境会计视角下的企业环境绩效评价研究
11.Confirmation and Measurement of Environmental Accounting Elements and Practicing Analysis;环境会计要素确认与计量及实证分析
12.A Desing on Checking System and Demonstration of Environmental Accounting;环境会计的核算体系设计与实证分析
13.Applications of Investment and Product Law in Measurement of Environmental Accounting;投入产出法在环境会计计量中的应用
14.A Study of Environmental Accounting s Measurement Frame Method and Its Applicationon;环境会计计量构架、方法及其应用研究
15.Research of the Environmental Accounting’s Calculation and the Information Disclosure’s Model;环境会计的计量与信息披露模式研究
16.Plan of Action of the African Environment Conference非洲环境会议行动计划
17.Improve Accounting Environment and Strengthen the Establishment of Accountants Professional Ethics;改善会计环境,加强会计职业道德建设
18.High Quality Accounting Standards Studying From the View of Accounting Environment;从会计环境角度研讨高质量会计准则

environment accounting环境会计
1.The Demonstrative Analysis on Research Papers in Environment Accounting;对环境会计研究论文的实证分析
2.Insisting Continuous Development Strategy and Promoting Environment Accounting Study;研究环境会计,贯彻可持续发展战略
3.Brief talk on the basic theory on environment accounting;浅谈环境会计的基础理论
3)environment accountant环境会计
1.And the development of environment accountant is propitious to economic accounting and investing etc, to improve and efficient utilize all the social resource and make economy sustainable developing.环境会计的发展对传统会计造成一定的冲击和影响,确有利于推动会计理论和实务的发展和完善。
2.Foreign environment accountant’s research beginning to the 1970’s, has made the significant progress, and really serves the wide spread practice in accountant, China environment accountant studies start from the early 1990s, later to the overseas environmental accounting.国外环境会计的研究始于20世纪70年代,并已取得重大进展,在会计实务中广泛实践。
3.At present,the question of environment accountant measure has to become the key research point in our country.目前,环境会计计量问题已成为我国研究的重点。
4)environment accountancy环境会计
1.A consideration of environment accountancy in China;我国环境会计问题的再思考
2.Based on social development and present condition of environment accountancy, it is not difficult for us to find that it is not perfect in theory and practicing in this field.当今社会的发展和我国环境会计的发展现状,我们不难发现已了解的理论和实务还十分不完 善,如何解决随之深入所带来的新问题,是环境会计发展之路的标志。
3.This paper makes a brief discussion for the influence of draining out dirty right trade market of our country to the environment accountancy and the environment audit.实际运行中,排污指标的分配、信息披露及环境审计都必不可少,本文就排污权交易的试行对环境会计和环境审计的影响作简要探讨。
5)environmental accountant环境会计
1.The sustained development is the social development's target of human being in the 21th century,constructing environmental accountant according to the above mentioned is an important sign that accounting work brings social function into play and advances towards Sustained development.可持续发展是 2 1世纪人类社会发展的目标 ,根据这一目标构建环境会计是会计工作发挥更大的社会作用和走向可持续发展之路的重要标志。
2.The environmental accountant is a new developing accounting discipline in these decades.环境会计是近几十年来新兴的一个会计学科。
6)accounting environment会计环境
1.An Approach Into the Accounting Environment s Effect on Accounting System:Comparing China with Germany;论会计环境的差异及其对会计制度的影响:中德比较
2.An elementary introduction to the current accounting function under China′s accounting environment;浅谈当前我国会计环境影响下的会计职能
3.The changes in accounting environment will lead to the restructuring of accounting objective, accounting model, accounting jurisdiction, accounting criterion, accounting system, accounting content, accounting function and accounting metho会计环境的变化将导致会计目标、会计模式、会计立法、会计准则、会计体系、核算内容、会计职能和会计方法的重
