可持续发展观,sustainable development
1)sustainable development可持续发展观
1.The target of chemical sustainable development: Ecochemistry;可持续发展观的化学发展目标:生态化学
2.The ethics value of sustainable development in education;可持续发展观在教育中的伦理价值
3.The view of sustainable development contains profound moral implication .可持续发展观有着深刻的道德底蕴。

1.The Strategy of Scientific Development and the Undergraduates Outlook of Sustainable Development;科学发展观与大学生的可持续发展观
2.Sustainable Development of Laboratory in the View of Sustainable Development Outlook;可持续发展观视角下的实验室可持续发展
3.The Thought of Sustainable Development: the Unity of Self-Discipline Thought and the Innovation Thought;可持续发展观:自律观和创新观的统一
4.On the Social Sustainable All-round Development--Reflection upon the Alienation of the Development;论全面可持续发展观——“发展异化”的反思
5.Defend And Exploit Cultural Resources With Sustainable View;以可持续发展观保护和开发文化资源
6.A Brief Talk on Relation of Sustainable Developing View and Scientific Developing View浅论可持续发展观与科学发展观的关系
7.Persisting Scientific Developing Concept in Agricultural Sustainable Development;坚持科学发展观 促进农业可持续发展
8.Adhere to the Development Ideas of Mr. Deng Xiaoping and Go the Way of Sustained Development;坚持邓小平发展观 走可持续发展之路
9.Building the Conception of Scientific Development and Realizing the Sustainable Development;树立科学发展观 实现可持续发展
10.Sustainable Development of Education in the Perspective of Scientific Outlook on Development;科学发展观视野下教育的可持续发展
11.A discussion on the scientific development perspective and sustainable development of resource-based cities;科学发展观与资源型城市可持续发展
12.Realizing the Sustainable Development of Periodical by the View of Scientific Development;以科学发展观实现期刊的可持续发展
13.Change of Development Viewpoint: Sustainable Population and Economy;发展观的转变——人口与经济可持续发展
14.Scientific Development View and the Sustainable Development of the School Physical Education;科学发展观与学校体育的可持续发展
15.Sustainable Development of Businesses in the Vision of Scientific Development;科学发展观视野下的企业可持续发展
16.Outlook of scientific development and sustainable development of sports;略论科学发展观与体育的可持续发展
17.Sustainable Development:Scientific View on Developing the Western Cities;可持续发展:西部城市的科学发展观

the view of sustainable development可持续发展观
1.From the Silent Spring, to two reports of milestone and three times conferences of milestone, then to the View of Science Development, the view of sustainable development has made the evolution from its headstream, progress, maturity, to ascription.从《寂静的春天》的发表,到两个里程碑意义的报告的提交和三次里程碑意义的大会的召开,再到十六大“科学发展观”的明确提出,可持续发展观经历了从其源头到发展,到成熟,到归属的发展过程。
3)sustainable development view可持续发展观
1.The Study on the Sustainable Development View to the Scientific Development View;论从可持续发展观到科学发展观
2.One aim of moral education course is to cultivate them with scientific and pragmatic style and help them build up sustainable development view.培养学生科学、求真、务实的作风,帮助他们树立可持续发展观,是大学德育课的目标之一,但目前许多德育教材中关于可持续发展的内容还不多,可持续发展观应成为大学德育课的重要内容。
3.There are five meanings of the human-oriented sustainable development view: it s goal is to meet the full development of people,it should put the need of modern people at first;it can not damage the ability to meet the needs of the future generation;the basic motivation of development lies in human capital;human and nature,and people themselves should be harmonious.以人为本的可持续发展观有5层含义:可持续发展的目的是为了满足人的全面发展需要,可持续发展应将满足当代人的需要放在首位,可持续发展不能损害后代人满足其需要的能力,发展的根本驱动力在人力资本,人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐。
4)concept of sustainable development可持续发展观
1.The concept of sustainable development and the concept of scientific development are analyzed here to provide a new way for developing Qinghai Lake zone.针对青海湖面临的生态危机,展开广泛的研究,提出:封湖育鱼、封山育草、保护水源涵养林,实施湖区封闭,引水济湖,人工增雨等措施,协调好人与生态环境的关系,坚持可持续发展观和科学观,创出适合青海湖区发展的新路子。
2.The pattern of the legislation on the protection of marine environment and marine resources shall be converted from the separate and non-sustainable one into a new one which is in compliance with the concept of sustainable development.根据可持续发展观,要构建与完善海洋环境资源法,应当改变过去海洋环境保护与海洋资源保护相分离的立法思路,改变粗放式的管理立法,树立整体性原则和可持续发展原则,在此指导下建立健全统一的海洋环境资源法体系,并设立确保海洋环境资源可持续利用的相关制度。
5)The sustainable development view可持续发展观
1.The sustainable development view made the development of human,nature and society mixed together with higher altitude and broader vision and showed a fire-new idea of development to human being.可持续发展观,以更高的境界、更广的视野,把人、自然、社会的发展融合到一起,为人类展示了一种全新的发展观念。
2.The contemporary development view realized transformation from traditional development view to the sustainable development view,this transformation its essence is the humanity thinking mode transformation from linear thinking to nonlinear thinking.当代发展观实现了从传统发展观到可持续发展观的转变,这一转变其实质是人类在思考发展问题上由线性思维走向非线性思维。
3.So,if we want to keep the sustainable development view,.主要体现在:可持续发展观对于自然和谐发展提出了理性思考;可持续发展观以人的和谐发展为前提;可持续发展观以社会的和谐发展为基石;可持续发展观体现了构建和谐社会的必然要求。
6)sustainable development可持续发展观念
1.Environmental education, as a part of educational system, can urge people to accept the concept of sustainable development.并在此基础 上,指出了我国环境教育应注意的问题,环境教育是可持续发展教育的一个组成部分,在教育过程 中可以促使人们形成可持续发展观念。

文学发展观文学的发展是靠创新实现的,所谓发展就是在原有基础上的前进,这其中既有继承的成分,更有创新的成分,其中创新是矛盾的主要方面,它决定着文学发展的方向、内容和形式、范围和程度等等方面。因此没有创新,文学的发展就谈不上。创新: 随着生活的发展,为了反映新的审美特征、表达新的审美感受,从内容到形式,即从写什么到怎样写所进行的一场带革命性的变革。文学的创新是由文学生产的特性所决定了的,即个性化和多样化,对作家而言,既要突破别人,又要突破自己,否则文学就会千篇一律,即类型化,没有独创性,一味摹仿别人,就没有创新,没有创新就没有发展。