潜在价值,potential value
1)potential value潜在价值
1.From the potential value of mineral resources and its realization, this paper discusses the distribution pattern of resource proceeds among the mining- rights, proprietary rights, and questions related to evaluation of mining- rights.本文从矿产资源潜在价值及其实现出发,探讨了资源收益在探矿权、采矿权及所有权之间的分配关系以及矿业权评估等问题。
2.It is thought that a novel situation of production and breeding in rice would be initiated if the potential value of polyploid rice is excavated.总结了多倍体水稻的主要特征特性 ,探讨了多倍体水稻在新种质创造中的意义和在固定水稻杂种优势中的特殊价值 ,认为多倍体水稻的潜在价值一旦被挖掘将会开创水稻育种和生产的新局面。
3.The finding of Customer value especially the customer potential value plays the role in acquiring new customers and keeping old customers.客户价值特别是客户潜在价值的发现,在企业获取新客户、保持老客户等方面发挥着基础的作用。

1.4 The actual price may not reflect the underlying value.现实价格可能并不表现为潜在价值
2.The Latent Value of Data Mining in Educational informalization;数据挖掘在教育信息化中的潜在价值
3.An Argument on Realistic and Potential Value of Chinglish;浅论中国式英语的现实价值和潜在价值
4.Genetic material of actual or potential value.指具有实际或潜在价值的遗传材料。
5.The PotentialApplicability and Value of Economic Valuebased Performance Measures in Chinese Business Enterprises;经济附加值绩效评价在中国企业中应用的潜在价值
6.Positive Research of SMC Model in the Application of Customer Potential Value Finding;SMC模型在客户潜在价值发现的应用实证研究
7.An Inquire into the Potential Value of Hook Smash in Today s Volleyball Match;浅析勾手扣球在当前排球比赛中的潜在价值
8.This very able man totally failed to see the possiblilities of the telephone.这位非常能干的人根本没看到电话的潜在价值
9.The Study of Infuencing Factors of Customer Potential Value in Life Insurance Industrya人寿保险业客户潜在价值影响因素研究
10.The Potential Value of Rethinking Casper David Friedrich for the Future Development of the Marine Landscape论弗里德里希对未来海洋景观发展的潜在价值
11.A Reconsideration on the Literature of the Early New Period;一个值得继续追寻潜在价值的文学时代——“新时期之初文学”的再思考
12.However, your worth in the marketplace will not only reflect your present experiential value but will also factor in your potential value as well.但是个人在市场的身价,不只反映目前的经验价值,也把个人潜在价值考虑在内。
13.We have just a few seconds to say something of potential value in the first 10 seconds of a prospecting call.在促销电话的前十秒中,仅有几秒钟可以说明你意图的潜在价值
14.Potential Value of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis RD1 Region-encoded Proteins in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis结核分枝杆菌RD1区编码蛋白在结核病诊断中的潜在价值
15.On the Potential Value of Traditional Culture in Ethnic Education in University and College;试论传统文化在高校德育中的潜价值
16.Potential Development Value of Quercus mongolica as Bio-energy Source Forest蒙古栎生物质能源林的潜在开发价值
17.Potential therapeutic uses of probiotics in gastrointestinal cancers益生菌在消化系肿瘤治疗中的潜在应用价值
18.Applicating Value Project in Achieving Potential and Enhancing Efficiency in Henan Oilfield;价值工程在河南油田挖潜增效中的应用

Potential values潜在价值
1.Being its natural coding, technology existing in the course of design and invention forms its inner values; being its social coding, technology growing in the course of development and production forms its potential values; being its social expression, technology realized in the course of application and popularization shapes its practical value.作为其"自然编码",技术从设计到发明形成它的"内在价值";作为其"社会编码",技术从开发到生产形成它的"潜在价值";作为其"社会表达",技术从应用到普及形成它的"现实价值"。
3)potential utilizable value潜在利用价值
4)valued year of potential life lost(VYPLL)潜在价值损失年
5)Valued years of potential life lost (VYPLL)潜在价值损失
6)customer potential value客户潜在价值
1.This article first gives the definition and categorization of customer value, discusses customer potential value, and constructs a multivariate profit model for predicting customer potential value.从客户价值的定义和划分入手,详细讨论了客户的潜在价值,建立了一个预测客户潜在价值的多变量概率单位模型;基于该模型进行客户细分,探讨了如何采取不同的客户战略;最后通过一个实际案例证明了客户潜在价值预测模型的有效性。
2.This dissertation discusses the relationships among customer potential value, its influential factors, and buying growth in order to make clear the internal functionary mechanism and to improve customer value management.本文围绕客户潜在价值及其影响因子,以及它们与客户购买增长之间的关系展开讨论,旨在探究内外部影响因子通过影响客户潜在价值并进而影响客户购买增长的内在作用机制,以实现更好的客户价值管理。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分