洋河水库,Yanghe Reservoir
1)Yanghe Reservoir洋河水库
1.Studies on measures of preventing entrophication of water body of Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库水体富营养化治理对策浅析
2.Eutrophication assessment of Yanghe Reservoir and its control measures;洋河水库富营养化评价及防治对策
3.Factor Analysis of Water Quality in Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库水质主成分分析

1.Study on Aquatic Phytoremediation for Improving Water Quality of Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库水环境的水生植物修复研究
2.Study on Rule of Nitrogen and Phosphor Release from Sediments in Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库底泥氮磷释放规律试验研究
3.The Actuality and Treatment of Eutrophication in Yanghe Reservoir;洋河水库富营养化的发展现状及其治理
4.Correlation between Microcystin and Water Pollution Indexes of Yanghe Reservoir, Qinhuangdao洋河水库微囊藻毒素含量与水污染指标的相关性研究
5.Vibrofoltation method anti-liquefaction foundation treatment application in the Xiyang river reservoir振冲法抗液化基础处理在西洋河水库加固中应用
6.Surface waters comprise stream waters (e. g. rivers), oceans, lake, and impoundment water.地表水包括流动水(例如河流)、海洋、湖泊和水库水。
7.Float Coefficient Test and Analysis of Yanghe River in Xiangshuipu Hydrological Station洋河响水堡水文站浮标系数试验分析
8.The Study on Impact on the Reservoir Envioronmental Capacity of the Reservoir Outflow;河流水库出流对水库水环境容量的影响研究
9.Effects of function changes of large reservoirs on water quality:A case study in Henan Province大型水库功能演变对水库水质的影响——以河南省某大型水库为例
10.He makes the waters of the sea come together in a mass; he keeps the deep seas in store-houses.他聚集海水如垒,收藏深洋在库房。
11.The Water Environment Carrying Capacity Research of River and Reservoir-regarding Wanjiazhai Reservoir in Yellow River as the Example;河流水库水环境承载力研究—以黄河万家寨水库为例
12.a voyage across a body of water (usually across the Atlantic Ocean).穿越河水(经常穿越大西洋)。
13.Theory and Application of Reservoirs Compensation Benefits--A Case Study of Reservoirs in Mainstream of Yellow River水库补偿效益理论与实践——以黄河干流水库为例
14.Studies on the Eutrophication and the Spring Phytoplankton Bloom in Xiangxi Bay of Three-Gorge Reservoir;三峡水库香溪河库湾富营养化及春季水华研究
15.Study on the Formation and Disappearance Mechanism of Algal Bloom in the Xiangxi River Bay at Three Gorges Reservoir;三峡水库香溪河库湾水华生消机理研究
16.Water Quality Evaluation and Its Trend Analysis of Inflow Stream in Yuqiao Reservoir于桥水库入库河流水质评价及其趋势分析
17.Numerical Simulation of Algal Bloom in the Xiangxi River Bay at the Three Gorges Reservoir三峡水库香溪河库湾水华生消的数值模拟分析
18.Dynamics of suspended solids in Xiangxi Bay of Three Gorges Reservoir during spring algal bloom period三峡水库香溪河库湾春季水华期间悬浮物动态

Nanyang Reservoir南洋河水库
1.Design and construction control of weathered material-filled dam with clay core for Nanyang Reservoir;南洋河水库粘土心墙风化料坝设计与施工控制
3)Yangpai Reservoir洋派水库
1.Design of reinforcement scheme for removing earthquake damages of Yangpai Reservoir;洋派水库震损除险加固工程设计
4)shallow sea reservoir海洋水库
1.Research on exploitation model for flood resources storage based on shallow sea reservoir construction;入海洪水资源的海洋水库开发模式研究
5)Shahe reservoir沙河水库
1.Estimation of life loss induced by eastern auxiliary dam breach at Shahe Reservoir in Liyang City;溧阳市沙河水库东副坝溃坝生命损失估算
2.Study on Indexes System of Sustainable Development for Shahe Reservoir and Discussions Its Safety;基于大坝安全的沙河水库可持续发展指标体系研究
6)Caihe reservoir柴河水库
1.Application of the blur artificial NN model in the water quality analysis of Caihe reservoir;模糊人工神经网络识别模型在柴河水库水质分析中的应用
2.The paper introduces the risk analysis method of automatic measure and forecast system of reservoir rain regime in greater detail with example of Caihe reservoir.本文以柴河水库为例,详细地介绍了水库雨情自动测报系统的风险分析方法,首次将“重现期法”、“安全系数法”引进到水库雨情自动测报系统的风险分析中。
3.The data surveyed by the pipe flowmeter in the right dam foundation of Caihe reservoir is analysed,The result showed that the data surveyed and the data surveyed by traditional method are coordinative, their correlative relation is notable, they accord with filtration law.利用一元线性回归方法对柴河水库右坝基管道式流量计所测资料进行了分析 ,其结果表明 :所测数据与周围传统方法所测数据有较好的协调性 ,各量相关关系显著 ,且符合渗流的基本规律,其数据可作为进一步分析坝体渗流稳定的依



Shitouhe Reservoir 概  述   石头河水库位于中国陕西省眉县境内,黄河水系渭河南岸支流石头河上的斜峪关上游1.5km处。工程以灌溉为主,兼具发电和防洪效益。粘土心墙土石坝,最大坝高114m,水库总库容1.47亿m3。水电站装机容量4.95万kW,设计灌溉面积8.5万hm2。工程于1971年10月开工,1989年10月完工。   坝址河谷宽约200m,河床砂卵石覆盖厚度一般约为4~10m,左、右深槽厚达25~28m。两岸坝肩有三、四级阶地,上部覆盖亚粘土、粘土互层,厚度5~65m(其中右岸第二层亚粘土和左岸第八层亚粘土有湿陷性),下部有厚度1~22m的砂卵石层。基岩为绿泥石云母石英片岩,河谷中部有辉长岩侵入体,断层、裂隙破碎带一般规模较小。   坝址控制流域面积673km2,多年平均流量为14.1m3/s。大坝按百年一遇洪水设计,流量为2690m3/s;千年一遇洪水校核,流量为4620m3/s。按可能最大暴雨计算,保坝洪水流量为8000m3/s。   枢纽主要由拦河坝、溢洪道、泄洪隧洞、引水隧洞和水电站组成。   拦河坝。河床段采用粘土心墙砂卵石坝壳的土石混合坝,两岸阶地逐渐扩大心墙过渡为均质土坝。坝顶宽10m,坝顶长约590m,体积835万m3。   溢洪建筑物。溢洪道布置在右岸,基岩为绿泥石云母石英片岩。进口采用实用堰,共3孔,每孔净宽为11.5m,设11.5m×17m弧形闸门。堰后接陡坡泄槽,采用挑流消能,最大泄量为7150m3/s。泄洪隧洞布置于左岸,由导流隧洞7.2m×8.36m改建而成,用以泄洪兼放空水库;首部设进水塔,隧洞断面为圆拱直墙式,洞内为明流,最大泄量859m3/s。在反弧段起点上游9.3m和反弧段下游2.2m处在底板上设有两道通气槽,断面尺寸为0.8m×0.8m,挑坎高15cm,坡度1∶10。   引水建筑物。引水隧洞布置在右岸,围岩全为绿泥石云母石英片岩,为圆形有压隧洞,直径4m,下游接直径2.5m的灌溉支洞(支洞出口设有2m×2m的弧形闸门控制,门后有突跌35cm的掺气槽,下接消力池和灌溉总干渠)和一条直径2m的压力钢管引水发电。水电站布置在右岸,为地面厂房,安装3台容量为1.65万kW的水轮发电机组,年发电量5070万kW·h,电站尾水引入灌溉总干渠。灌溉和发电总引水量不少于70m3/s。   工程主要工程量:土石方开挖621万m3,填筑835万m3,混凝土36万m3。大坝填筑工期5.5年,最高强度202万m3。   坝基防渗处理:在河床砂卵石层较浅处明挖至基岩,回填粘土,形成截水槽,在槽内回填粘土前浇筑一道混凝土齿槽。在左、右侧河槽部位,明挖到一定深度后,再用人工支撑开挖窄槽至基岩,浇筑混凝土防渗墙。右岸阶地设有倒挂井分层开挖形成的深59m的混凝土连续墙。