绿色大学,green university
1)green university绿色大学
1.Build green university Educate green talents;建设绿色大学培养绿色人才
2.Research and Probe into Green University“绿色大学”的研究与探索
3.The current situation and problems existing in the construction of green university in China are analyzed.分析了我国绿色大学建设的现状和存在的问题,对我国绿色大学建设中的一些基本问题包括基本概念、绿色大学的任务及其绿色大学的未来发展策略做了探讨。

1.The Evaluation of Green University in Universities and Colleges-Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process Model高等院校“绿色大学”评价层次分析模型
2.Colleges and Universities in the West Area should take the lead in founding Green University;西部地区高等学校应当率先创建绿色大学
3.Case Study on Construction of Green University and Assessment Indexes;绿色大学建设及其评价指标体系实证研究
4.Basic Aspects of Chinese Green University Construction;我国绿色大学建设的几个基本问题探究
5.On the Theory and Practice of Building a College into a Green One;普通高校绿色大学建设理论与实践探索
7.A Discussion on Raising College Students Green Awareness;关于培养大学生“绿色”意识的教学探讨
8.There are many tall buildings, green trees, nice flowers in the school.有许多高大厦,绿色树,好的花在学校。
9.A Thematic Study on Nature Writing of W·H·Hudson s Green Mansions;赫德森《绿色大厦》的自然文学主题研究
10.From 《Talloires Declaration》 to the Green Education in University;从《泰洛伊里斯宣言》谈大学绿色教育
11.Functions of "Green" in College Chemistry Education;绿色化学教育在大学化学教育中的作用
12.Analysis of Green Design Tactics for Science Department Hall in American Campus美国大学校园科学系馆的绿色设计策略分析
13.Develop Green Chemistry Education and Cultivate Green Chemistry Spirit;开展绿色化学教育 弘扬绿色化学精神
14.It has great potential application in green chemical reaction.它在绿色化学反应方面具有很大的潜在优势。
15.Education on Environment for Students in Multi-ethnic Universities:Situation and Measures;民族院校大学生绿色教育的现状及对策
16.A Comparison on Green Certificate System of Rural Ordinary Middle Schools between China and Canada;中国和加拿大农村普通中学绿色证书制度比较
17.Study and Practice of the Green Employment Channel Project in Jixi University;鸡西大学就业绿色通道工程的研究与实践
18.On the connotation and building of the college campus culture;绿色、人文、科技、和谐——大学校园文化的内涵和建设

Green universities绿色大学
1.On Index System for Assessment of Green Universities;绿色大学评价指标体系研究
2.Professor Lufeng put forward his own understanding to the property and missions of the universities and the idea of "Green Universities",especially emphasizing the reconsidering spirit and critique awareness,both of which also seeped in his environment-philosophy thoughts.卢风教授对大学的性质、使命以及”绿色大学”的理念提出了自己的见解,特别强调大学的反思精神和批判意识。
3.Great achievements and some problems are found after ten years of practice of the establishment of green universities in our country.绿色大学创建实践活动开展了十年,成绩无疑是显著的,但也存在一些问题。
3)"Green University" Campus"绿色大学"校园
1.A Preliminary Study of the Application of the Circular Economy to the Environmental Construction of "Green University" Campus;浅议循环经济在“绿色大学”校园环境建设中的应用
4)a green women's university绿色女子大学
5)Study on the Evaluation of Green University绿色大学评价
6)green husked rice绿色大米
1.Based on the analysis on the present situation of industrialization and developing trend of production of green husked rice at home and abroad, the overall objective, beneficial target, plan and measures for the industry of production of green husked rice in Poyang Lake region, which is richly endowed by nature, are put foreword.通过对国内外绿色大米生产的产业现状和发展趋势的分析 ,结合鄱阳湖区得天独厚的条件 ,提出了鄱阳湖区发展绿色大米产业的总体目标及效益、实施方案和措施。
