中美关系,Sino-US relations
1)Sino-US relations中美关系
1.The Analysis of Distrust in Sino-US relations and the Research for Countermeasures;中美关系中的不信任问题分析及对策探究
2.On Sino-US relations developing pattern after 1970s;20世纪70年代后中美关系发展模式研究
3.Cultural exchanges and the Sino-US relations;中美关系中的文化交流问题

1.An Analysis of the Role of Economy and Trade Relationship in Sino-US Relations;中美经贸关系对中美关系的作用分析
2."Recently, there has been a slight improvement in the relationship between China and the United States."中美关系最近略有好转。
3.Relations between China and America have improved greatly.中美关系已有很大改善。
4.We are immensely pleased to see a deepening of the Sino-US relationship.我们喜见中美关系深化。
5.Sino-US Relations and Sino-Japanese Relations in Northeast Asia中美关系、中日关系以及东北亚国际关系
6.Sino-American Trade Conflicts and Their Influence on Sino-American Relations;中美贸易摩擦及其对中美关系的影响
7.American Hegemony,the Peaceful Development of China and China-U.S.Relations;美国霸权、中国的和平发展与中美关系
8.Sino-American relations belong to the complicatedest bilateral relations.(中美关系是最为复杂的一对双边关系。
9.The Political Roles of Multinational Corporations in U.S.-China Relations of 1990s;美国跨国公司与九十年代的中美关系
10.The New Development of Sino-American Relations and the Readjustment of U. S. Policies to China;中美关系新发展与美国对华政策调整
11.Sino-Japanese and Sino-US Relations in China’s Peaceful Rise;中国崛起过程中的中日关系与中美关系
12.57 Studies on Sino-American Relations After the Event of September 11 among American Acadernic Circles美国学术界关于“9·11”事件后中美关系的研究
13.Public Attitudes Toward U.S-China Relationship and the Rise of China;公众心目中的中美关系与中国的崛起
14.Discussing the National Relation of China and Peripheries Causing the Influence of the China-U.S. Relations;试论中国与周边国家关系对中美关系的影响
15.U.S. Congress and the "Tibet Problem" in Sino-American Relations (1987-2007);美国国会与中美关系中的“西藏问题”研究(1987-2007)
16.National Committee on US-China Relations美中关系全国委员会
17.Sino-U.S. trade agreement中美贸易关系协定1980
18.The constructive and cooperative relationship between China and American中美建设性合作关系

Sino-American relations中美关系
1.The Paris Channel During the Thaw of Sino-American Relations;中美关系解冻过程中的巴黎渠道
2.The New Development of Sino-American Relations and the Readjustment of U. S. Policies to China;中美关系新发展与美国对华政策调整
3.Sino-American Relations under the George W.Bush Administration;布什当政以来的中美关系
3)Sino-US relation中美关系
1.In the period of anti-Japanese war,Sino-US relation can be divided into 3 stages.战时中美关系的演变对战后数十年的中国内政和对外政策有着重大的影响。
2.The USA was supposed to weaken Japanese power with Chinese help,and she was afraid of the growth of the Chinese revolutionary power of the anti-Japanese situation,thus creating a highly complex situation for Sino-US relations in three phases.美国想借助中国的力量削弱日本,同时又害怕中国抗日的革命力量发展壮大,使抗日战争时期的中美关系呈现出复杂情况,大体上经历了三个阶段。
3.This essay argues that the change in US security strategy and adjustment of its military deployment, on one hand, provide some opportunities for the development of Sino-US relation, and on the other hand, .本文认为,美国安全战略的变化与军事部署的调整一方面为中美关系的发展提供了机遇,另一方面对中国的周边安全带来了一些不利影响。
4)Sino-US relationship中美关系
1.Reviewing the history of this period will be beneficial for us to handle the present Sino-US relationship.考察这段历史,能为处理当今中美关系提供有益启示。
2.After Li-Denghui made the speech of "two-country" hocus-pocus and the Democratic Progressive Party took power, the core of Sino-US relationship has become the Independent Taiwan Issue.随着李登辉抛出“两国论”和民进党主政台湾,中美关系中的核心问题已经由台湾问题演化成了台独问题。
3.Experiencing conflicts and compromises after the Second World War the Sino-US relationship has evolved to today’s detente.中美关系自二战之后经历对抗到缓和的过程,不仅在经济和军事领域,而且在政治和意识形态领域始终进行着激烈的明争暗斗。
5)China-US relations中美关系
1.China-US Relations in the Context of Northeast Asia Security Structure;东北亚安全格局中的中美关系
2.Political Economy of China-US Relations;中美关系的政治经济学研究
3.The thesis cites three typical cases of the China-US relations during the Bush administration, i.本文又以布什政府时期中美关系中三个较为典型的政策决策,即前美国副国务卿佐利克提出“负责任的利益攸关方”、中美战略对话以及台湾问题为案例来加以着重分析,并穿插国务院同其他行政部门的比较,论述了随着美国对外政策的权力开始转向白宫及其他政府机构,国务院在指导美国对外政策上的全面影响有所下降,但是国务院仍然发挥着重要作用,并将继续扮演主要角色,其官员也将继续影响总统对外政策的制定。
6)sino-American relationship中美关系
1.Sino-American relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships among foreign relationships.美国是当今世界的超级大国,而中国是上升中的发展中大国,中美关系是中国对外关系中最重要的双边关系之一。
2.Sino-American exchanges between chambers of commerce have been playing an important role in Sino-American relationships.自此,中美商会交往在中美关系中长期扮演着重要的角色,它促进了反法西斯战争中中美战时同盟关系的建立,也推动了1971年中美恢复交往以来中美双边贸易的发展和中美战略关系的调整。

经济关系(见生产关系)经济关系(见生产关系)economical relation  1 ingji gU口nxj经济关系(eeonomieal relation)系。见生产关