尼克松政府,Nixon Administration
1)Nixon Administration尼克松政府
1.On Nixon Administration s Foreign Policy towards Western Europe;试析尼克松政府的西欧外交
2.The Nixon Administration s Policy Adjustment toward Japan;浅析尼克松政府对日政策的转变
3.An analysis of Nixon administration s policy towards East Asia;试析尼克松政府的东亚外交

1.Relaxation of Restrictions on U.S. Trade with China during the Nixon Presidency尼克松政府对华贸易管制政策的缓和
2.The Research of Nixon Administration s Foreign Economic Aid;浅析尼克松政府的对外经济援助政策
3.Analysis of the Nixon Administration s Foreign Aid Policy (from 1969 to 1972);尼克松政府对外援助政策评析(1969-1972)
4.Policy of the Nixon Administration for the South Asian Crisis of 1971;尼克松政府对1971年南亚危机的政策
5.Nixon and American Environmental Policy in the 1970s;20世纪70年代尼克松政府的环保政策
6."Year of Europe" and the Nixon Administration's Foreign Policy towards Western Europe“欧洲年”与尼克松政府的西欧政策
7.The Nixon Administration had confronted this impasse with divided counsel.面临这个僵局,尼克松政府意见不一。
8.Opium Issue between Turkey and the US in Nickson Administration;尼克松政府时期土美之间的鸦片问题
9.The South Asia Crisis in 1971 and the Reaction of the Nixon Administration1971年南亚危机与尼克松政府的对策
10.The American Foreign Policy to Saudi Arabia during Nixon Administration;尼克松政府时期美国对沙特阿拉伯的政策
11.The Policy Toward the Issue of Chinese Representation in the United Nations of Nixon Administration;尼克松政府对中国联合国代表权问题政策
12.The Foreign Policy of Nixon Administration during the Indio-Pakistan Crisis in 1971;试论尼克松政府在1971年印巴危机中的外交政策
13.The Study of the Policy of Nixon Administration Preventing International Pollution from Vessels(1969-1972)尼克松政府解决国际船舶污染政策研究(1969-1972)
14.Analysis on the Abortion of "Family Assistant Plan" in the Period of Nixon Administration尼克松政府“家庭援助计划”的失败原因探析
15.Nixon Government and Chinese Representation in the United Nations(1969-1971);尼克松政府与联合国中国代表权问题(1969—1971)
16.The Background of Nixon Carrying Out Global Equilibrium Diplomacy;试析尼克松政府全球均势外交的实施背景
17.The Fall of the Peg-top:the Failure in the U.N.Chinese Representation Policy of the Nixon Administration in 1971;尼克松政府1971年联合国中国代表权之失
18.The Reason of Relaxation of Restrictions on U.S.Trade with China during the Nixon Presidency尼克松政府缓和对华贸易管制的原因探讨

the Indonesian government印尼政府
1.National Present to President Nixon: Acupuncture Anesthesia in China;赠送给尼克松的国礼——《中国针刺麻醉》
2.Nixon Government and Chinese Representation in the United Nations(1969-1971);尼克松政府与联合国中国代表权问题(1969—1971)
3.Brief Study on US-European Relationship during Nixon Administration;略论尼克松时期的美欧关系
4)Richard Milhous Nixon (1913~  )尼克松,R.M.
5)Kennedy Administration肯尼迪政府
1.A Brief Study on the Kennedy Administration s Covert Action against Cuba;简论肯尼迪政府对古巴的隐蔽行动计划
2.On the Reasons for Kennedy Administration Approving England Entering into EEC;肯尼迪政府支持英国加入欧共体原因探析
3.Review of the Kennedy Administration’s Economic Assistance for Africa;肯尼迪政府对非洲的经济援助评析
6)Kennedy government肯尼迪政府
