娄烦县,Loufan County
1)Loufan County娄烦县
1.Environmental Situation and Preventing Curing Measures in Loufan County;娄烦县的环境现状及污染防治对策
2.On the Situation of Urban Living Garbage in Loufan County and Treatment Countermeasures;娄烦县城市生活垃圾现状及处理对策
3.Probe into the Development and Utilization of the Water Resource in Loufan County;娄烦县水资源开发利用初探

1.Analysis of Land Use/Cover Change in the Loufan County, China during 1994~2004;娄烦县1994~2004年土地利用/覆被变化分析
2.Dynamic Analysis of Land Use and Conversion and its Pattern in Loufan County;娄烦县土地利用/土地覆被动态和格局分析
3.The Foundation of the Information System for the Geology Disaster Investigation--The Application to the Geology Disaster Investigation of Loufan County;灾害调查信息系统的建立——在娄烦县地质灾害调查中的应用
4.The Built-up Area Expansion of Towns in Mt. Lvliang Area:A Case of Loufan County Seat;吕梁山区小城镇建成区扩展研究——以娄烦县城为例
5.The Influence of the Utilization of the Land in Fenhe River Valley on the Ecological Assets;汾河流域土地利用对生态资产的影响——以娄烦县为例
6.The Basic Ideas on Development of Livestock Husbandry to Take Breeding Fat Sheep and Cattle as Dominant Factor in Loufan County;关于娄烦县发展以育肥羊、育肥牛为主的畜牧产业的基本构想
7.The Function and Parameter Meaning of Particle Lei in Lou Fan Dialect;娄烦方言语气词“哩”的功能及参项意义
8.A Study of Prices in Huating-Lou Area,1823-1829;1823—1829年华亭—娄县地区的物价
9.Analysis on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Driving Forces of Loufan, Shanxi;山西娄烦土地利用/覆被变化及驱动机制研究
10.Durative Aspect Mark "De(的)" and Related Particles of Loufan Dialect;山西娄烦方言的持续体标记“的”及其相关助词
11.Transparent Change of Lai Mu(来母) in Beijing and Loufan Dialects;汉语语音要素的潜与显——以北京话和娄烦话为例
12.The Boundary of Changyi Dialect and Loushao Dialect in Anhua County;湘语长益片与娄邵片在安化县境内的分界
13.A case in point is the Sanlouszu Co-operative in Hsiehyu County, Shansi Province, which nearly collapsed for lack of sustained effort after it had been consolidated.山西省解虞县三娄寺合作社,就是在巩固以后,因为松劲,几乎垮了台的。
14.Palace of Cleopatra克娄巴特拉女王王宫
15.Saul Bellow' s Short Stories索尔·贝娄短篇小说集
16.Klosh K man as ked in a shaking voice.克娄石—克完用颤抖的声音问道。
17.He causes trouble for Minzhi almost every day.他几乎每天都给敏芝捅娄子。
18.Levalloisian stone-flaking technique勒瓦娄哇文化期打制石片技术

typical aspect娄烦方言
1.This study focuses on the typical aspects of adjectives in Loufan(娄烦) dialect,Shanxi(山西) province.在量的连续统中,娄烦方言的状态形容词所负载的量有向其左右的量点游移的倾向。
3)Loufan dialect娄烦话
4)Huating-Lou area华亭-娄县地区
1.Praxis"and "care"── A comparative study of Marx and Heidegger;“实践”与“烦”──马克思与海德格尔比较研究之二
1.Epidemiological Analysis of Rabies Characteristics in Loudi City from 2001 to 2005;2001~2005年娄底市狂犬病流行病学分析
2.Establishment of mountain flood prevention warning and monitoring system in Loudi City;娄底市山洪灾害防御预警监测系统建设浅析
3.A Study on Development Strategy of Culture Industry in Loudi;娄底市文化产业发展对策研究

产后虚烦产后虚烦 产后虚烦   病证名。出《诸病源候论》卷四十三。多因产气血俱伤,脏腑虚竭,气在内不宣,虚火上炎,故令烦。症见烦热少气,疲倦,胸膈满闷,甚者虚烦不得眠。治宜清热除烦,淡竹叶汤加人参主之。兼有躁动不安者,用当归补血汤加味。