水污染物,water pollutant
1)water pollutant水污染物
1.Study on distribution of total amount of drainage water pollutant in a region;水污染物允许排放总量分配方法研究
2.Research on the Framework of Water Pollutant Discharge Permit Transaction水污染物排放许可证交易框架研究

1.Analysis of Emission Trading System of Poyang Lake Water Pollutant鄱阳湖水污染物排污权交易制度探析
2.Research on the Total Quantity Control of Pollutant Discharge Oriented to the Agricultural Wastewater Irrigation;面向农业污水灌溉的水污染物总量控制研究
3.biological assessment of water pollutant toxicity水污染物毒性的生物评价
4.(2) "Pollutant" means a substance that is capable of causing water pollution.  (二)“污染物”是指能导致水污染的物质。
5.et removal rate雨水清除污染物速率
6.Food/ Water Contamination Monitoring System食物/食水污染监测系统
7.Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.污染性物质造成污染的物质,尤其指一种污染空气、土壤或水的废物
8.The main pollution sources include: slag, sewage water, smoke, and tail gas.主要污染物有矿渣,污水,烟气、尾气等。
9.Pollution and treatment of the pollutant from urban sewage plant城市污水处理厂排放物的污染与治理
10.Experimental Research on the Removal of Contamination from Slightly Polluted Water Source Using Electrocoagulation Technique;电凝聚对微污染水中污染物的去除研究
11.The Study on Simulation of the Rainfall Runoff Pollution and the Calculation of Total Pollutants Amount in Qingdao;青岛市雨水径流污染模拟及污染物总量计算
12.The contaminant analysis of the surface water of the pollution of the agricultural surface source in the Zhu Xi River region;苎溪河农业面源污染地表水中污染物分析
13.Analysis of Pollution Characteristics and Organic Material in Poplar P-RC APMP Wastewater杨木P-RC APMP废水污染特征及污染物分析
14.Water pollution is found in many forms. It is contamination of water with city sewage and factory wastes;水体污染有多种形式。它是指水体被下列污染物所污染:城市污水和工业废水;
16.those that discharge pollutants into water shall pay a pollutant discharge fee in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State.向水体排放污染物的,按照国家规定缴纳排污费。
17.Analysis and Treatment of the Organic Pollutants in Petrochemical Industry Wastewater;石化工业污水中有机污染物的分析与治理
18.Contamination Twodimensional Water Quality Model Study of Surrounding Area of Drainage Outlet of City Rivers;城市河流排污口近区污染物二维水质模型

Water pollutants水污染物
1.Total emission control of water pollutants is based on natural water dilution of pollutants and autopurification theory,in another word,natural water has some environmental capacity on pollutants.水污染物的总量控制是建立在天然水体对污染物具有稀释扩散和自净作用理论上,即天然水体对污染物具有一定环境容量的基础上。
2.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the state distharge standard of water pollutants for iron and steel industry draft.分析了国家钢铁工业水污染物排放标准征求意见稿的特点,包括降低了主要污染物的排放限值、取消了按废水去向分级管理的规定、增加了部分污染物排放控制项目、规定了各类污染物排放监控位置等。
3)water pollution水污染物
1.Because environmental problem are aggravated especially in water pollution in China.随着科学技术的进步和发展,总量分配的方法日趋增多,本文综述并分析了水污染物总量分配的各种方法。
2.Bases on actuality of anyang city's water environment,select science mode ,account water environmen capability ,combine with gross control task, combine with factor of economy and technic of anyang city ,ascertain control aim of water pollution gross.根据安阳市水环境现状 ,选取科学模式 ,计算出水环境容量 ,结合上级下达总量控制任务 ,考虑安阳市经济、技术等多方面因素 ,合理确定安阳市市区切实、可行的水污染物总量控制目
3.This paper analyzes the necessity and urgency of executing water pollution permission trading, discusses the practical meaning to Green GDP calculation, optimizing environment resource collocation, promoting the development of environment protection technology and industry, then provides the assumption to execute water pollution permission trading in Wuhan City.本文分析了实施水污染物排放权的必要性和紧迫性,探讨了水污染物排放权对绿色GDP核算、优化环境资源配置、带动环保技术与行业发展等方面的现实意义,提出了武汉市实施水污染物排放权的设想。
4)Water contaminant水污染物
1.An analysis of influences of revision of water contaminant discharge standard on China’s paper industry;制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准修订对我国造纸业的影响分析
2.The domestic and foreign research progress of decomposing water contaminants by the combination of ultrasound irradiation and other technologies has been reviewed.介绍了国内外超声波与其他技术联用在降解水污染物方面的研究进展。
5)wastewater pollutants污水污染物
1.Research on quantitative correlation between chemical enthalpy of wastewater pollutants and their traditional water qulity indexes;污水污染物化学焓与常规水质指标的定量关系
6)rain water pollutant雨水污染物

水污染物水污染物matters of water pollution ShUIWUronWU水污染物(rnatters of water pollution)随废水进人水体、使其遭受污染危害并恶化其使用功能的化学物质。水中的污染物与杂质不同,前者产生于人们的生活和生产过程中,后者来源于与水体接触的自然环境。 冶金企业的废水及其中的污染物主要来源于矿石的开采、有用金属的提纯及其加工过程中;其次还来源于燃料(焦炭、煤气等)、辅料(熔剂、溶剂等)、建筑材料(耐火材料等)的生产过程中。采矿时有矿井废水排出,其中含有矿石微粒、溶入的金属离子、经化学作用和微生物作用而产生的酸。以及放射性物质等。选矿厂排出的废水含有粉碎、球磨和筛分过程中产生的矿石微粒和溶人的金属离子,有时还含有选矿药剂。火法冶金时,矿石中的杂质及一部分燃料组分或逸入烟气,或进人炉渣。烟气洗涤时产生的废水含有矿石微粒及各种挥发物。沪渣冲运时产生的废水含有各种渣粒及溶出物。湿法冶金时,废水中含有无用的浆料及投加的酸和碱。金属加工过程中产生的废水中含有金属碎片和微粒、以及加工和转运设备使用的油类。生产焦炭和煤气时都有洗涤废水排出,除悬浮物外,前者还含有酚、氰、氨等化学物质.后者还含有酚、氰、焦油等化学物质。萤石是一种助熔剂,在生产和使用过程中产生水中主要含有无机悬浮物。的废水中含氛化物。氰是提取黄金的溶剂,在生产和使冶金工业废水的主要污泥物见表。用过程中产生的废水中含有氰。耐火材料厂排出的废 冶金工业废水的主要污染物夯 注:.有回收价值: e有一定含量,但无回收价值; O徽量。(李慷民)