农村环境保护,rural environmental protection
1)rural environmental protection农村环境保护
1.There are many critical questions to be solved in the rural environmental protection.现在我国农村环境保护存在着诸多亟待解决的问题,本文对我国农村诸多环境问题的现状、成因进行分析,并提出相应的解决途径和方法。
2.It has narrowed the gap between urban and rural areas,advanced our country\'s rural economic development,and meanwhile has brought about new challenges on China\'s rural environmental protection.农村城镇化是我国新农村建设推进的必然趋势,它缩小了城乡差距,带动了我国农村的经济发展,同时也对我国农村环境保护提出了新的挑战。
3.Rural urbanization in China is an inevitable trend to promote the building of new countryside,it narrowed the gap between urban and rural areas,brought along China\'s rural economic development,but also has brought new challenges on China\'s rural environmental protection.农村城镇化,是我国新农村建设推进的必然趋势,它缩小了城乡差距,带动了我国农村的经济发展,同时也对我国农村环境保护提出了新的挑战。

1.Strengthen rural environmental protection to promote new rural construction;加强农村环境保护 推进新农村建设
2.Reinforce Rural Environmental Protection in the Construction of a New Harmonious Countryside;加强农村环境保护 建设和谐新农村
3.Study on Emphasis and Measures of Environmental Protection in the Countryside;农村环境保护的重点与保护措施研究
4.IV. Territorial Control and Rural Environmental Protection四、国土整治与农村环境保护
5.Research on the Construction of Rural Environmental Protection Laws in China;我国农村环境保护法制建设问题研究
6.On Market Mechanisms in the Loss of Rural Environmental Protection论市场机制在农村环境保护中的缺失
7.The Status of Rural Environmental Protection and the Measures of Pollution Prevention农村环境保护的现状及污染防治措施
8.Control Strictly Pollutions down to Countryside and Strengthen Rural Environmental Protection严控污染下乡 加强农村环境保护
9.The Environmental Equality Must Be The Basic Mission Statement of The Rural Environment-protection Law环境公平应成为农村环境保护法的基本理念
10.Agricultural Cycle Economy and Socialist New Countryside Environment Protection;试论农业循环经济与社会主义新农村环境保护
11.Rural Environmental Protection Strategy Based on the Theory of Circular Economy基于循环经济理论的农村环境保护策略
12.The Combination of Environmental Protection and Poverty Alleviation in Guizhou;贵州农村环境保护与反贫困结合之探索
13.Promoting Rural Environment Preservation by Ecological Culture in Community in Our Country;以社区生态文化推动我国农村环境保护
14.Thinking on Establish Environmental Protection Legal System in Chinese Country after Entry to WTO;加入WTO后我国农村环境保护法制建设的思考
15.New Ideas for Rural Environmental Protection in the Context of Pollution Shifting污染转嫁背景下农村环境保护的新思路
16.Economic Analysis between Rural Industrial Development and Environmental Protection农村工业发展与环境保护的经济分析
17.The Importance of Environmental Protection during the Construction of Socialistic New Countryside新农村建设中应当重视环境保护工作
18.Right of the Organizations of Villager Self-governance in Rural Ecological Environment Protection;论村民自治组织在保护农村生态环境中的权力

rural environment-protection law农村环境保护法
1.In this article,we begin with the definition of environmental equality,and finish up with proposing that environmental equality must be regarded as the basic notion of the rural environment-protection law,after the discussion of the unfair reality between the urban and rural environment.本文从环境公平的定义出发,针对城乡环境不公的严峻现实,提出环境公平应成为农村环境保护法的基本理念。
3)regulation scope of rural environmental protection law农村环境保护法的规制领域
4)use and protection about resources and environment of new countryside农村资源环境利用与保护
5)Agro-environmental protection农业环境保护
1.Current situation and problems of agro-environmental protection in China was summarized in the present study.概述了我国农业环境保护的现状及存在问题 ,并对今后农业环境保护研究的热点问题进行了展望。
6)agricultural environmental protection law农业环境保护法
1.With more and more pressure on the agricultural environment, it is necessary to make an integrated agricultural environmental protection law.通过对目前农业环境所面临问题的描述 ,指出制定农业环境保护法的必要性 ,根据目前我国农业环境基本状况 ,提出农业环境保护法的基本原则及须处理好的几个基本问题。
