规模收益,returns to scale
1)returns to scale规模收益
1.Decision of returns to scale of DMU on the basis of EC~2R model;基于EC~2R模型的决策单元规模收益的判定
2.Determination criterion of returns to scale for decisoin making units based on C~2R model基于C~2R模型决策单元规模收益的判断准则
3.The paper employs cost function of panel data model to analyze how capital and labor affect returns to scale and efficiency.公共事业企业的规模收益关系到政府监管策略的选择。

1.Determination criterion of returns to scale for decisoin making units based on C~2R model基于C~2R模型决策单元规模收益的判断准则
2.Return of scale and product differentiation with network externality基于网络外部性的规模收益与产品差异化
3.The Further Research on the Efficiency and Returns to Scale of Decision Making Units;决策单元效率与规模收益的进一步探讨
4.Study on Driving Mechanism of the Urban Land Expansion and the Returns to Urban Land Scale;城市用地扩张的驱动机制与规模收益研究
5.A DEA Method for Analysis of Returns to Scale under Environment Protection Policies;环保政策约束下规模收益分析的DEA方法
6.The Analysis of Return to Scale in Electricity Supply Industry of China Based on Panel Data;基于面板数据的中国供电行业规模收益分析
7.National and International Returns to Scale in the Modern Theory of International Trade;现代国际贸易理论中的国内和国际规模收益
8.Inspiration for China to Participate into International Division of Labor from Increasing Scale Profits;规模收益递增对我国参与国际分工的启示
9.Empirical Analysis on Scale Efficiency of Key Universitiesin Western Region西部地区重点建设高校规模收益的实证分析
10.Industry clustering in state-level science and technology industrial parks in China:geographical concentration and increasing returns to scale;国家高新区产业集聚实证研究——生产要素集中的规模收益分析
11.Empirical Study on Industry Clustering of High-tech Zones in China:Geographical Concentration and Increasing Returns to Scale;我国高新区产业集聚实证研究:生产要素集中与规模收益递增
12.Research on the problem of technology efficiency and scope income of the milk corporations in China;我国乳品生产企业技术效率与规模收益问题研究
13.The Cost-income and Moderate Scale of China's Foreign Exchange Reserves中国外汇储备的成本收益和适度规模
14.A Board Scale Study Based on Executive Cost and Management Effects;基于治理成本与治理收益的董事会规模研究
15.A Positive Study of the Relationship between the Firm Size and Security Return Rate;公司规模与股票收益率关系的实证研究
16.On the Criterion Mode of Public Interest in Acquisition Legislation;论我国征收立法中公共利益的规范模式
17.On the Magnitude of Private Benefits of Control in Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司控制权私有收益的规模研究
18.The Corelate Research of Investment Size, Investment Structure and Investment Income投资规模、投资结构与投资收益相关性研究

return to scale规模收益
1.According to output-DEA models,this paper analyzes the return to scale of DMU.在评价结果的基础上,通过DEA二次相对评价法对所有决策单元进行了排序,并根据输出DEA模型分析了各决策单元的规模收益状况。
2.To solve the problem,the paper importes coefficients of S&T progress and return to scale to modify the production and provide empirical analysis based on the panel.针对这一问题,提出可以通过在生产函数中引入科技进步系数和规模收益系数予以改进,并用我国高新区及其所在城市1991-2004年的面板数据进行验证。
3.All (kinds) of assumptions of return to scale are considered into the DEA for measuring environmental performances.以燃煤电厂环境绩效为研究对象,利用数据包络模型分析环境绩效指标,特别是研究利用数据包络模型分析发电行业普遍存在的规模收益问题。
3)scale profit规模收益
4)scale benefit规模收益
1.By applying DEA theory to the Tourism Industry in some regions in China,the paper analyzes the relative efficiency and the scale benefits.运用数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis DEA)理论对中国各地区的旅游业进行效率与规模收益分析,研究表明:地区间的效率差距明显、各地旅游业的规模效益是递增的、旅游业的管理与技术水平落后、资源配置在旅游业的发展中起重要作用等。
2.In this article, the commonly used two kinds methods of survey the scale benefit, include C - D production function and the data envelope analysis method have the contrast research, and analyze two methods good and bad points on surveying the enterprise scale benefit aspect.本文将常用的两种测算规模收益方法,即C-D生产函数和数据包络分析方法进行对比研究,分析两种方法在测算企业规模收益方面的优缺点。
5)scale returns规模收益
1.The modified Malmquist index not only uses nonradial directional technology distance function instead of radial output or input distance function but also takes scale returns into consideration,so measures of Malmquist index are more accurate.修正后的Malmquist指数不仅考虑以非径向的定向技术距离函数取代径向的投入/产出距离函数,而且考虑了规模收益,从而使得Malmquist指数测量更准确,同时还测度了影响生产力进步的两个因素:技术进步和技术效率。
2.However on one side all of models make the same assumption: supposed some scale returns.自Caves等在1982年提出用于分析全要素生产率的Malmquist指数方法后,以非参数的Malmquist指数方法研究全要素生产率就成为热点,随着研究的深入,关于引起全要素生产率变化的因素的研究也逐渐展开,同时随着有关模型研究的不断完善,在模型应用方面还开展了大量的实证分析,并取得了一系列的理论成果和众多的实证案例,但是众多的研究方法都假定决策单元为某种规模收益,并在此基础上进行Malmquist指数及其分解因子的测算,另外传统的Malmquist指数模型都是基于Shephard的产出或投入距离函数,仅考虑产出或投入变化的情况,同时决策单元向生产前沿面逼近路径也只能选择径向,这两种不足直接影响Malmquist指数测算的准确性。
6)scale profit ratio规模收益率
1.In order to optimize the economic scale of agricultural products logistics center,its production function,scale profit ratio and economic behavior were analyzed,and the relation of scale profit ratio and logistics center scale was calculated.为优化农产品物流中心经营规模,分析了农产品物流中心的经营行为,将规模收益率引入物流中心经营规模优化中,建立了一种基于生产函数和规模收益率的物流中心经济规模优化模型,计算了物流中心经营规模与规模收益率的关系。

规模收益规模收益是指涉及到厂商生产规模变化与产量变化之间的关系,如果生产规模的变化是由所有生产要素以相同比例扩大或减少而引起的,那么对应的产量变动就有三种情况: (1)如果产量增加的比率大于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益递增阶段; (2)如果产量增加的比率等于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益不变阶段; (3)如果产量增加的比率小于生产要素增加的比率,则生产处于规模收益递减阶段。