环境权益,environmental rights and interests
1)environmental rights and interests环境权益
1.The judgment of environmental rights and interests of the examination and approval of environment impact statement.;环境影响报告书审批中的环境权益判断
2.Environmental rights and interests mean the legal interests including sunshine right,cleaning air right,cleaning water right and fine scenery right.环境权益是公众对环境享有的包括日照权、清洁空气权、清洁水权、优美景观权等法益。
3.The legislative approach should not be limited to mend within the framework of traditional procedure law,but to enact the specialized environmental procedural law,which will provide unified procedural issues of environmental litigation different from the traditional litigation in response to the particularity of the relief on environmental rights and interests.其立法进路不应局限于传统诉讼法的框架内的修补,而应是制定专门的环境诉讼程序法,针对环境权益救济的特殊性将不同于传统诉讼的程序性问题作统一规定。

1.Study on Establishment of Lawsuit System for Environmental Rights & Interests and Damages;关于建立环境权益损害诉讼制度的探讨
2.The Refusal of Environmental Public Interest Litigation to the Hypothesis of Environmental Right环境公益诉讼对“环境权”说的拒绝
3.The Orientation of Environmental Right: From Control over Environment to Environmental Interests Superiority;环境权的本位:从支配环境到环境利益优势
4.On Application of the Interest Measure in Environmental Torts Cases;论利益衡量在环境侵权案件中的应用
5.On the Interests Weighing in Environmental Tort' Civil Remedies;环境侵权排除责任利益衡量机制研究
6.On the Protection of Consumer s Rights and Interests of the Online Trade Way;论在线交易环境下的消费者权益保护
7.Analysis on the Protection Children s Rights and Interests under the Environment of the Network;试论网络环境下我国儿童权益的保护
8.Protection Of The Peasant-worker s Rights And Interests And Outer Circumstance Construction;保障农民工权益的外部环境及其建构
9.Private Right or Public Interest:Reflections on the Core Category of Environmental Law私权还是公益?环境法学核心范畴探析
10.From Administrative Environmental Powers to Public Environmental Interests:Conceptual Change of China’s System of Environmental Law从环境行政权力到环境公共利益——中国环境法律制度的理念更新
11.Protection of Consumer Rights in the Digital Rights Management Environment数字版权管理运行环境下的消费者权益保护
12.Environmental Rights in Tragic Choices of Resource Allocation--Interest nature of environmental rights from environmental resource allocation资源分配悲剧性选择中的环境权——从环境资源分配角度看环境权的利益属性
13.Simply on the Environment Administrative Public Welfare Lawsuit System--Taking the public environment right as guidance;环境行政公益诉讼制度略论——以公众环境权为指导
14.Creating the sound social environment for protecting the rights and interests of the aged.32、创造保障老年人权益的良好的社会环境。
15.On our part, we will keep improving the environment for investment and business operation and protect the rights and interests of investors in accordance with the law.继续改善投资和经营环境,依法保护投资者权益。
16.Research on China s Copyright Balance System in the Digital Environment;数字环境下我国版权保护利益平衡机制研究
17.Study on Balancing of Interests in Justice of Chinese Environmental Torts;我国环境侵权民事司法中的利益衡量研究
18.Research on the Mechanism of Balance of Interests in Copyright Law under the Internet Circumstances;网络环境下的著作权法利益平衡机制研究

environmental right环境权益
1.Based on international practice,the paper points out that enlargement of the publics environmental right is to ensur.在借鉴国际通行做法的基础上 ,提出通过扩展环境权益 ,确保公众的环境知情权、环境决策参与权和环境自卫权 ,完善公众的环境索赔权和诉讼权 ,为公众参与环境保护提供法律保障。
2.Based on introducing and appraising this conception,the paper discusses the possibility of explaining environmental rights of the public from this unique view.社会排斥是近年来社会学研究中的重要概念,本文在对社会排斥内涵进行简要述评的基础上,探讨将这一独特视角用于公众环境权益诠释的可能性,并具体分析中国公众在环境权益实现过程中所面临的社会文化排斥、社会体制排斥、自我认同排斥等社会排斥现象及其三者之间的关系。
3)On the Environmental Rights and Interests论环境权益
4)Environmental private interest环境私权利益
5)Environmental rights and interests of farmers农民环境权益
6)Public environment public welfare right of suit公众环境公益诉权

权益权益  【权益l提供资金、材料物资、劳务与服务等经济价值的出资人(所有者)对该企业(或其他经济主体)的财产(包括盈利)所拥有的权利。在企业中,也就是股东所拥有的权利,又称作“业主权益”(~r,朗甲月ity)。业主权益和负债共同构成资产的来源,但业主权益是排列在负债之后对企业资产的要求权或权益,从而是一种余剩权益,即扣除该企业(或其他经济主体)的负债后留剩在资产中的要求权或权益,有时又称作“净资产”(net日眨贻ts)。