配额制,Portfolio Standard
1)Portfolio Standard配额制
1.Deliberations on Renewable Portfolio Standard;可再生能源配额制的思考

1.automatic import quota system自动获准进口配额制
2.Optional Import Quota System自由选择进口配额制
3.Systems and Common Services Branch [Trade Department]配额制度及一般服务科〔贸易署〕
4.On the Quota System of Textile Trade Before and After the Intergation;纺织品服装贸易一体化前后的配额制
5.Renewable Portfolio Standard Option for China;可再生能源配额制(RPS)在中国应用探讨
6.aggregate limit(配额的) 总限额
7.Information Support and Staffing Table Control Unit信息支助和员额配置表控制股
8.Information Support and Staffing Control Unit信息支助和员额配置控制股
9.occupied posts subject to geographical distribution受地域分配限制的在职员额
10.post subject to geographical distribution受地域分配限制的员额(职位)
11."Determines and manages disk quota limits and properties.""确定并管理磁盘配额限制和属性。"
12.No system quota limits are specifically set for this account.没有为该帐户特别设置系统配额限制。
13.8. Quantitative Import Restrictions, including Prohibitions and Quotas 238.进口数量限制,包括禁止和配额
14."Deny disk space to users exceeding their assigned quota limit.""拒绝将磁盘空间分配给超过配额限制的用户。"
15.(iv) fill rates for the quota or TRQ;(ⅳ) 配额或关税配额的足额使用率;
16.restricted discretionary place须受限制的自行分配学位;须受限制的自行分配学额
17.unrestricted discretionary place不受限制的自行分配学位;不受限制的自行分配学额
18.Do you want to configure this additional domain controller as a global catalog?您想将这台额外域控制器配置为全局编录吗?

quota system配额制
1.Investigation and deliberations on renewable energy quota system;对可再生能源配额制的考察与思考
2.This article holds that the quota system as the core administration governance mechanisms can substitute for the law to play a role.本文的研究结论表明,在证券市场发展的初期,以配额制为核心的行政治理机制能够替代正式的法律治理起到一定的作用。
1.To address those barriers Mandatory Market Share (MMS) should be introduced which includes three options: Renewable portfolio Standard (RPS)Feed-in law(FIL) and Tendering.MMS政策的具体实现方式包括配额制(RPS)、强制上网法(FIL)和竞争性招标(Tendering)。
2.In all the policies and measures to promote the renewable energy, renewable portfolio standard (RPS) has significant effect and is enlightening to China.在国外所有发展可再生能源政策和措施中,可再生能源配额制政策的实施效果比较明显,对我们有借鉴意义。
1.This paper is focused on the quota to increase the presence of women s political participation in EU countries.使用配额制来提高女性参政已经成为欧盟国家的主要政策和法律工具。
5)quota system配额制度
1.The imperial examinations quota system aimed at the fair distribution of quota and the gradual coordination of the imbalanced development procedure of politics,economy,culture and education.科举配额制度是基于公平分配举额的目的,在协调各地政治、经济、文化和教育发展不平衡的过程中逐渐演变而成。
6)quota limit配额限制

关税配额制  将征收关税与进口配额结合起来,以限制外国商品输入的一种制度。它由政府规定一定时期内某种商品的关税配额,凡属在配额范围内进口的商品,课以较低的关税;凡属在配额范围外进口的商品,则课以较高的关税。可分为优惠性关税配额和非优惠性关税配额。前者对在配额范围内进口的商品,给予减征免征关税的优惠,对在配额范围外进口的商品,按普通关税税率课征。后者则对在配额范围内进口的商品,按普通关税税率课征,对在配额范围外进口的商品,除按普通关税税率课征以外,还要课征高额的附加税或者罚款。有的国家出于国内政策需要,还有采用国别关税配额的,其目的是为了有选择地限制从某些特定国家或地区进口的商品。    关税配额制最初是作为保护本国同类产品生产和国内市场的一种防御性措施,后来则被一些发达国家用以作为争夺国外市场和实行贸易歧视政策的一种进攻性手段。