双重红利,double dividend
1)double dividend双重红利
1.In this paper we propose a local equilibrium model based on "double dividend" hypothesis to deal with the environmental problem and employment problem.基于生态税“双重红利”假说的综合性税制改革是90年代以来各国政府和学术界关注的热点之一。
2.Through comparing the results brought by different levying modes and different ways of the revenue use,the paper finds that if the tax revenue return can play a good role in promoting energy-saving so as to improve the energy productivity,then the ideal results with "double dividend" will finally be reached.分析结果表明,如果税收返还能够很好地发挥正向激励的作用,进而使能源生产效率有所提高,那么最终可以达到"双重红利"的理想结果。
3.This paper introduces Taiwan\'s current energy and financial situation,then concludes and compares three broad programme of energy tax,and reviews the double dividend and the new questions.争论的焦点在于双重红利假说到底是否成立以及能源税开征所面临的新问题等,而这些争论对大陆地区与能源相关税收政策的制定具有重要的启示。

1.Ecological Tax and Employment:An Analysis on the "Double Dividend" Hypothesis;生态税与社会就业:“双重红利假说”的视角
2.Dynamic Expansion for Double Dividend Theory of Environmental Tax:A Preliminary Analysis Framework Based On Endogenous Growth Theory;环境税双重红利理论的动态扩展——基于内生增长理论的初步分析框架
3.Exhibitions in Australia and Indonesia印尼、澳大利亚展览会洽谈会双双飘红
4.When the corporation passes along profits to individuals in the form of dividends, the individuals are taxed again on these dividends. This is known as "double taxation."当公司把利润作为红利分给股东时,股东还必须纳税,这叫做“双重纳税”。
5.Lipkin bicapillary pycnometer利普金双毛细管比重计
6.Corporate earnings are subject to double taxation.公司盈利需双重纳税。
7.Dual Understanding of Love in Red Bean and Song of Youth;《红豆》与《青春之歌》对爱情的双重理解
8.Analystical Discussion on the implication of the Scarlet A and Its Dual Nature;试论《红字》“A”的内涵寓意及其双重性
9.A Study of Double Meaning in the Scarlet Letter and Its Translations《红字》语言双重性特征的翻译研究
10.Plant Resources Investigation and Exploitation of Hongshuang Forestry Centre in Rui'an County,Zhejiang Province浙江瑞安红双林场植物资源及其利用前景
11.The leghaemoglobin surrounding the bacteroids serves a dual role.类菌体四周的豆血红蛋白执行双重职能。
12.Above all, share out bonus is sure to have safeguard and investment double function.首先,分红保险具有保障和投资双重功能。
13.Recalling from Nightmare to Innocence--Dual cultural complex on Xiao Hong s novels;由梦魇向童真回溯——萧红对故乡的双重文化情结
14.Appraising Revolutionary Memories with Two Kinds of Standards;双重视域下的红色记忆——寒山碧《还乡》阅读札记
15.The Double Prescriptions of Administrative Power: its Right and Obligation论行政权力的双重规定性:权利与义务
16.Two Peaks of 3D Structure Constructed by 2D Contour Lines;利用二维轮廓线重构双峰值三维形体
17.On the Dual Effect of the Non-profit Organization s Tax-exempt Policy;非营利组织税收政策的双重效应分析
18.On the Dual Influence of Confucian s Viewpoint of Justice and Benefit and Its Contemporary Value;论儒家义利观的双重影响及当代价值

double dividend双红利
1.From the macro view,applying it can cause double dividend effect,including total welfare and employment double dividend.绿色税收的出现是治理污染外部性的政策工具之一,它可以产生双红利的效应,包括总福利和就业双红利两类。
3)dual right双重权利
1.The content of object of crime should be an in- fringement of“dual right”.我国刑法学界各种学说对犯罪客体内容的界定都存在不同程度的缺陷,实际上各学说的结论通过法律上的“权利”可以获得统一,犯罪客体的内容应是对“双重权利”的侵害。
5)"multi-dividend" effect"多重红利"效应
6)the mechanism of double profit双重利益模式
