陆源污染,land-based pollution
1)land-based pollution陆源污染
1.Discussed the effects of land-based pollution and environmental change on occurrence of red tide.讨论了陆源污染和环境变化对近海海城赤潮产生的影响,同时分析了富营养化与赤潮的关系。
2.To construct and consummate the mechanism of public participating in prevention and governance of land-based pollution include that consummating law.建立和完善公众参与陆源污染防治机制应从以下几方面着手:完善陆源污染防治法律制度,保障公众参与机制畅通,调动企业防治陆源污染的积极性,加强对公众海洋环保意识的教育和管理。

1.Protocol concerning Land-based Sources of Pollution关于陆源污染的议定书
2.Chapter IV Prevention of Pollution Damage to the Marine Environ- ment by Land-Sourced Pollutants第四章 防止陆源污染物对海洋环境的污染损害
3.Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources of Pollutants on the Legal System;陆源污染物污染海洋环境防治法律制度研究
4.Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources, draft保护地中海免受陆源污染议定书草案
5.be in charge of environmental protection against pollution damage caused by coastal construction projects and land-sourced pollutants.主管防止海岸工程和陆源污染物污染损害的环境保护工作。
6.Protocol for the Protection of the South-East Pacific against Pollution from Land-based Sources保护东南太平洋地区免受陆源污染议定书
7.The Legal System Study of Public Participation in Land-based Sources of Pollution Control;公众参与防治陆源污染的法律制度研究
8.The Progress on the Study of the Effects of Land-based PoUution on Occurrence of Red Tide;陆源污染对近海海域赤潮发生影响的研究进展
9.Study on evaluation method of pollutants amount from land in bay region沿海港湾区域陆源污染物定量估算方法研究
10.Stress will be laid on strengthening the control of land-sourced pollutants and implementing the system for controlling the total quantity of pollutants, in order to prevent the marine environment degenerating.重点加强陆源污染物管理,实行污染物总量控制制度,防止海洋环境退化。
11.A concept design of information system on controlling total mass for the land based pollutants discharged into Dalian Bay大连湾陆源污染物排海总量控制信息系统概念设计
12.Research on Modeling for the Decision Support Systems of Total Quantity Control for the Land Based Pollutants Discharged into the Jiao Zhou Bay胶州湾陆源污染物排海总量控制决策支持系统建模研究
13.marine pollution from land-based source陆源造成的海洋污染
14.pollution from land-based sources and activities陆地来源和活动污染
15.marine pollution from land-based sources陆地来源的海洋污染
16.Convention on Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land Sources防止陆源物质污染海洋公约
17.Paris Commission防止陆源海洋污染巴黎委员会
18.Protocol concerning Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities关于陆地来源和活动的污染的议定书

land-source pollutant陆源污染物
1.The article analyzes the situation of land-source pollutant of Nantong, and suggests some strategies and suggestions of environment protection and pollution prevention.分析了南通市陆源污染物现状 ,通过对比 1 998年污染物排放量和入海量 ,确定了污染物入海系数 ,计算出 2 0 0 0年污染物入海量 。
3)terrigenous pollution陆源性污染
4)land-based pollution source陆上污染源
5)agricultural land source pollution农业陆源污染
6)land-originated oils陆源油类污染物

陆心源陆心源 陆心源   清代医家。字刚甫、潜园,号存斋,尝任福建盐运使。家中藏书甚多,自著《诸病源候论校》、《外台秘要校》,其《奭宋楼藏书志》及《十万卷楼丛书》,前者为医家类藏书,后者亦有部分医书包括其中。