火电行业,thermal power industry
1)thermal power industry火电行业
1.The paper evaluates technical efficiency of thermal power industry in 30 provinces of China in 2004 with DEA three-stage model by excluding the effects of environmental variables and statistical noise.文章利用DEA三阶段分析法对2004年中国30个省(自治区、直辖市)火电行业进行了排除环境变量和统计噪音影响的技术效率分析,结果表明很多省份火电行业效率水平的确受到地区经济发展水平、资源禀赋等环境变量和好坏运气的影响,在同质经营环境下规模效率不高的问题更为突出。
2.SO2 emission trading of thermal power industry will possibly commence since the "twelfth five-year" plan period.随着我国对环境问题的重视及污染物排放总量控制政策的实施,推行排污权交易已经被国家提上工作日程,预计从"十二五"开始,我国将实施火电行业的二氧化硫排污权交易。
3.Mastery of NOx emission situation is the key to control NOx pollution of thermal power industry, but because of limitation of basic condition, the range of environment calculation doesn’t contain NOx emitting amount and official amount isn’t be promulgated.掌握我国火电行业NOx排放状况是控制NOx污染的前提和基础,而由于NOx排放量受技术条件和基础条件的限制,至今还未纳入我国环境统计范围,亦没有官方正式排放数据。

1.A Study on the SO_2 Emissions Trading of Chinese Thermal Power我国火电行业SO_2排污权交易制度研究
2.Study on the Estimation of NOx Emission from Thermal Power Industry in China;中国火电行业氮氧化物排放量估算研究
3.Analysis SO_2 Emission Reduction Capacity on Thermal Power During The 11th Five Years Plan“十一五”新疆火电行业二氧化硫减排潜力分析
4.Environment Regulation, Technology Innovation and Efficiency Improvement of Chinese Thermal Power Industry环境规制、技术创新与中国火电行业的效率提升
5.Research on Medium-long Term Control Programme and Technological Economy Analysis for Thermal Power Plants NO_x Control of China;中国火电行业氮氧化物中长期控制方案和技术经济研究
6.Emission Status of Nitrogen Oxide and Its Control Technique of Heat-engine Industry in Jiangsu江苏省氮氧化物排放现状及火电行业控制技术探讨
7.Technical Efficiency and Its Upgrade Orientation of Thermal Power Industry in Provinces of China --Based on the Analysis of Three-stage DEA Model;中国各省火电行业的技术效率及其提升方向——基于三阶段DEA模型的分析
8.EDM (Electric Discharge Machine)电火花(模具工业)
9.Investigation and Practice for the Reform of the Professional Courses in Thermal Power Unit Operation Teaching;“火电厂集控运行”专业课程改革的探索与实践
10.China Development Report on Desulphurization and Denitration Industries in Power Plants in 2008我国火电厂脱硫脱硝行业2008年发展综述
11.Purpose: Used in oxidant of rocket's fuel and electrolyte of lithium batteries etc.用途:用作火箭燃料的氧化剂,在电池行业用于生产锂电池电解液。
12.It is used in thermal power plant, coal mine, coal port and those industries and enterprises that require coal samples to monitor coal quality.用于火力发电厂、煤矿、煤港等需进行煤质监测采样的行业或单位。
13.Application of Calculation Methods of Gas Pollution Extrication in Investigation of Thermal Power Plant Industry废气污染物排放计算方法在火力发电行业普查中的应用
14.The Association of China Refractory Industry (ACRI)中国耐火材料行业协会
15.Used for fireproof roll curtains and fire doors in the buildingindustry.建筑行业用于防火卷帘门、防火门。
16.The movie industry.电影业制作电影的行业
17.Research on Economic Operation Problem of Power Plants;火电厂发电机组负荷优化运行的研究
18.Telecoms operators are jumping into television at a risky time, in other words, just as the way in which it is consumed and delivered is changing radically.电信运营商者在跳入电视行业的火坑,换句话说,他们这在一条不归路上激进的毁灭自己。

Thermal Power SO_2火电行业SO_2
3)thermal power construction industry火电施工行业
1.Quality control of heat treatment workpieces in thermal power construction industry;火电施工行业热处理件质量控制
4)electric power industry fire电业火灾
1.The influencing factors of electric power industry fire and explosion are expounded.简述了电业火灾爆炸的影响因素。
5)thermal power enterprises火电企业
1.Pointing to some irrational activities in assets appraisal of thermal power enterprises in China and combining with practice in assets appraisal form more than 10 years, the authors put forward to enhance the preparation of the early stage for the power assets appraisal to scientifically determine the economic life limit of power equipment.针对当前我国火电企业资产评估中的一些不合理做法,结合10多年资产评估工作实践,从电力资产的特点出发,提出要加强电力资产评估前期准备工作,科学地确定电力设备经济寿命年限,并就电力资产评估要素,如资金成本、合理建设工期、建设期利率、环保产生的经济性贬值等进行论述。
6)electroplating industry电镀行业
1.Way out and development of the electroplating industry in China in crisis situations危机形势下中国电镀行业的出路与发展
2.This text briefly introduced the origin of main pollutants in electroplating industry and its harm to entironment and human beings.本文简要介绍了电镀行业主要污染物的来源及其对环境和人体的危害。
3.This text contrasted and analysed the pollutants discharge limited level of electroplating industry home and abroad,illuminated the pollutants control index and the discharge limits confirming basis of"The discharge standard for pollutants from electroplating industry(idea solicitting draft)".本文对比分析了国内外电镀行业污染物的排放限值,说明《电镀行业污染物排放标准》(征求意见稿)中污染物控制指标与排放限值的确定依据。
