绿色GDP核算,green GDP accounting
1)green GDP accounting绿色GDP核算
1.Research on Policy-Making for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction based on Green GDP Accounting System基于绿色GDP核算体系的节能减排政策制定研究
2.Under green GDP accounting, Shenzhen bears high envi- ronmental costs for high GDP growth.充分利用环境拐点的有利时机,集中进行污染顽症治理攻坚,加大环境资源保护力度,科学规划可持续发展目标,调整产业结构,推进人、社会和自然的和谐,探索和实践绿色GDP核算,构成了深圳新一轮经济和社会改革发展创新的基本标识。

1.Green GDP Accounting Based on Value of Ecological Services;基于生态服务价值的绿色GDP核算
2.Estimate of Green GDP Based on Water Environment in Hangzhou;基于水环境的杭州市绿色GDP核算
3.Study on Establishment and Application of Green GDP Accounting System;绿色GDP核算体系的建立与应用研究
4.Emergy Analysis Based Study on Calculating Regional Green GDP;基于能值分析的区域绿色GDP核算研究
5.A Primary Study of Green GDP Accounting Frame of Hainan Province, P. R. China;海南省绿色GDP核算框架的初步研究
6.Accounting of green GDP and change of economy growth manner;绿色GDP核算与转变经济增长方式
7.To Study on Green GDP Accounting System and Application in Jiangsu Province;江苏省绿色GDP核算体系研究及应用
8.Empirical Study of Green GDP Accounting in Chengdu;绿色GDP核算实证研究——以成都市为例
9.An Empirical Study of Green GDP Accounting in Chengdu;以成都市为例的绿色GDP核算实证研究
10.A Strategic Plan to Establish Green GDP Assessing System in Yunnan Province of China;云南建立绿色GDP核算体系的策略研究
11.Difficult Points and Measures to Carry out Green GDP Accounting;实施绿色GDP核算的难点及措施建议
12.Review on the Sustainable Development Evaluation and Green GDP Accounting;可持续发展评价与绿色GDP核算述评
13.Analysis on the Feasibility of Building a Green GDP Calculating System;浅析构建绿色GDP核算体系可行性
14.Mistaken Areas in Green GDP Accounting Research and Clarification;绿色GDP核算研究的误区及其澄清
15.Green GDP Accounting: Theory, Method and Application;绿色GDP核算:理论·方法·应用
16.The Green GDP of the our Country Accounting the Present Condition and CountermeasureResearches;我国绿色GDP核算存在的问题及其对策
17.Thouhgts of Constructing the Green GDP Account System;关于构建绿色GDP核算体系的几点认识
18.Optimal Allocation of Water Resources and "Green GDP" Accounting of Hengshui;衡水市水资源优化配置与“绿色GDP”核算

Accounting Report of Green GDP绿色GDP核算报告
1.After analysis the < Accounting Report of Green GDP 2004 , China > , which is the first Green GDP accounting report in China, this paper analyzes the main difficulty in construction and implementation of the Green GDP Accounting in China as well as it s inspiration to us.在对我国首份绿色GDP核算报告《中国绿色GDP核算报告2004》解读的基础上,分析了我国在构建和实施绿色GDP核算存在的问题以及该份绿色GDP核算报告给我们的启示。
3)marine green GDP accounting海洋绿色GDP核算
1.The marine green GDP accounting has two major functions, accounting function and management function.海洋绿色GDP核算主要有两大功能:记账功能和管理功能。
4)Green GDP Calculation Method绿色GDP核算方式
5)green accounting绿色核算
1.Water pricing of Beijing based on water resources green accounting;基于水资源绿色核算的北京市水价
2.Optimization of forest policy in China from the point of green accounting for forests;从森林绿色核算看我国林业政策的优化
3.This paper has calculated the physical value,monetary value and green GDP for forest and so on in the Greater Hinggan Mountains in Heilongjiang Province in China from 1997 to 2003 based on green accounting summary both at home and abroad.在对国内外森林绿色核算研究综述的基础上,对黑龙江大兴安岭1997—2003年森林资源的实物量、价值量和森林绿色GDP等进行了核算。
6)green GDP绿色GDP
1.Green GDP Accounting Based on Sustainable Development;基于可持续发展理论的绿色GDP核算——以江苏省为例
2.By Green GDP Implementation in Question and its Solution;论绿色GDP实施中的问题及其解决办法
3.The Effect Valuation of Water Environmental Improvement Based on Green GDP;绿色GDP核算框架下的水环境治理效益评价

绿色GDP核算  即绿色国民经济核算,是指从传统GDP中扣除自然资源耗减成本和环境退化成本的核算体系,能够更为真实地衡量经济发展成果。