软国力,Soft Power
1)Soft Power软国力
2)soft strength function软国力函数
3)national soft power国家软实力
1.Upgrading national soft power has become the real issue we have to face during the great regenerative journey of Chinese nation.一个国家的"软实力"对于提升国际影响力和形象具有举足轻重的作用,提升国家软实力已经成为中华民族伟大复兴征途中必须面对的现实课题。

1.Study of The Impact of Cultural Identity on a Country’s Soft Power;论文化认同对发展国家软实力的作用
2.On Cultural Construction from Improving Soft Power Strategic Height;从提高国家软实力的战略高度来看文化建设
3.On the Promotion of the National Soft Power and the Construction of the Core Value System国家软实力的提升与核心价值体系的建构
4.Exploration in Chinese Development Mode and Its Implication in Enhancing the Soft Power中国发展模式的探索及其对建构国家软实力的启示
5.Some Opinions on Upgrade National Soft Power by Develop the Cultural Industry通过发展文化产业来提升国家软实力的几点思考
6.To Enhance the National Cultural Soft Power by Strengthening the Media增强传媒实力以提高国家文化软实力
7.To Improve the Cultural Soft Strength of the Nation: Connotation, Background and Task;提高国家文化软实力:内涵、背景和任务
8.Thought on the Research of the "Soft Power" and the Construction of National Cultural Security System文化“软实力”及国家文化安全研究引论
9.Conforming to the Times and Development of the Practice,Improving the National Soft Power of Culture顺应时代和实践的发展 提高国家文化软实力
10.Culture Soft Power Competition: Pay Attention to China s National Culture Security;文化软实力竞争:关注中国国家文化安全
11.Comparison and Enlightenment of Enhancing Chinese Cultural Soft Power提高国家文化软实力的国际比较与借鉴
12.Rational Thought on Enhancing the National Cultural Soft Power;对“提高国家文化软实力”问题的理性思考
13.An interpretation of the national cultural strength from perspective of publicizing abroad;从对外传播视角解读提高国家文化软实力
14.The Development of Librarianship and the Enhancement of National Cultural Soft Power发展图书馆事业与国家文化软实力的提升
15.National Cultural Soft Power and University's Ideological and Political Theory Education国家文化软实力与高校思想政治理论教育
16.Constructing of Mainstream Culture and Enhancing Soft Power of National Culture论建构主流文化与提升国家文化软实力
17.An Analysis of the Mitigating Effect of Russia’s “Soft Power” on the CIS’S Centrifugal Tendency浅析俄罗斯“软实力”对独联体国家离心力的缓解作用
18.A Discussion on the Soft Power of China and the Path of Enhancing the Soft Power of China试论我国软实力优势及其提升软实力的路径

soft strength function软国力函数
3)national soft power国家软实力
1.Upgrading national soft power has become the real issue we have to face during the great regenerative journey of Chinese nation.一个国家的"软实力"对于提升国际影响力和形象具有举足轻重的作用,提升国家软实力已经成为中华民族伟大复兴征途中必须面对的现实课题。
4)China's soft power中国软实力
5)soft power of China中国软力量
6)Softpower constructing软国力建设

软炸软丝条中文名称: 软炸软丝条出处: 川辣子产地: 四川类别: 菜谱制作方法title 制作方法软炸软丝条【材料】墨鱼300克、红辣椒2支、大蒜2瓣、葱1根、花生1大匙、蛋黄粉1杯调味料盐1茶匙、糖1茶匙、酱油膏少许、味精少许【作法】1.墨鱼洗净切成条状,拌入蛋黄粉,入油锅炸熟备用。2.红辣椒切段,大蒜切片,葱切段,入锅爆香,加入炸好的墨鱼、花生及调味料即可。