排污税,pollution tax
1)pollution tax排污税
1.Considering that administrators not just charge pollutions but also take part in reducing polluters,the ideal pollution tax is achieved when the cost of the whole society is minimized and the pollution is under control in each receptor.通过评价因素的重要程度和约简因素,确定了模型中各污染源的排污浓度对各控制点污染物浓度的影响权重;考虑了管理者在征收排污税的同时参与了环境治理工作,使得各个控制点在符合污染物浓度控制要求的条件下,得出了理想的排污税,并达到了全社会总成本最低。

1.The Implementation of the Feasibility Analysis of Sewage Tax System in China;我国排污税收制度实施的可行性分析
2.The Effect of Pollution Tax on the Capital Structure of Leader inStackelberg Oligopoly under the Situation of Asymmetric Information;排污税对寡头市场主导厂商资本结构影响的研究
3.The Unreality of Selling Pollution Right and the Necessary of Levying Pollution Tax;排污权交易的非现实性和征收污染环境税的必要性
4.Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China, on Deferring the Execution of Sales Tax Deduction Policy on Cars of Lower Exhaust Fumes财政部、国家税务总局关于暂缓执行低污染排放小汽车减征消费税政策的通知
5.A "pure" effluent charge system requires payment of a fee or tax on each unit of pollution released into the air or water.“纯粹”排污收费制度要求付款和缴税,按照释放到空气或者水中污染物的量缴纳。
6.discharge prediction of industrial pollution sources工业污染源排污预测
7.Sewage and Stormwater Disposal《污水及雨水排放》
8.Emission Standards for Consumption-generated Pollution in International Trade;国际贸易中消费排污产品的排污标准
9.tax allowances for anti-pollution investments税率优待反污染投资
10.(e) the value of export duties/taxes by product(e)出口关税/税的金额,按产品排列
11.Drained water from the sink.将水从污水槽中排掉
12.the eating of excrement or other filth.吃排泄物或其他污物。
13.mine drainage pollution矿山排水造成的污染
14.effluent quality standard for dyeing and printing industry印染工业污水排放标准
16.bilge pumping and draining system舱底污水泵及排水系统
17.emission analyser排气污染成分分析仪
18.world-wide emissions (of pollutants)污染物的全世界排放量

emission taxes排污税
1.Correcting market failure in asymmetric transboundary pollution by emission taxes;跨区域污染情况下的贸易禁令与排污税
3)emission taxation排污税
1.After comparing emission trading policy with its alternatives such as emission taxation and “command and control” policy,this paper proves the superiority of emission trading policy in controlling emission level effectively and economically, and analyses the desirability and feasibility of the introduction of this policy to China.本文从排污权交易制度与排污税、直接管制政策的比较入手 ,通过理论分析 ,论述了排污权交易制度在实现污染控制目标和降低污染治理成本方面的优越性以及这一制度在我国实施的必要性和已具备的条件。
4)tax on water pollution水排污税
5)effluent charge排污费;排污税 EC
6)effluent fee排污费;排污税 EF
