非期望产出,undesirable output
1)undesirable output非期望产出
1.Study on regional energy efficiency considering undesirable outputs考虑非期望产出的区域能源效率评价研究
2.This paper compares some advantages and disadvantages of the relative DEA models dealing with undesirable output and introduces a non-radial and non-oriented SBM model to deal with the problem of undesirable.伴随企业产品的生产,一些有害副产品也随之被生产出来,传统的DEA效率评价模型和研究文献均没有考虑这些副产品,因此评价结果并不能正确地衡量企业的技术效率水平;文章比较了非期望产出处理的相关DEA模型的优缺点,引入了一个非径向和非角度的SBM模型处理非期望产出问题,并对43家企业进行了环境效率的实证分析。
3.The data envelopment analysis(DEA) model relating to the treatment of undesirable outputs is reviewed,and theoretic analysis and empirical studies are made to prove that the slack-based measure(SBM) model is a rational and advantageous measure to deal with undesirable outputs.文章回顾了非期望产出处理的相关DEA模型,从理论和实证两方面证明SBM模型处理非期望产出的合理性和优点,用此模型处理非期望产出测算了1990~2006年我国各省区环境效率,并将其与CCR模型得到的不含污染变量情况下的效率情况加以对比,分析了我国区域环境效率状况、差异以及演进规律。

1.Study on regional energy efficiency considering undesirable outputs考虑非期望产出的区域能源效率评价研究
2.Between China's Fiscal Decentralization and the Efficiency of China's Economic Growth财政分权与中国经济增长的效率——基于非期望产出模型的分析
3.Stochastic Frontier Production Model with Undesirable Outputs: An Application to an HIV Immunology Model;含非期望输出随机生产前沿函数模型在HIV免疫治疗中的应用
4.The Stochastic Prediction DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs and Its Application;具有非期望输出的随机DEA预测模型及应用
5.Social Status, Unexpected Utility Function,Asset Pricing and Economic Growth;社会地位、非期望效用函数、资产定价和经济增长
6.While views differ from reading the property market has come out to see?多方解读看法不一京城地产市场已走出观望期?
7.Building and Evaluation of the DEA models for DMUs with Undesirable Outputs;基于非期望输出决策单元的DEA模型的建立与评估
8.This betters our expectation.这个超出了我们的期望。
9.The results have gone beyond our hopes.结果超出了我们的期望。
11.After the ethylene project begins its production, the Shuidong Development Zone will hopefully enter the overall output period and its total industrial output will realize a relatively large margin of increase.乙烯工程投产后,水东开发区可望进入全面产出时期,工业总产值将实现较大幅度的增长。
12.Due to the nonlinearity of the system, the bias between actual output of the system and the ideal response is inevitable.由于振动台的非线性,系统的输出不可避免的与期望的响应信号之间有偏差。
13.Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation.举个例子,一名女子非常规性地,在怀孕期32周出现了早产现象。
14.Analysis of Asymmetric Effects of Monetary Policy Shocks to Output;我国货币政策冲击对实际产出周期波动的非对称影响分析
15.Many nonferrous metal product makers are set to expand their output and expected to increase earnings over the coming months.许多非铁类金属制造商计划提高产量,期望在接下来的几个月中增加收入。
16.He was sick for a sight of her by then.在这期间他非常渴望看到他。
17.Expect offering before thursday market very firm.市场非常稳定,望星期四有供货。
18.Isabel listened with extreme respect to this admonition.伊莎贝尔非常郑重地听取了这个期望。

undesirable output非期望输出
1.The researching on the DMUs with undesirable outputs gives the non-radial model FDEA of the relative efficiency evaluation,proves the efficiency theories, and calculates the example.针对具有非期望输出决策单元DMU的相对有效性 ,提出对其进行评价的非径向FDEA模型 ,并给出模型的相对有效性理论证明 。
3)Undesirable Outputs非期望输出
1.The Relative Efficiency Measurement of DMUs with Undesirable Outputs;具有非期望输出决策单元的有效性评价
2.The Stochastic Prediction DEA Models with Undesirable Outputs and Its Application;具有非期望输出的随机DEA预测模型及应用
3.Building and Evaluation of the DEA models for DMUs with Undesirable Outputs;基于非期望输出决策单元的DEA模型的建立与评估
4)desired response期望输出
1.Specifying the desired response is key to design of polarization interference filter.期望输出的给定是偏振干涉滤光片设计的关键。
5)inspection expectation检出期望
1.Secondly, as to the standards sampling plans, the concept of inspection expectation are gave us.其次,针对标准型抽样方案,利用现代抽样方案的平均检出质量和操作特性函数,提出了检出期望的概念。
6)expectation product期望产品

非市场产出非市场产出 【非市场产出】为常住单位自身最终使用的产出以及为住户服务的非营利机构或政府生产的货物和提供的个人或公共服务。为自身最终使用的产出是指该产出的企业的所有者留作自身最终使用的货物或服务(只能由非法人企业所生产)以及住宅所有者为自身最终消费所生产的住房服务和雇佣家庭雇员所生产的自给性服务。为住户服务的非营利机构或政府生产的货物和提供的个人或公共服务,都是免费或按低价提供的,其产出价值等于以下项目价值的总和:①免费或按低价个别地或共同地提供给其他机构单位的货物和服务的总值;②一基层单位提供给属于同一非市场生产者的其他基层单位用作中间投人的货物或服务的总值;③打算用于上述某种用途的制成品和在制品的存货变动总值。产出估价根据它们的生产成本。