自愿协议,voluntary agreement
1)voluntary agreement自愿协议
1.Legal Research on Energy Conservation Voluntary Agreement;节能自愿协议法律问题研究
2.The paper questions the Environmental Economic Incentive on legal principles, analyses difficult positions for Environmental Economic Incentive in environmental protection, advocates the introduction of the late-model environment economic incentive mechanism- Voluntary Agreement develops the posit.本文在法理上对环境经济刺激手段提出了若干质疑,分析了环境经济刺激手段在环境保护实践中的现实困境,并主张引入自愿协议这一新型的环境经济刺激机制,扬长避短,充分发挥经济刺激手段的积极作用。
3.The environment administrational voluntary agreement is the very new legal institution of environment management, being born in such a background .在新的发展阶段,顺应时代的要求,中国提出了可持续发展战略思想,表现在环境管理领域包括:环境管制手段越来越多样,环境保护制度越来越多元,环境标准越来越严格,其中环境行政自愿协议正是在这样的背景下诞生的一种新兴的环境管理法律制度,它是由政府因地制宜、因企制宜,主动引导当地企业在自愿基础上,与政府签订的达到高于一般法律标准的环境目标并因此获得政府优惠措施的协议。

1.Preliminary Study on Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises;中国乡镇企业能效自愿协议活动初探
2.Improving Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in Steel Industry by Voluntary Agreement;利用节能自愿协议推动钢铁行业节能减排
3.agreement in mediation must be reached between the two parties of their own accord and no coercion is allowed.调解达成协议,必须双方自愿,不得强迫。
4.agreement in the voluntary sector [HOKLAS]自愿性测试的协议〔认可计划〕
5.The System Innovation of Environmental Regulation:Voluntary Environmental Agreements;环境规制的制度创新:自愿性环境协议
6.They override agreements entered into voluntarily by founders and investors.它们推翻了创始人和投资者自愿达成的协议。
7.Instead, it had adopted a policy of negotiating voluntary testing agreements with industry, though the agreements were not legally enforceable.相反,它运用了一种与企业达成的自愿检验协议政策,尽管这种协议在法律上是难以实施的。
8.a settlement agreement reached between the two parties through conciliation must be of their own free will and without compulsion. and the content of the settlement agreement shall not contravene the law.调解达成协议,必须双方自愿,不得强迫,协议的内容不得违反法律规定。
9.Such agreements shall observe principles of equality, voluntarity and making compensation for equal value. The contents of such agreements shall be specific and concrete.协议的签订应当遵循平等、自愿、等价、有偿的原则,协议内容应明确、具体。
10.the Food and Drug Administration negotiates "voluntary" recalls of potentially hazardous food products;食品和药物管理局协商议定"自愿"撤回有潜在危害的食品产品;
11.Import quotas are sometimes dressed up as voluntary export restraint agreements between exporting and importing countries.进口配额有时被装扮成出口国和进口国达成的自愿出口限制协议。
12.coordinated voluntary insurance approach协调式自愿投保方法
13.ATESEA Association for Voluntary Surgical Contraception自愿接受外科绝育手术协会(绝育协会)
14.and implementing individual technological innovation projects listed in the voluntary pollutant reduction agreements entered into per the provisions of article 29 of this Law,和本法第二十九条规定的自愿削减污染物排放协议中载明的技术改造项目,
15.Members transferring their holdings of voluntary shares to one another by mutual agreement shall have complete freedom as concerned with time, number, etc.各成员之间以协议方式相互转让自愿认缴额,不受时间、数额等任何限制。
16.Article 4 Conclusion of the partnership agreement and establishment of the partnership shall be under the principles of self-willingness, equality, fairness, and good faith.第四条订立合伙协议,设立合伙企业,应当遵循自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用原则。
17.knowledge aided protocol automatio知识辅助协议自动化
18.Adaptive MAC Protocol in Ad hoc Networks自适应的Ad hoc MAC协议

volunteer approaches自愿协议方法
3)voluntary agreements节能自愿协议
1.By international comparison and reduction engineering method,the paper analyses the potential of emission-reducing and energy-saving in Chinese steel industry,and the importance of voluntary agreements on energy conservation and emission reduction.采用国际比较和简易工程方法分析了我国钢铁行业节能减排的潜力,并结合济钢、莱钢参与节能自愿协议的成功案例分析了节能自愿协议对钢铁行业节能减排的作用,指出节能自愿协议不仅实际减少了能源的消耗,还增强了企业从管理上入手进行节能减排的意识,并给企业带来了更多更深远的影响。
4)demonstration of voluntary approach自愿协议式管理
5)Voluntary energy conservation agreements自愿节能协议
1.Voluntary energy conservation agreements are a good management model for improving energy utilizing efficiency, and are widely used in a great deal of industries in the world.自愿节能协议是目前许多国家为提高能源利用效率所采取的一种管理模式。
6)energy efficiency voluntary能效自愿协议
