遗产资源,heritage resource
1)heritage resource遗产资源
1.Analysis of manager and tourist s relation balance in using heritage resource to-urism;遗产资源旅游利用中经营者与旅游者的利益平衡分析
2.The world heritage resource has outstanding and universal value,which is precious for people.自然遗产资源包含生态、经济和社会文化价值。
3.The heritage resource in Scenic and Historic Interest Area does bring proceeds to our country and local governments, while resulting in threats to sustainable development of heritage resource itself.风景名胜区遗产资源为景区建设和旅游开发带来了经济收入,同时,不当的遗产资源利用给遗产可持续发展带来了威胁。

1.Study on the Management Mode Evolution and Innovation of Site Cultural Heritage Resource in Shaanxi Province;陕西省遗址文化遗产资源管理模式变迁及创新
2.Exploration on the Integration and Development of the Regional Red-Cultural Heritage Resource;区域红色文化遗产资源整合开发探析
3.Status And Appraisement Of Dinosaur Geology Inheritance Resource In Yichun City伊春市恐龙地质遗产资源状况及评价
4.Thoughts on the Preservation and Utilization of Heritage Resources in Wenchuan Area汶川地区遗产资源保护与利用的思考
5.Study on the Conservation and Development of Heritage Resources in China--Sustainable Development of Heritage Tourism;中国遗产资源的保护与发展——兼论遗产旅游业的可持续发展
6.Architectural Design and Research in the Surrounding Environment of Historical and Cultural Heritage Resources;历史文化遗产资源周边环境中的建筑设计研究
8.On the protection of geological vestige resources and natural and cultural heritage;略论地质遗迹资源与自然文化遗产保护
9.On the Access to Genetic Resources and the Emergence of Benefit-sharing;论遗传资源的获取和惠益分享的产生
10.On the Resources of Farming Culture and the Heritages of Intangible Culture;关于农耕文化资源与非物质文化遗产
11.Thinking on Utilization and Protection of Heritage Landscape Resources基于风景资源遗产利用与保护的思考
12.The Primary Research on the Assets Management of Tourism Resources of Geological Remains;地质遗迹类旅游资源的资产化管理初探
13.Cultural artifacts are protected by the Archaeological Resources Protection Act.文化遗产被考古资源保护行动协会所保护。
14.Measures will be taken to protect tourism resources and other cultural and geological heritage.采取措施保护旅游资源和其它文化、地质遗产。
15.Research on the Benefit Sharing Pattern of the Intellectual Property Derived from Genetic Resource;遗传资源的知识产权利益分享模式研究
16.Management, Exploitation and Utilization of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Archives;非物质文化遗产档案资源的管理、开发与利用
17.The Research on the Intellectual Property Rights International Protection of Genetic Resources;遗传资源的知识产权国际保护问题研究
18.Recommendations for Resources Management of Cultural Heritage Place in Emperor Qin Shihuang s Mausoleum;秦始皇帝陵文化遗产地资源管理对策研究

heritage resources遗产资源
1.How to strengthen the protection of heritage resources and promote the sustainable and healthy development of heritage tourism is an important problem facing the government at the present time.目前,加强遗产资源的保护,促进遗产旅游的持续、健康发展,是政府面临的一个重要问题。
2.The non-marketing value of the heritage resources have been stressed.国外重视遗产资源的非物质价值,采用分区理论规划遗产地,运用先进信息技术保护与展现遗产资源
3.On the basis of investigation of more than 30 ancient villages in Mentougou District of Beijing,this paper summarizes heritage resources in the area.在考察北京门头沟区30余座古村落的基础上,总结了这一地区的文化遗产、自然遗产和非物质文化遗产资源
3)super heritage resources特种遗产资源
1.Defining and protection of super heritage resources-A new domain of applied quaternary research in Western China exploitation;特种遗产资源的认定与保存技术——西部大开发中应用第四纪研究的新领域
4)red heritage resource红色遗产资源
5)cultural heritage resources文化遗产资源
6)world heritage resources世界遗产资源
1.As mankind s common wealth, world heritage resources must be protected practically and effectively.世界遗产资源作为人类共同的宝贵财富必须得到切实、有效的保护,本文以世界遗产资源这一公共物品供给理论为视角,揭示了市场和政府在保护世界遗产资源中所存在的市场失灵与政府失灵以及第三部门在弥补这些失灵中所发挥的作用,并从国际经验出发,阐述了第三部门对于保护我国世界遗产资源所具有的意义及其发展的制约因素,最后提出了培育和发展我国第三部门的政策措施与建议。

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。