法律原因,legal cause
1)legal cause法律原因

1.An Analysis of Legal Causes and Countermeasures on Minor Crimes未成年人犯罪的法律原因分析及对策
2.Legal Analysis of the Problems Arising From the Transfer of the Contractual Right of the Rural Land;土地承包经营权流转存在问题的法律原因分析
3.On the Causes Resulting in the Loss of the Supervisory Mechanism of A Company and the Countermeasures;论公司监督机制失衡的法律原因及对策
4.the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision.陈述法院决定的原因的法律文件。
5.An Analysis On the Legal System and Lawmaking of EU GM foods欧盟转基因食品法律制度及立法原因分析
6.Analysis of Representations and Causes of the Conflict between Administrative Regulations and Law;行政规定与法律冲突表现及原因分析
7.On Law Loopholes;论法律漏洞存在的原因、类型及其防治
8.Analysis on the Chinese Law s Correspondence with WTO Rules;中国法律与WTO规则接轨的原因分析
9.Discussion On the reasons for software infringement, determination and legal liability谈软件侵权的原因、认定及法律责任
10.Legal Structural Reason and Countermeasure on Extortion of Confession by Torture刑讯逼供的法律结构原因和根本对策
11.The Payment with Illeaal Cause in Our Law and Embezzlement Crime我国法律规定下的不法原因给付与侵占罪
12.The reasons of forming loopholes in law are manifold, such as the lagging and abstractness of the law standardization etc.法律漏洞形成的原因有多种,如法律规范的滞后性、象性等。
13.A Probe into the "Not disputed" Legal Tradition of Traditional China--Concurrently from an Angle Between Chinese and Western Legal Tradition;传统中国“无讼”法律传统原因探究——兼从中西法律传统比较角度
14.The objective reason for tax avoidance is the weakness of laws related to taxation itself.避税形成的客观原因是税收法律本身的漏洞。
15.Problems in and Causal Analysis of College Students Legal Qualities;大学生法律素质存在的问题及原因分析
16.System Reason and Legal Countermeasures of Protecting the Rights and Interests of Landless Farmers;失地农民权益保护问题的制度原因及法律对策
17.Characteristics,Causes of Environmental Group Events and Its Legal Counterplan;环境群体性事件的特点、原因及其法律对策
18.The Cause of Legal Disputes Derived from Student Management in Colleges and Universities and the Countermeasure;高校学生管理法律纠纷产生的原因与防范

legal reason法律原因
1.Observed from the angle of law and economics, the legal reason for credit absence lies in both the lower legal cost of credit loss and the absence of law regulation of credit s right.信用失常的法律原因,从法律经济学的视角看,在于失信的法律成本偏低和法定信用权缺位,法律无法通过改变经济人成本—收益结构来引导经济人遵循法律;从法律部门的角度思考,在于民法、行政法对失信这一社会关系调整的不足和无能。
3)legal reasons法律原因
1.The research into the development of eco-tourism should explore the issue of constitutional guarantees at a higher level besides the impact of the specific legal reasons.在对生态旅游发展问题的探讨中,除了要找到影响生态旅游发展的具体法律原因以外,还应当在更高的层面上,探索其中所体现出的宪法保障问题。
4)legal causative potency法律原因力
1.Based on various doctrines of causation,this thesis attempts to define causative potency and then compares factual causative potency with legal causative potency in order to analyze the function of causative potency.有别于以往研究的是,本文试图从各种因果关系学说中梳理出原因力理论,厘清原因力的概念、性质,并在区分事实原因力与法律原因力的前提下探讨其作用。
5)reason out of law非法律原因
6)reasons and legal basis原因和法律依据
