法制保障,legal protection
1)legal protection法制保障
1.Study on Legal Protection to Water Resource Security in China;中国水资源安全法制保障研究

1.Ethical guidance of environmental protection and its legal system security in china;我国环境保护的伦理导向与法制保障
2.The Legal Safeguard Mechanism in the Construction of Harmonious Qinghai;构建和谐青海中的法制保障机制研究
3.Legalized Security in Harmonious Society Construction;构建和谐社会的法制保障——我国农村最低生活保障制度建设
4.A Study on Constructing the Safeguard of Socialism Harmonious Socialist Legality;构建社会主义和谐社会法制保障研究
5.Legislation Law── the Guarantee of Improving the Quality of Legislating, Making Suitable Laws;立法法──提高立法质量、制定良法的保障
6.Research on the Constitution s Safeguard System of Human Rights -- Analysis of "Safeguard Clause to Human Rights;宪法的人权保障机制研究——“人权保障条款”的解读
7.Theoretic Analysis of the Social Security Legal System of New Rural Areas;新农村社会保障法制建设的法理分析
8.Mechanism for Guaranteeing Judicial Justice and Judicial Efficiency;司法公正与司法效率的保障机制研究
9.On Modern Legal Consciousness, Safeguard System and Constitutional Right;现代法律意识、保障机制与宪法权利
10.On the Law System s Consummation about the Disabled People s Rights and Interests Safeguard without Barriers in China;论我国残疾人无障碍权益保障法律制度的完善
11.Strengthen the Construction of Constitution Guarantee System to Ensure the Implementation of the Strategies of Legally Administrating the Country;加强宪法保障制度建设 确保依法治国方略实施
12.The Reformation and Improvement of the Social Security Law in China;社会保障法主体的解析——我国社会保障法律制度的改革与完善
13.Competition law system is a reliable safeguard of market competition.竞争法律制度是市场竞争的可靠保障。
14.To ensure people's democracy, we must strengthen our legal system.为了保障人民民主,必须加强法制。
15.Research on the Legal Safeguard Mechanisms for the Safety of Internet Banking;网上银行业务安全法律保障机制研究
16.The Study of Land-Lost Farmers Social Security Legal System;中国失地农民社会保障法律制度研究
17.Study on the Perfection of the Freedom of Association under Legal Protection;论我国结社自由法律保障制度的完善
18.Study on the Legislation for China s Rural Social Security System;我国农村社会保障制度法律问题研究

Legal Guarantee法制保障
1.However, economic ethics construction can t get on without legal guarantee.我国市场经济的健康良性运行 ,离不开经济伦理建设 ,而经济伦理建设又离不开法制保障 :从宏观上看 ,在社会主义市场经济条件下 ,维持良好的道德秩序需要法制作后盾 ;从微观上看 ,要使企业在经济行为中有可能持久选择道德的行为 ,社会应当提供一个宏观的且运作有效的制度体制 ;从总体上看 ,伦理建设与法制建设密不可
3)legal system safeguard法制保障
1.Based on the legal system safeguard of overseas universities distance learning, analyzes and summarizes some of the features that worthy of our study.本文通过对国外高校远程教育法制保障现状的梳理和归纳,分析并总结了值得我国学习的一些特点,在此基础上,结合我国实际情况进行了对比研究。
2.Our country citizens are educated the power legal system safeguard to exist many barriers:First,is educated the power the legislative lag;Second,is educated the power not enforcing the law strictly;Third,is educated the power the surveillance not strength;Fourth,is educated the power the relief to be impeded.我国公民受教育权法制保障存在诸多障碍:一是受教育权的立法滞后;二是受教育权的执法不严;三是受教育权的监督不力;四是受教育权的救济不畅。
4)legal safeguard法制保障
1.constructing the harmonious Qinghai need legal safeguard.构建和谐青海,需要法制保障
5)legal guarantee system法制保障
1.Urbanization is greatly demanded by the constant development of economy while legal guarantee system is badly demanded by the construction of urbanization.经济持续发展急需城镇化进程,而城镇化建设要靠法制保障
6)national legality guarantee民族法制保障

后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)sustained logistic support capability  houqin chixu baozhQng nengli后勤持续保障能力(sus‘ained 10915‘ics叩port eaPability)见后勤保障能力。