恢复费用法,replacement cost method
1)replacement cost method恢复费用法
1.In this paper,the methods of evaluating regional water pollution losses are studied and water pollution losses of Shandong(1997-1999) are estimated with the replacement cost method.通过对区域水污染经济损失核算方法的研究,采用恢复费用法估算山东省1997-1999年的水污染损失。
2.The paper tries to use the test method and replacement cost method to assess the risk of groundwater pollution through investigation of sewage discharge in the Shijiazhuang reach of the Hutuo River of.通过对滹沱河石家庄段污水排放的调查,利用实验测试和恢复费用法对研究区内地下水的污染进行风险评价。
2)resuming expenses evaluate method恢复费用评估法
3)restoration cost恢复费用

1.The court concluded that Congress intended a "distinct preference" for restoration cost as the measure of damages.法院得出结论,国会试图把恢复费用当作损失赔偿估量。
2.paying the necessary cost of repairing or restoring the damaged property to its nearest condition immediately preceding the damage赔付受损财产基本恢复原状的修理、修复费用;
3.No organization and private individual shall divert the forest vegetation recovery payments.任何单位和个人不得挪用森林植被恢复费。
4.Your entry fee will help restore fish habitat in the Eel River Watershed.你的入口费用将帮助在鳗河分水岭恢复鱼产地。
5.The Problems Existed in Levying the Fees for Forest Vegetation Regeneration of Occupied and Expropriated Forestland and Countermeasures;实施占用征用林地征收森林植被恢复费存在的问题及对策措施
6.The perfume consumer presumably assumes that the volume is resumed.香水消费者假定地设想音量已恢复.
7.With the passing of Fisher from the scene, sanity had returned.费希尔离职后恢复了理智。
8.restore old laws, taxes, charges, etc恢复旧时的法律、 税制、 收费等
9.Calculating Method of Mining Eco-environmental Restoration and Compensation Cost矿山生态恢复与补偿费计算方法研究
10.Breeding and Utilization of “Rong Hui 906”,A Broad Restorer of Rice;水稻广谱恢复系蓉恢906的选育及利用
11.Development and utilization of indica-java cross restorer line Yahui 671籼爪交恢复系亚恢671的选育与利用
12.Breeding and Application of Good-quality Rice Restorer Line Wanhui 88优质水稻恢复系万恢88选育及应用
13.applied nutrition and nutrition rehabilitation实用营养和恢复营养
14.refresh oneself with a cold shower用冷水浴恢复精神。
15.Investigation of Level-Classified Rehabilitation Management Mode in Community for Acute Stroke Patients社区分级康复管理模式对急性脑卒中患者功能恢复的影响及其费用效益分析
16.Song of Regeneration This allows you to restore your stamina more quickly.恢复之歌使用后会更快的恢复你的耐力。
17.To restore the ability to function or the effectiveness of.恢复恢复活动、作用能力或原有的有效性
18.Applying Resilience to Evaluate Elasticity Resuming Performance of Rubber Asphalt应用回弹恢复评价橡胶沥青的弹性恢复能力

resuming expenses evaluate method恢复费用评估法
3)restoration cost恢复费用
4)application recovery应用恢复
5)Restorative effect恢复作用
6)back-up recovery备用恢复

保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)  保险的费用(含施救费用与救助费用)保险人即保险公司承保的费用。即当保险标的物遭遇保险责任范围内的事故时,除了能使货物本身受到损毁导致经济损失外,还会产生费用方面的损失,这种费用保险人也给予赔偿。 可保险的费用主要有以下几种:①施救费用。指在国际货物运输保险中,发生承保责任内的事故或自然灾害,被保险人或者他的代理人、雇用人员为防止损失扩大而进行抢救行为所支出的合理费用。保险人对这种施救费用,负责赔偿,以鼓励被保险人对货物积极抢救。②救助费用。保险标的物发生承保责任范围内的自然灾害或意外事故,由保险人和被保险人以外的第三者来解救危险,获救方应该向救助方支付相应的费用,这种费用就是救助费用。它属于共同海损的费用支出。③特别费用。指运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失,以及在中途港、避难港由于卸货、存仓及运送货物所产生的费用。这种费用也属于保险人赔付范囿。