利益共同体,interests community
1)interests community利益共同体

1.Economic Foundation of Harmonious Society--Common Interest Group;和谐社会的经济基础——利益共同体
2.On the Linking Form of the Agriculture s Industrialized Benefit and the Principle of Constructing the Common Benefit community;论农业产业化利益联接形式与构建利益共同体原则
3.Industrial Cluster:the Interest Community and Internal Market based on Social Networking;产业群:基于社会网络的利益共同体与内部市场
4.The Formation and Development of Rural Industrialization Multiple Interest Community;农业产业化多元化利益共同体的形成与发展
5.On "Community Interest" and Its Application in European Community Anti-Dump Goods Law略谈"共同体利益"在欧共体反倾销法中的应用
6.A group of people or of companies with the same interest有共同利益的一个群体或公司集团
7.Practice of the EC Competition Law to Apply the Principle of Services of General Interest欧共体竞争法适用共同利益服务原则的实践
8.a group of nations having common interests.有共同利益的一群国家。
9.The common interests of students and teachers学生与教师的共同利益
10.They create common ground.品牌创造出共同利益。
11.shared opinions,interests,aims,etc共同的意见、利益、目标等
12.There exist public goods, public interests and common wants as long as there are Human society and collectivity.只要存在人类社会、在集体,就会存在共同需要、共利益和公共物品。
13.He subordinated his wishes to the general good of the group.他将个人的理想放在集体的共同利益之下。
14.Research on Co-Governance of the Professional Sport Clubs' Stakeholders职业体育俱乐部利益相关者共同治理探析
15.group of people of the same religion,race,occupation,etc,or with shared interests宗教信仰、种族、职业等方面相同的人构成的集体;有共同利益的集体
16.New Concept of Security, Interest Community and Strategic Thoroughfare:an Explanation to China s Security Interest;新安全观·利害共同体·战略通道——关于中国安全利益的一种解读
17.(of members of a group)forget disagreements and unite in order to protect or defend common interests(指团体中的成员)求同存异,团结一致保卫或捍卫共同利益
18.Administration contract is a kind of means that the administrative subject realizes public interest.行政合同是行政主体借私法领域的合同手段,行公共利益之目的。

interest community利益共同体
3)benefit community利益共同体
1.This paper expounds the main contents and theoretical basis of the benefit mechanism of agricultural industrialization,dis-cusses the main obstacles of forming a benefit community,analyses the principal contradiction among various main bodies ofbenefit,and discusses from theoretical and practical angles the patterns,feasibility,stability and development orientation ofb.本文论述了农业产业化利益机制包涵的主要内容及形成的理论基础,探讨了利益共同体形成的主要障碍,分析了各利益主体之间存在的主要矛盾,通过9个大型龙头企业与农户利益关系的案例分析,从理论和实践两个层面探讨了企业与农户利益联接的方式、可行性、稳定性及发展方向。
2.The stock stimulation can help to form a benefit community of the advanced persons of ability and the enterprise because of its special mechanism.股权激励因其特殊的激励机理 ,能促使高级人才与企业形成利益共同体
4)community interest共同体利益
1.One of outstanding characteristics of European Community antidump goods law is that "community interest" is regarded as the indispensable condition in considering antidump goods measures.欧共体反倾销法的一个显著特点就是将"共同体利益"作为考虑反倾销措施的必要条件。
5)long-term interest community长期利益共同体
1.However,the long-term interest community theory holds that the core factors are the main body of allocation,which basis on the exclusive of assets.股东至上理论和利益相关者理论对这个问题作出了各自的回答,然而,长期利益共同体理论却以资产专有性为依据,认为核心要素才是剩余索取权的分配主体,同时这个主体既可能是一元的,也可能是多元的,从而建构了一个介于两者之间的理论构想。
6)the tertiary interest community三级利益共同体
1.The contemporary Chinese countryside is a rural area society which the tertiary interest community managed under the binary social structures.研究当代中国农民问题,就不能不研究县乡村三级利益共同体

共同海损的共同利益派共同海损的共同利益派 【共同海损的共同利益派】对共同海损范围的一种主张。共同利益派的基本观点是:列人共同海损的牺牲和额外费用的支出不能只限于以获得共同安全为目的,为了船舶获得续航能力,安全地将货物运往目的港口,将船舶驶人避难港进行修复至重新获得适航条件时为止这一期间所发生的牺牲和费用,也应列为共同海损范围。持此项观点的多数代表着船方利益。共同利益派的观点,由于历史的原因影响重大,在目前的共同海损理算规则中仍起着主导作用。