水域景观,Water landscape
1)Water landscape水域景观
1.Water landscape is a unique advantage condition for the tourism development of Kaifeng City.水域景观是开封发展旅游的一个独特优势条件。
2.The protection and tourism exploitation of urban water landscape has become an important component in the modern city development.保护城市水域景观,并加强其开发利用已经成为现代城市建设的一个重要组成部分。
3.At present,more and more waterfront cities emphasize the construction and development of the water landscape and above-water tourism.本文介绍了武汉市水域景观项目的开发现状,分析了其目前存在的问题,并借鉴世界著名滨水城市水上旅游项目开发的经验,在对武汉市"江、湖"水上项目开发特点的分析基础上,提出了武汉市水域景观项目开发的对策。

1.A measurable research on the urban water sights--Take the water sights of the World Expo in ShangHai as an example城市水域景观定量研究——以上海世博会水域为例
2.Exploration on the Development of Above-Water Tourism Programs and Water Landscape in Wuhan武汉市水域景观水上旅游项目开发初探
3.The Development and Protectation of the Waters Resource in Travel Region--Take the Water Landscape of Tumen River as Example旅游区水资源的开发与保护——以图们市水域景观的生态开发为例
4.Study on the Tourism Exploitation of Urban Water Landscape Based on the Cognition of Tourists and Residents;基于游客和居民认知的城市水域景观旅游开发研究——以开封市为例
5.Linking Landscape Characteristics of Watershed and the Water Quality Variation;流域景观特征对河流水质的影响分析
6.Culture Promotion in Urban Waters Space Landscape Construction城市水域空间景观建设中的文化振兴
7.Water Quality Improvement Technology for Urban Scenery Water in Northwest Region;西北地区城市景观水域水质改善技术的研究
8.Preliminary Study on the Landscape Ecology of Urban Waterfront;城市滨水区域景观生态优化的初步研究
9.The Study on Regional Character of Waterfront Landscape Design of Medium-sized and Small Cities in North China北方中小城市滨水区景观设计的地域性研究
10.The Analysis of Land Use and Landscape Pattern in Hydropower Cascade Exploitation Region of the Yellow River黄河水电开发区域土地利用与景观格局分析
12.Study on the Influence of the Drainage Works on the Changes of Wetland Landscape in the Bielahong Watershed of Sanjiang Plain水利工程对别拉洪河流域湿地景观结构的影响
13.The River System Landscape and Structural Problems of the Pearl River Delta珠江三角洲流域水系景观特征及结构性问题
14.Study on Landscape Changes of Huairou Reservoir Watershed in Recent 15 Years近15年怀柔水库流域景观动态变化研究
15.Research on the Characteristic Variation of the Landscape Pattern at Water Source Area of Central Route for South-to-North Water Diversion Project;南水北调中线工程水源地板凳河流域景观格局特征变化研究
16.Impacts of Vegetation Landscape Structure Change on Soil Water Loss of Qingshuihe Watershed on Loess Region;黄土高原清水河流域植被景观格局变化与水土流失的影响研究
17.Landscape and Vision: Landscape Study in the Domain of Visual Culture景观与视觉:视觉文化域中的景观研究
18.Analysis of Landscape Ecological Mechanism of River Basin Hydrology Characteristics and Study of Ecological Compensation System;流域水文特征的景观生态机理分析及生态补偿系统的研究

landscape waterfront景观水域
1.【Objective】 In view of the characteristics that landscape waterfronts are increasing,small in size,dispersed,and difficult to harvest weed for large harvester,SCSGJ-2.【目的】针对当前景观水域日益增多而其面积小、分散度大、大型水草收割机难以实现水草收割的现状,研制适用于小型水域的水草收割机械。
3)Pattern landscape of water landscape水域景观格局
4)Waters-scape of river course河道水域景观
1.City Community Study on Sunstainable Waterscape;城市居住区“节水型”水景景观设计初探
2.Along with the increasing demand of the quality of house environment ,waterscape become a very important part of the landscaping of dwelling district and it also become a major factor of the estimate of people for dwelling environment.但是,由于水景景观在设计上缺乏统一规划,不注重设计的实用性,较多的案例造成了水资源的严重浪费。
6)Regional Landscape区域景观
1.Eco-analysis-based Regional Landscape Planning——Research and Application of “Analysis Model of Dominant Eco-factors and Modified Eco-factors”;基于生态分析的区域景观规划——主导生态因子修正分析法的研究与应用
2.Based on the theory of Landscape Architecture,landscape science conception of highway s regional landscape system is expatiated,the value of the geographical position and social network of the highway s landscape system is also discussed.运用景观设计学的观点,阐述了高速公路区域景观系统的景观学概念,探讨了高速公路区域景观地脉与文脉的价值,提出高速公路区域景观规划过程中应予关注的自然背景、人文背景的重要性,这对现阶段我国城乡现代化建设和发展有着重要意义。
