省区交界地带,provincial border regions
1)provincial border regions省区交界地带
1.Analysis of basic characteristics of economic activities of provincial border regions in China;中国省区交界地带经济活动基本特征分析

1.Analysis of basic characteristics of economic activities of provincial border regions in China;中国省区交界地带经济活动基本特征分析
2.Karst Ecological Environment and Economic Development in Provincial Border Regions--A Case of Bordering Region of the Sichuan,Yunnan,Guizhou three Provinces喀斯特生态环境与省区交界地带经济发展——以川滇黔为例
3.An Integrated and Harmonious Way on Exploitation of Tourism Resources Among Boundaries of Administrative Areas--On Case of Chenzhou and Shaoguan Boundary, Hunan and Guandong Provinces;省际行政区边界地带旅游资源的整合与协调开发——以湘粤交界地带的郴州、韶关为例
4.Deepen Division and Collaboration to Accelerate Coordinated Development of Inter-provincial Regional Economy;分工与协作,加快跨省区域经济协调发展——以川滇黔交界地带为例
5.Searches on Economic Synergetic Development of the Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou Three-province Border Region;川滇黔三省交界地带经济协同发展探析
6.Research on the Economic Cooperation and Synergetic Development in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi Provincial Transborder Region of Pearl River Watershed;珠江流域滇黔桂三省交界地区跨边界经济合作及协同发展研究
7.Strong and Weak Interprovincial Border Region Urbanization Pattern Research--Take northern Jiangsu xuzhou,the northern Anhui Suzhou as the example;强弱型省际交界地带城市化模式研究——以苏北徐州、皖北宿州为例
8.Remapping the "Intangible Cultural Heritage" Geography of China--Taking the Folk Music in the Adjoining Areas of Jiangsu,Shandong,Henan and Anhui Provinces for Example重绘中国“非遗”地图——以苏鲁豫皖四省交界地区民间音乐为例
9.Several thoughts on improving the regional economic centrality of Handan energetically which located in the common boundary of four provinces--Research centre of Deng Xiaoping theory and important thoughts of "Three Represents" theory in Hebei province;对大力提升邯郸在四省交界区域经济中心地位的思考
10.Characteristics and exploitation of glacier resources for tourism in the Shangri-la ecotourism region in China;川滇藏三省交界地区冰川旅游资源的特征及其开发
11.The Division of Loushao and Changyi in Xiang Dialect on the Boundary Between Shuangfeng County and Xiangtan County;湘语娄邵片和长益片在双峰与湘潭交界地带的分区
12.Two Linear Granite Zones in Shanxi Hebei Nei Mongol Juncture Region and Their Implication for Early Precambrian Continental Evolution晋冀内蒙交界地区麻粒岩地体中两条花岗岩带及其对早前寒武纪地壳生长的意义
13.the border area being far away from the control centre,the upbuild of administration lagged behind,the strength of the governmental controls were weak.远离控制中心的边陲地区及交界地带,行政设置滞后,政府控制力量薄弱。
14.Research on "One Line and Two Belts" Regions Characteristic Fruit of Shaanxi Province;陕西省“一线两带”地区果业的实证研究
15.Coordinating the Policy in the Boundary Ethnic Areas of Hunan,Hubei,Chongqing and Guizhou;湘鄂渝黔省际边界地区政策协同研究
16.Discussions About Administrative Regional Boundary Disputes:It s Cause And Countermeasures;少数民族地区行政边界纠纷的诱因和对策探讨——以甘青农牧交错带为例
17.Ecological Study of Agriculture-Pasture Transition Zone on Zhangjiakou Bashang Plateau in Hebei Province河北省张家口市坝上农牧交错带区域生态研究
18.The Impoverished Cause in Provincial Boundary Regions in Southeast and Anti-poverty Countermeasure;东南沿海省际交界区域贫困的原因及治贫对策

border region of trans-province跨省区交界地带
3)Interprovincial border region省际交界地带
4)The boundaries of 5 provinces五省交界地区
5)Sichuan Yunnan Guizhou Three-province Border Region川滇黔三省交界地带
6)juncture of underdeveloped region欠发达区域交界地带

房室交界区房室交界区 又称"房室结区"。心房和心室之间的特殊传导组织,是心房兴奋传入心室的通道。房室交界包括房结区、结区和结希区三部分。房结区位于心房和结区之间,具有传导性和自律性;结区相当于光学显微镜所见的房室结,具有传导性,而无自律性,结希区位于结区和希氏束之间,具有传导性和自律性。