《环境保护法》,Environmental Protection Law
1)Environmental Protection Law《环境保护法》
1.The Basic Issues on Revision of the Chinese Environmental Protection Law;《环境保护法》修改中若干基本问题的定位
2.The present《The People s Republic of China Environmental Protection Law》was passed on December 26, 1989 by the Seventh National People s Congress Standing Committee at its 11th meeting.现行的《中华人民共和国环境保护法》是1989年12月26日由第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第11次会议通过的,目前有许多规定已经不能适应形势以及现实的需要,本文就《环境保护法》修改的必要性以及需要引入的一些制度提出了建议。

1.The Responsibility of Government in Environmental Protection And the Modification of Law on Environmental Protection;政府环境保护责任与《环境保护法》的修改
2.Government s Environmental Responsibility and the Modification of the Environmental Protection Law;政府环境责任与《环境保护法》的修改
4.On Revision of Environment Protection Law and Environmental Legislation;论我国现行《环境保护法》的完善及环境立法走向
5.Ore or Environment?--Remark on the Amendment of the Environment Protection Law;矿藏是环境吗?——对修改《环境保护法》的一点管见
6.Standardize the Law-enforcement of Public Security Organs and Escort Environmental Protection;规范公安执法,为环境保护保驾护航
7.Environmental Policy of EU "the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law"论欧盟“通过刑法保护环境”的环境政策
8.Laws to Protect Global Ecologic Environment;加强环保法律意识,保护地球生态环境
9.Ethical guidance of environmental protection and its legal system security in china;我国环境保护的伦理导向与法制保障
10.On Environmental penal Law--A Review of the Penal Protction on Environmental Right;中国环境刑法要论——兼论环境权的刑法保护
11.environmental standard环境保护标准,环境标准
12.Tourism Environment and Preservation旅游环境与环境保护
13.Environmental Defense Fund环境保护基金[美]
14.Environment Protection Agency环境保护局(环保局)
15.United States Environment Protection Agency美国环境保护局(环保局)
16.Environmental Protection Strategy环境保护战略(环保战略)
17.The Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China is the cardinal law for environmental protection in China.《中华人民共和国环境保护法》是中国环境保护的基本法。
18.Contrast the Low in Environment Protection of China to Russia;中国环境保护法与俄罗斯联邦环境保护法的对比

environmental protection law环境保护法
1.Applicability of Environmental Supervision and Management System of Environmental Protection Law to the New Situation;现行环境保护法的环境保护监督管理体制的适应性
2.Inquiring on Way of Perfecting 《Environmental Protection Law》;完善《环境保护法》的途径探讨
3.Research on Amending the Objective Clause of "Environmental Protection Law";《环境保护法》修改中的法律目的条款探究(续)
3)environment protection law环境保护法
1.Legislative Purpose of Environment Protection Law and Amendment Suggestions——Located in Environment and Resources Protection Law《环境保护法》立法目的及其修改建议——定位于环境与资源保护基本法位置上
2.The interfix designation of the existing “Environment Protection Law” has maladusted the sustainable development of economy and society.我国经济飞速的发展同时带来了各类环境问题,现行《环境保护法》的相关设计逐渐不适应经济和社会的可持续发展。
3.Study of the Legislation Frame of the Environment Protection Law:the Quasi Interregional Unity Resource of the Yangtze River Delta Region;为实现长江三角洲的区域立足世界贸易竞争和本区域发展,本文提出了需要有相配套的长江三角洲准区际统一资源环境保护法和区际可持续发展立法,完善中国国际私法的若干建议,目的为使该区域经济贸易具有持久发展的法律保障作为基石。
4)environmental protection statutes环境法或环境保护法
5)regulation of environmental protection环境保护法规
1.The general development situation of electric power industry and the regulation of environmental protection with significant influence on electric power industry in Korea is described,pollution controlling technology and controlling situation of electric power industry in Korea are presented.概述了韩国电力工业的发展历程和对电力行业有重大影响的环境保护法规,对韩国电力行业污染控制技术与控制状况进行了较为全面地阐述。
6)agricultural environmental protection law农业环境保护法
1.With more and more pressure on the agricultural environment, it is necessary to make an integrated agricultural environmental protection law.通过对目前农业环境所面临问题的描述 ,指出制定农业环境保护法的必要性 ,根据目前我国农业环境基本状况 ,提出农业环境保护法的基本原则及须处理好的几个基本问题。
