跨界污染,transboundary pollution
1)transboundary pollution跨界污染

1.Rules of International Law Applicable to Transfrontier Pollution适用于跨界污染的国际法规则
2.Study of regulating model with emissions trading on transboundary pollution dispute of river basin;流域跨界污染纠纷排污权交易调控模型研究
3.Solutions to the Problem of Compensation for Transboundary Pollution Damage: A Suppositive Case Study of the Songhua River Pollution Accident;从松花江污染事故看跨界污染损害赔偿问题的解决途径
4.Retrospective Thinking of the System of the Liability of Multinational Pollution for Damage at the Angle of the Pollution of Songhuajiang River;从松花江水污染事件检视跨界污染损害责任制度
5.Environment Barrier Using in Disposing Trans-boundary Pollution;环境壁垒在处理跨界污染问题中的运用
6.Regulation on Trans-boundary Water Pollution:A Study on Inter-judiciary River-basin Pollution in China;流域越界污染规制:对中国跨省水污染的实证研究
7.Analysis on the Mechanism of Local Government Cooperation in the Trans-boundary Water Pollution Governance;跨界水污染治理中的地方政府合作机制研究
8.A Study of Cross-Border Pollution between Xinjiaing Central Asian Countries;中国新疆与中亚地区跨界环境污染问题探究
9.Study on managemental model of transboundary water pollution dissensions of blocked river basin;非畅流流域跨界水污染纠纷管理模型研究
10.The Solution Model of Crossing-boundary Water Pollution Between China and Russia;从国际环境法看中俄跨界水污染的解决模式
11.Study on Model for Regulation and Control with Tax of Transboundary Water Pollution Dissensions;流域跨界水污染纠纷税收调控管理模型研究
12.Cross-border Risk Study of Typical Atmospheric Pollutants in Sudden Accidents突发事故典型大气污染物跨界风险研究
13.Study on the Whole Process Risk Assessment of the Sudden Fatal Cross-Border Water Pollution Events突发性跨界水污染全过程风险评价研究
14.Study on Inter-Governmental Cooperation Governance of Trans-boundary Water Pollution in Basin论流域跨界水污染的府际合作治理机制
15.Research and Application on Transboundary Risk Source Identification of Hazardous Water Pollution Accidents跨界重大水污染事故风险源识别技术体系的研究与应用
16.Conduct & Inspiration from An International Transboundary Air Pollution Case国际跨界空气污染案的处理及其启示——第22届世界法律大会模拟法庭案件及其评析
17.world-wide emissions (of pollutants)污染物的全世界排放量
18.Environmental pollution transcends administrative boundaries.环境污染,无分疆界。

Transboundary Water Pollution跨界水污染
1.Study on Transboundary Water Pollution of Local Government Cooperation Governance——Considering Based on the Visual Angle of Regional Public Management;跨界水污染的地方政府合作治理研究——基于区域公共管理视角的考量
2.The system contradiction on transboundary water pollution controlling in China and its consultation solution;我国跨界水污染治理的体制矛盾及其协商解决
3.Study of Model of Cooperation and Reallocation of Transboundary Water Pollution Dissension of the River Valley;流域跨界水污染纠纷合作平调模型研究
3)trans-boundary pollution跨国界污染
4)cross-boarder pollution跨边界污染
5)Trans-boundary water pollution跨界水污染
1.Trans-boundary water pollution is not only the common problem in the world, but also the realistic trouble needed to be urgently solved in our country.跨界水污染是全世界面临的共同问题,也是我国亟需解决的现实问题。
6)multinational pollution for damage跨界污染损害
1.At the angle of the pollution of Songhuajiang River, the existing legislation fails to firmly regulate the liability of multinational pollution for damage.以此次松花江水污染事件为视角,凸现了现行立法对跨界污染损害责任制度存在的诸多缺欠和不足。

发光地寄色界无色界天乘【发光地寄色界无色界天乘】  谓三地菩萨,明修八禅定行,同于色界四禅,无色界四空处,故云发光地寄色无色界天乘。(八禅定者,色界、无色界各四禅定也。四禅者,初禅、二禅、三禅、四禅也。四空者,即空处、识处、无所有处、非非想处也。)