湖泊富营养化控制,lake eutrophication control
1)lake eutrophication control湖泊富营养化控制
2)lake eutrophication湖泊富营养化
1.Study on the evaluation and treatment of lake eutrophication by means of algae biology;湖泊富营养化的藻类生物学评价与治理研究进展
2.Relation between phosphorus forms in the sediments and lake eutrophication.;沉积物中磷形态与湖泊富营养化的关系
3.Evaluate method and classification standard on lake eutrophication;湖泊富营养化评价方法及分级标准

1.The eutrophication in the major lakes is still rather serious.主要湖泊富营养化问题依然突出。
2.Study on Numerical Simulation of Eutrophication of Shallow Lake in the City;城市浅水湖泊富营养化数值模拟研究
3.Lake Eutrophication Assessment Based on Relational Number基于联系数的湖泊富营养化评价研究
4.Development and Application of Eutrophication Models for Lakes湖泊富营养化评价模型的发展和应用
5.Study on the Soil Losses and Eutrophication in the Songhua Lake Basin松花湖流域水土流失与湖泊富营养化研究
6.The Change Trend of The Eutrophication in The Major Lakes--As Example of Jinshan Lakes城市湖泊富营养化的影响探讨——以金山湖为实例
7.Monitoring of Water Eutrophication Status for Fresh Water Lakes by MODIS Remote Sensing Image;基于MODIS的淡水湖泊富营养化状况遥感监测
8.Nonlinear Dynamic and Statistical Mechanical Features of Lake Eutrophication;湖泊富营养化的非线性动力学及统计力学特性
9.Evaluation method for lake eutrophication influence and public satisfaction湖泊富营养化影响与公众满意度评价方法
10.Lake eutrophication evaluation model based on projection pursuit method基于投影寻踪的湖泊富营养化程度评价模型
12.Study on Occurrence Mechanism of Eutrophication in Plateau Lakes and Countermeasures高原湖泊富营养化发生机制与防治对策初探
13.Unascertained parameter-based method for lake eutrophication assessment基于未确知数的湖泊富营养化评价模式
14.Application of particle swarm optimization algorithm to assessment of lake eutrophication粒子群算法在湖泊富营养化综合评价中的应用
15.Gray Markov forecast of lake eutrophication湖泊富营养化趋势的灰色马尔柯夫预测
16.Burden and contribution to lake eutrophication of sediment total phosphorus(TP) in Hongfeng and Baihua lake reservoirs红枫湖、百花湖水库底质总磷负荷及其对湖泊富营养化贡献
17.Preliminary Discussion on the Eutrophication Control of Artificial Lakes in Karst Plateau Area喀斯特高原地区人工湖泊富营养化治理初探——以红枫湖、百花湖为例
18.Approaches to the eutrophication process of Longgan Lake in the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yangze River;长江中下游湖泊富营养化过程探析——以龙感湖为例

lake eutrophication湖泊富营养化
1.Study on the evaluation and treatment of lake eutrophication by means of algae biology;湖泊富营养化的藻类生物学评价与治理研究进展
2.Relation between phosphorus forms in the sediments and lake eutrophication.;沉积物中磷形态与湖泊富营养化的关系
3.Evaluate method and classification standard on lake eutrophication;湖泊富营养化评价方法及分级标准
3)eutrophic lake富营养化湖泊
1.Research progress of in-situ treatment technology of sediments in eutrophic lakes;富营养化湖泊中沉积物原位治理技术进展
2.For studying the possibility of detecting water quality by remote sensing, simultaneous field experiments at Taihu Lake (one of the three famous eutrophic lake in China) were made in winter and summer to measure the reflected light spectra on water and to get water samples for chemical analysis.为了探索湖泊水质遥感的可能性,以我国三大富营养化湖泊之一的太湖为研究对象,进行了冬夏二季太湖水面反射光谱测量与水质采样分析同步试验。
4)eutrophication of lakes湖泊富营养化
1.Our investigation shows that Dianchi has been on over-eutrophication, and the average concentration of total phosphorus in the lake was 0.本文通过室内试验研究表明药剂杀藻起不到治理湖泊富营养化的作用,死亡的藻类会向水体中释放体内的营养元素,继而继续参与元素循环,导致湖泊的第二次藻类暴发。
6)eutrophic lake富营养湖泊
1.The dynamic of phosphorus in large-scale enclosure and fence in an eutrophic lake;富营养湖泊大型围隔和围栏中磷的动态

湖泊富营养化湖泊富营养化eutrophication of lake huPo fuyingyanghua湖泊富营养化(e utmphication of lake)水体中营养物(主要是磷、氮、氨)浓度增加的过程。实际上,湖泊富营养化是一种湖泊的自然演变过程。随着时间的推移,湖泊的地理学、生物学以及物理、化学诸方面的特性会发生变化,流人湖泊的物质也随之发生变化。水体中的营养物质如氮、磷、碳等也必然逐渐累积。一般的趋势是水深、营养物质少的贫营养湖向水浅、营养物多的富营养湖演变。在自然状态下,这种过程非常缓慢,往往以地质年代来计算,这种进程可称为自然富营养。然而,人类活动一旦影响到这种过程,其变化速度就会急剧加快,特别是未经处理的生活污水和工业废水的大量流人,必将大大地加速湖泊富营养化进程,这种快速变化过程可称为人为湖泊富营养化(参见彩图插页第12页)。 20世纪70年代以来,由于工农业的发展,湖泊人为富营养化日趋严重,它已成为中国当前最紧迫的环境问题之一。主要危害表现为由于富营养化促使浮游植物大量繁殖,或由于泥沙的流人致使水体透明度下降,水质恶化,影响了沿湖居民的饮水并降低了游览价值。 修建截污工程,切断污染源是治理人为富营养化的重要途径之一,可起到立竿见影的效果;在有条件的地方引干净的水冲刷,以加速湖水的交换;疏浚底泥,减少氮、磷的释放,降低水体的营养负荷,亦是一项重要的治理措施。采取生物处理手段改变水生生物群落结构,以达到改善水质的目的,已引起国内外学者的广泛重视,有可能成为治理人为富营养化的新途径。 (黄祥飞)