边际收益,marginal revenue
1)marginal revenue边际收益
1.Based on the discussion about the implication of networks economy,the standpoint different from that networks economy having the law of increasing marginal revenue was put forward.在讨论网络经济概念的基础上 ,提出了对网络经济边际收益递增观点的不同看法 ,指出了网络经济认识上的几个误区 ,认为网络经济仅仅是在一定时期内缩小了边际收益递减规律的作用范围 ,或使其在经济活动中不再起主导作用 ,不能把边际收益递增作为网络经济的固有规律 ,建议应以更全面的角度看待网络经济的边际收益递增现象。
2.Based on the basic theories of marginal cost, average costs, marginal revenue and marginal profit, this essay aims to conduct a quantitative analysis with a description to ascertain the best output of enterprises.试图运用边际成本、平均成本、边际收益和边际利润等基本理论,以经济管理理论中定量描述的方式来分析、论述企业最佳产出水平的确定。
3.By studying the relationship between freight rate,cost,voyage timeand vessel speed,it obtains the maximum profit principle that the marginal revenue is equaL tothe marginal cost of vessel,on which it can give an analysis of efficiency of the tramp spotshipping market.通过运费串、运输成本、航次时间以及船舶航速之间关系的研究,推导出船舶边际收益等于边际成本的最大利润原则,从而作出不定期船即期航运市场的最佳效能分析。

1.Marginal revenue product(of an input),( MRP)(一种投入的)边际收益产品
2.Analysis to An Marginal Benefit of a Customary Rule对一项民间习惯规则的边际收益分析
3.Why to say to be equal to limit cost in limit accrual is profit of the company on this the biggest?为什么说在边际收益等于边际成本这一点上企业利润是最大的?
4.On Marginal Profit of Endogenic Increase Elements of Enterprises in Systematical Changes;制度变迁中企业内生增长要素边际收益探讨
5.Increasing marginal revenue in input-output analysis on scientific research in universities;高校科研投入产出关系中的边际收益递增现象
6.The Progressive Decrease Law of Marginal Income and the Optimal Arrangement of Employees;边际收益递减规律与企业人员的优化配置
7.On Marginal Gradual Income Increase of Knowledge and Continuous Growth of Economy;论知识的边际收益递增与经济的持续增长
8.When so we say to be equal to limit cost when limit accrual, the enterprise can realize gain the biggest change.所以我们说当边际收益等于边际成本的时候企业可以实现利润最大化。
9.In essence, the rule of increasing marginal revenue and the knowledge self-accumulation is the actual reason.其本质却是网络效应引发的边际收益递增和知识自我积累。
10.The minimum return that an enterprise may earn and still pay for itself.边际收益企业赢利并能付清自身费用所需的最低利润
11.These serve as indicators of the profit margin or lack of profit in feeding animals to market weight.这一指标反映了饲养动物达到出栏重量时的边际收益或亏损。
12.Yet this simple arithmetic ignores an offsetting effect: diminishing marginal returns.然而,这种简单的算法忽略了一种抵消效应:边际收益递减。
13.The analysis of marginal revenue characteristics and efficiency of technological innovation in high-tech industry;高技术产业技术创新的边际收益特性及效率分析
14.marginal cost [profits, utility]【经济】边际费用 [收益,效用]
15.Comparative Analysis on the Influence of the Marginal Products of Capital in Domestic Manufacturing Industry;我国制造业边际资本收益率的差异及影响分析
16.lower-than-assumed real rate of return on investment较假定实际收益率为低的投资收益率
17.People stop at the point where the marginal cost equals the marginal benefit.当边际成本等于边际效益,就是活动停止的时候。
18.Controllable income is the excess of contribution margin over fixed costs controlled by the profit center.所谓可控收益就是利润中心的边际贡献扣除利润中心可控制的各项固定成本后的余额。

marginal income边际收益
3)marginal benefit边际收益
1.The traditional production function changes and the marginal benefit of the network production increases.在网络生产条件下 ,知识和信息成为核心的生产要素 ,传统的生产函数发生变化 ,网络生产的边际收益递增。
4)marginal cost边际收益
1.In this paper, the authors have borrowed marginal cost theory for the first time.本文首次借用经济研究中的边际收益理论,探索性的分析了水产养殖业中的污染问题及其与海洋环境的关系,并提出了用市场经济调节和控制海洋水产养殖业污染的战略措施。
5)(Marginal Income)边际收益(MarginalIncome)
6)marginal income statement边际收益表

边际收益  边际收益(Marginalrevenue)边际收益是指出售额外一单位产品所带来的总收益的增加。