思想资源,ideological resource
1)ideological resource思想资源
1.By way of a textual analysis of Cao Yu s dramas and a review of his spiritual course,the present paper argues that Cao Yu integrated t he ideological resources of Christi an culture,China s Taoism and the Li fe Philosophy of the West in writing his early dramas and thereupon formed a u nique dramatic structure and ideolo gical implication of his own.本文通过对曹禺戏剧的文本分析和考察曹禺的精神历程发现:曹禺在建构自己的前期戏剧时整合了基督教文化、中国道家思想、西方生命哲学等思想资源,由此形成了自己剧作独特的结构和思想意蕴。
2.The feminine writing of both sides of the strait isn t synchronous, but there is so much in common in the theme s development, ideological resource s usage and the establishment of cultural identity.海峡两岸女性写作在时间上是不同步的 ,但是在写作母题的拓展、思想资源的利用和文化身份的确认等方面的发展轨迹却是重合的 ,显示了两岸文化的同根同源性和女性历史遭遇的相似

1.Mr. John Mill as the First Person of the Source of Lu Xun’s Thought of Liberty;约翰·穆勒:鲁迅自由思想资源第一人
2.On Research and Development of Zhuzi s Democratic Thoughts;纵论朱子民主思想资源的研究和开发
3.On the Current Values of the Harmony Culture of Chinese Confucianism and Taoism;论儒道和谐文化思想资源的当代价值
4.Human Resource Is the No. One Resource;牢固树立人才资源是第一资源的思想
5.Open Source Thought On Education Resources试论开源思想对教育资源建设的意义
6.Thinking about Human Resources Management from Lean Thinking;由精益思想引发的人力资源管理思考
7.The Systematic Thinking in Western HRM Thinking;西方人力资源管理思想中的系统思维
8.Research on Enterprise Resource Planning Based Information Resources Integration Technology;基于信息资源集成思想的企业资源计划研究
9.The Strategic Human Resource Management in Human-Centered Theory;人本思想下的战略人力资源管理研究
10.The Confuciamts Moralist Thoughts and the Modern Labour Power Management;儒家、道家思想与现代人力资源管理
11.The Middle School Thoughts the Development and the Exploitation of the Political Course Resources;中学思想政治课程资源的开发与利用
12.On Construct of Grid-Idea Based Curriculum Resource Repository System;基于网格思想课程资源库系统的构建
13.On the Modernization of Exploiting Information Resource in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育信息资源开发对策探析
14.Ideological and Political Curriculum:Development and Integration;试论思想政治课程资源的开发与整合
15.Strengthening the Human Resource Management and Demonstrating the "People-based Thought";强化人力资源管理 彰显“以人为本”思想
16.On Resource-recovery Model Under the Uhought of Narrow Sense Reverse Logistics;狭义逆向物流思想下的资源再生模式
17.Idea of "People-orientation" in Human Resources Management at Schools;学校人力资源管理中的人本思想探讨
18.Enhance Ideological Work with Internet Resource;积极利用网络资源 加强思想政治教育

thought resources思想资源
1.For the great changes of the production mode, economic basis and social environment, the classical Confucianism, no longer in line with the development of modern society, can not be used as the guiding principle although it can serve for reference as the thought resources for the construction of a harmonious socialism society.由于社会生产方式、经济基础以及社会环境的巨大差异,古典儒家思想已经不能适用于现代社会的发展,虽然其可以作为构建社会主义和谐社会的可资借鉴的思想资源,但是不可能作为指导思想。
2.It is of practical significance to make a research on green literature as thought resources of ecological civilization construction.为此,从文献学研究维度,以绿色文献论丛为选题,对这些生态文明建设的重要思想资源进行较为密集的专题梳理和扼要选介,具有一定的学术价值和现实意义。
3)ideological resources思想资源
1.The ideological concept of harmony and it s practical experiences provide precious ideological resources for the development of both Ch.“和”的思想观念和实践经验对中华文明在21世纪的前途和世界文明的未来提供了有价值的思想资源
2.and,around the issue of Marxist theory,Finishing three main ideological resources,standard works of classic writers of Marxism,The main schools and view of Western Marxism,contemporary Marxism needed to answer the basic realities and theoretical issues.并围绕马克思主义理论的问题,集纳三类主要的思想资源:规范的马克思主义经典作家的著作、西方马克思主义的主要流派与观点、当下马克思主义急需回答的基本现实与理论问题。
4)thinking resource思想资源
1.In the process of turning news into humanity thinking resource,Circle Table Edtion of Changjiang Daily leads acceptors digging news extention meaning,leads acceptors observing soci.《长江日报》“圆桌”版在把新闻转化为人文思想资源的过程中,引导新闻受众充分开掘新闻的延伸意义,引导受众从一个个新闻事件中观察社会的脉搏,引导受众把新闻作为研究社会的一个窗口和视角,《长江日报》“圆桌”版也因此极大地提高了该报的“媒体思想力”,成为该报的一个品牌。
5)thinking resources思想资源
1.America possesses affluently thinking resources for a harmonious society.美国是个拥有丰富和谐社会思想资源的国家。
2.The paper tries to analyze Wild Grass\'s signifier and signified from the perspectives of flowing thinking resources,sorrowful image space and shadow integrative thinking,and aims to probe Lu Xun\'s special aesthetic realm formed by Wild Grass\'s dark consciousness.该文试图从流变性思想资源、悲郁性意象空间、阴影性整合思维三个角度探究《野草》的能指和所指都不是对号入座的现实片段,论证《野草》的黑暗意识所构筑的鲁迅特殊审美境界。
6)the resource of humanities人文思想资源

森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resources sen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。