OHS风险控制,OHS risk control
1)OHS risk controlOHS风险控制
1.Brief introduction of OHS risk control program in Castle Peak B 4×680MW emission control project香港青山B电厂4×680MW机组排放控制工程OHS风险控制方案介绍

1.Application of OHS Risk Control Approach in Flue Gas Emission Control ProjectOHS风险控制方法在烟气排放控制工程中的应用
2.Introduction to OHS Risk Control Plan for a Hongkong Power Plant Emission Control Project香港某电厂排放控制工程OHS风险控制方案简介
3.Brief introduction of OHS risk control program in Castle Peak B 4×680MW emission control project香港青山B电厂4×680MW机组排放控制工程OHS风险控制方案介绍
4.Analysis in OHS Hazar Identification and Risk Control Audit施工现场OHS危险源辨识和风险控制审核思路浅析
5.Assessment of risk and appropriate risk controls.进行风险评估,并加以适当的风险控制。
6.Risk Analysis and Risk Control of Venture Capital;创业投资的风险分析与风险控制研究
7.Stock Index Futures market s risk analysis and risk control;股指期货市场的风险分析及风险控制
8.The Rish and Risk Controlling in the System of Modern Words;现代性话语体系下的风险与风险控制
9.Research on the Risks of Open-end Fund and Its Risk Control;开放式基金的风险及其风险控制研究
10.Rick Precaution and Control in High-tech Risk Investment;高科技风险投资中的风险防范与控制
11.Research and Practice of Hudraulic Fracturing RiskAnalysis and Control压裂风险分析与风险控制研究及实践
12.Control Self-Risk Assessment Programme自我风险控制评估方案
13.It can be classified into inherent risk, control risk and detection risk.影响计算机审计的风险因素有固有风险、控制风险、检查风险三类。
14.Risk Analysis and Control on Group Annuity我国团体年金保险的风险分析及风险控制
15.The Controllability and Mechanism of Risks in City Development;城市开发风险的可控性及其控制机制
16.On Moral Risk Control of Risk Investment and Reward Inspiration Mechanism;风险投资的道德风险控制—报酬激励机制设计
17.On the Principal-agent relationship and Control Mechanism in Venture Capital Fund;风险投资家的代理风险表现与控制机制
18.Study on Risk-control in Pension Fund Management;养老保险基金管理中的风险控制研究

risk control风险控制
1.Safety Management and Risk Control of Patients Scheduled for Surgeries;手术病人的安全管理与风险控制
2.Disccusion on the investment risk control of the real estate development;浅议房地产开发投资风险控制
3.Diversion flood risk control of Shuhe hydropower project construction with considering the discharge control of upstream Ankang reservoir;基于安康控泄的蜀河水电站施工导流洪水风险控制
3)Risk management风险控制
1.A Study on the Environmental Risk Management in Japanese Bank s Lending Decisions;关于日本银行界在融资过程中环境风险控制的研究
2.Research on Risk Management of the Real Estate Bubbles in TianJin;天津市房地产泡沫风险控制研究
3.Real Estate Project Investment Analysis and Risk Management;房地产项目投资分析与风险控制
4)risk controlling风险控制
1.Study on risk controlling of aeronautic project by game theory;航天项目风险控制的博弈分析
2.The selection of models of risk controlling on knowledge leakage in alliance;联盟组织间知识泄漏风险控制方案选择研究
3.Discussion on geological hazards and risk controlling of thermal power plants in coastal area in Fujian Province;福建省滨海火电厂地质灾害问题及风险控制探讨
5)control risk控制风险
1.This article starts with the sources caused by the risk of a bank s grass-rooted managing institution and expounds the contents of intrinsic risk,control risk and examine risk when operating and the relationships among them.从银行基层管理机构的风险产生的根源入手,阐述了经营中的固有风险、控制风险以及检查风险的内容及三者之间的关系,并提出了防范经营风险的相应对策。
2.There are three factors that affect the auditing risk under the condition of ERP,such as inherent risk,control risk and check risk.ERP环境下影响审计风险模型的构成要素主要包括固有风险、控制风险和检查风险三个方面。
3.How to learn and control risk is the important content that the student of securities investment specialty should grasp.本文通过对风险投资公司风险来源的分析研究,提示风险投资公司理性决策,有效地控制风险。
6)risks control风险控制
1.A Study on Risks Control of the Cross-financial Businesses in China;我国交叉性金融业务风险控制研究
2.And at last it illuminates three basic strategies of risks control on brand marketing.介绍了品牌风险和品牌风险控制的概念,分析了品牌风险的主要来源,阐述了品牌营销中风险控制的3个基本策略。
3.At last some elementary research is carried on the topic of risks control in relative aspect.本文力求以目标管理为导向明晰家庭理财的概念、内涵以及管理规划流程,并根据家庭生命周期提出不同阶段的理财目标和计划,最后就家庭理财的风险控制进行了初步探讨。
