审核重点,auditing keynote
1)auditing keynote审核重点

1.Assessment Approaches to Cleaner Production Audit with Resource and Energy as Auditing Keynote清洁生产审核中基于资源、能源审核重点的评估方法
2.Acceptance of the cleaner production audit in common enterprise浅谈非重点企业的清洁生产审核验收工作
3.Several problems need more attention in final accounts and examination of roadway engineering in coal mine煤矿井巷工程决算审核应重点关注的几个问题
5.Audit has given us a focus which directly links health and safety to quality and best practice.审核成为了我们的工作重点,它对保证质量安全与实现最佳运作方式紧密相连!
6.College Teachers' Professional Ethics: Characteristics,Current Situation and Reconstruction --College Teachers' Professional Ethics in Socialist Core Value System高校教师职业道德:特点、现状与重建——社会主义核心价值体系审视下的高校师德
7.State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine核医学国家重点实验室
8.This will clean up the auditing session and reseal the computer这会清理审核会话并重新封装计算机
9.This Technical Specification is intended to avoid multiple certification audits本技术规范用于避免多重认证审核.
10.The delayed auditing rate was 2.37%,repeated reports was 0.04%.卡片未及时审核率2.37%,重卡率0.04%。
11.Strictly Control the Project Cost by Evaluation把握审核重要环节 严格控制工程造价
12.Reset auditing entries on all child objects and enable propagation of inheritable auditing entries.重置所有子对象的审核项目并允许传播可继承审核项目
13.An audit programme shall be planned, taking into consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits.考虑拟审核的过程和区域的状况和重要性,以及以往审核的结果, 组织应对审核方案进行策划
14.On-site verification is required by Auditor at next audit visit or at a follow-up audit for a Major NC.现场验证必须由审核员在下次审核时或对于严重不合格采取跟踪审核。
15.Theoretical Basis On Inside Control Audit as the Stress of Audit;内部控制审计作为审计重点的理论依据
16.Review on rehearing of procedure of second instance;有关公诉案件二审发回重审程序的几点思考
17.auditee:organization being audited受审核方:被审核的组织
18.auditor team:one or more auditors conducting an audit审核组:实施审核的一名或多名审核员

emphasis auditing method重点审核法
3)audit importance审核要点
1.In addition,the article gives some opinions about the audit importance and audit method for thequality policy and quality objective.同时,提出了对质量方针和质量目标审核要点和审核方法的几点看法。
4)review point审核点
5)key of internal audit内审重点
6)key points in audit审计重点
1.A key point is expounded regarding the key points in audit before the final accounting when repair project in capital construction is completed.分析了基建修缮工程审计目前的现状,阐明要搞好基建修缮工程审计必须实行全过程跟踪审计,重点阐述基建修缮工程项目在竣工决算前的审计重点。
