1)Tubifex[英]['tju:b?,feks][美]['tub?,f?ks, 'tju-]颤蚓
1.Sodium hypochlorite(NaClO),hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2),potassium permanganate(KMnO_4),chlorine dioxide(ClO_2),ozone(O_3) were used to inactivate and kill the Tubifex under conditions of different dosages,pH values and contact times.本文对水厂中新发现的水生物—颤蚓进行了初步研究,利用次氯酸钠、过氧化氢、高锰酸钾、二氧化氯和臭氧等几种常用氧化剂对其进行了灭活试验,研究了在不同投药量、pH值、接触时间下比较几种药剂的灭活效果。
2.It was found that the dominant organisms in the surface water resources in Xi an were Tubifex, Cladocera and Chironom.本课题对西安市地表水源中的生物孳生进行了近2年的研究,确定出颤蚓、摇蚊幼虫和枝角类水蚤为本地区最主要的水生污染种类。

1.Among them were 31 species of Naididae, 20 species of Tubificidae and 2 species of Enc hytraeidae.颤蚓科11属20种(占37.74%); 线蚓科1属2种(占3.77%)。
2.Technological Optimization of Sludge Reduction Based on T.tubifex Predation;基于颤蚓摄食的污泥减量工艺的优化
3.Effects of Tubificid Bioturbation on the Release and Speciation of Heavy Metals in Sediment颤蚓生物扰动对沉积物中重金属释放及形态分布的影响
4.Effects of Tubificid Bioturbation on Speciation of Cadmium in Contaminated Sediment by Laboratorial Microcosm Experiment室内模拟研究颤蚓扰动对污染沉积物中镉形态分布的影响
5.inferior vermis【解】(小脑)下蚓
6.Of or resembling an earthworm.蚯蚓的蚯蚓的或类似蚯蚓的
7.The earthworm population had declined by 70%.蚯蚓数量下降70%。
8.I like to eat worms,“我喜欢吃蚯蚓。”
9.The most localized megadrile family is undoubtedly the Eudrilidae.地方性最强的巨蚓类,无疑是真蚓科。
10.A common reddish-brown earthworm(Eisenia foetida) often used as fish bait.红纹蚯蚓一种常见的(红纹小蚯蚓)红褐色小蚯蚓,常用作鱼饵
11.Many species of earthworms produce cocoons through the year.许多种蚯蚓全年产茧。
12.Earthworms may produce antibiotic substances.蚯蚓可以产生抗菌物质。
13.The hen raked up an earthworm.母鸡扒出了一条蚯蚓。
14.They dug worms for bait.他们掘蚯蚓做钓饵。
15.The oral opening in an earthworm is small.蚯蚓的口是很小的。
16.An earthworm is a terricolous organism.蚯蚓是陆生的生物。
17.Earthworms grind up the soil as they eat.蚯蚓进食时把土壤弄细。
18.Most people bait their hooks with worms.多数人用蚯蚓作鱼饵。

1.Laboratorial microcosm experiment was carried out to simulate the bioturbation induced by tubificids in Cd contaminated lacustrine sediment.通过室内模拟颤蚓在镉污染湖泊沉积物中的生物扰动,采用Tessier连续萃取法对生物扰动后不同深度沉积物中的镉进行形态分析。
3)growth of Tubificidae颤蚓生长
1.The growth of Tubificidae was investigated from juvenile to adult stage for 16 weeks by cultivating Tubificidae with activated sludge as substrate in batch tests at two different temperatures(20℃ and 25℃),monitoring changes of body length and wet weight of Tubificidae.在16周的培养过程中,颤蚓在活性污泥中的生长较好地符合Logistic曲线;25℃更适于颤蚓生长,颤蚓个体在25℃下体重和体长的增长速率分别是0。
4)predation by T.tubifex颤蚓摄食
1.Three bio-methods for sludge reduction including aerobic digestion,anaerobic digestion and predation by T.通过间歇试验得到3种生物方式(污泥好氧消化、厌氧消化以及颤蚓摄食)对污泥的比减量速率、污泥减量速率和污泥减量比例。
5)Tubifex tubife正颤蚓
1.The growth and reproduction of Tubifex tubifex have been studied in laboratory cultures at different water temperatures (15℃,20℃,25℃).在实验室饲养的条件下 ,研究了正颤蚓在 1 5℃、2 0℃、2 5℃水温的生长发育和繁殖过程。
6)tubifex(Monopylephorus limosus)颤蚓(Monopylephorus limosus)

颤蚓  环节动物门寡毛纲颤蚓科动物的统称。这类动物的身体细长,有体节和刚毛,通常生活在各种淡水水体的泥沙底质中,前端藏在垂直突出的泥沙质管子里,尾部露在水中摇曳,也常常盘绕成紧密的螺旋状。颤蚓是河流、小溪、湖泊、池塘和河口底栖动物的重要组成部分。中华拟颤蚓(Rhуacodrilus sinicus)、霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)和苏氏尾鳃蚓 ( Bran-chiura sowerbуi)是中国常见的种类。                颤蚓能忍耐有机物污染引起的缺氧。随着淤泥中有机物的增加,颤蚓的某些耐污种类个体数量能够猛烈增加,有时甚至多得像一片不整齐的地毯。由于颤蚓个体较粗大,生活又固定,因此很早就有人用来作为有机物污染的指示生物,并提出了一些与颤蚓有关的污染指数公式。近来有人还用颤蚓作了各种有毒污染物的毒性、毒理和清除沉积污染物的研究。