1.Characterization and Heavy Metal Adsorption Properties of Schwertmannite Synthesized by Bacterial Oxidation of Ferrous Sulfate Solutions;施氏矿物Schwertmannite的微生物法合成、鉴定及其对重金属的吸附性能
2.Adsorption of Cr(VI) in wastewater by catalytic biosynthesis Schwertmannite.;生物催化合成的施氏矿物对废水中Cr(VI)的吸附

1.An experimental study of the adsorption of Cu~(2+) and Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans on schwertmannite施氏矿物吸附Cu~(2+)及氧化亚铁硫杆菌的实验研究
2.Code of Practice for Radiation Protection in the Mining and Milling of Radioactive Ores放射性矿物采矿和选矿辐射防护实施准则
3.Enforcing the real rights law,constructing minings rights mortgage system;实施物权法,构建采矿权抵押法律制度
4.The relative resistance of a mineral to scratching, as measured by the Mohs scale.相对硬度用莫氏硬度标测量的某种矿物质的相对硬度
5.The water here is clear and uncontaminated. At a constant 430C, it contains various kinds of mineral salts and sulphates and is ideal for bathing in.华清池水温为摄氏43度,水质清醇,含有硫磺等多种矿物元素,最宜沐
6.mineral deposits, resources, wealth, etc.矿藏、 矿物资源、 矿物财富.
7.The mineral yield obtained by working an ore.矿物采矿所得的矿物
8.According to the minerals characteristic, the experiment developed con? flotationable flotation flewsheet and Pb, Zn mixed concentrate regrinded to successfully separate Pb and Zn.试验研究依据矿物特性,采用铅锌等可浮,粗精矿再磨措施,有效地解决了铜铅锌矿物分离问题。
9.Study on Comprehensive Logistic Service of Imported Iron Ore;对进口铁矿砂实施综合物流服务的研究
10.The Research of the Design and Implementation of Material Management System of HanXing Mine Administration邯邢矿山局物资管理系统设计与实施研究
11.of or containing or derived from minerals.矿物的、含有矿物的或者源自矿物的。
12.Quantitative Ore-forming Prediction and Assessment of Lead-zinc Deposit in Lushi-Luanchuan Area in Henan河南卢氏-栾川地区铅锌矿定量成矿预测与评价
13.Class C: solid mineral exploration; geophysical exploration; establish mineral exploration infrastructure (pitting).2630213丙级:固体矿产勘查;地球物理勘查;勘查工程施工(坑探)。
14.Change Characteristics of Organic Carbon Stocks and Sequestration Rate of Particle-size Fractions in Red Soil Under Long-term Fertilizations长期施肥红壤矿物颗粒结合有机碳储量及其固定速率
16.Seasonal Change of Elements in Cultivated and Wild Swertia mussotii Franch野生与施肥种植川西獐牙菜中矿物质元素含量的季节变化
17.Monitoring and Analysis of Surface Buildings Settlement in Subway Tunnel Using Mining and Shield Driving Methods矿山法和盾构扩挖法施工地铁隧道地表建筑物沉降监测分析
18.Effect of retarder upon high volume mineral admixture concrete in summer construction夏季施工缓凝剂对大掺量矿物掺合料混凝土影响研究

the Shi family施氏
1.Analysis of the Shi family of the State of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period;春秋时期鲁国施氏家族探析
3)Acipenser schrenckii施氏鲟
1.Development and allometric growth patterns of larval Acipenser schrenckii.;施氏鲟仔鱼发育及异速生长模型
2.Cortisol,metabolism response and osmoregulation of juvenile Acipenser schrenckii to ambient salinity stress;急性盐度胁迫对施氏鲟的皮质醇、代谢反应及渗透调节的影响
3.Effect of danofloxacin on nonspecific immunity in Acipenser schrenckii;达氟沙星对施氏鲟非特异性免疫功能的影响
4)Acipenser schrencki施氏鲟
1.Population structure of sturgeons Acipenser schrencki Brandt and Huso dauricus(Georgi)caught in Heilongjiang River;黑龙江中游施氏鲟、鳇捕捞群体结构研究
2.A note report on artificial reproduction ofAmur sturgeon Acipenser schrencki;施氏鲟全人工繁殖研究初报
3.Effects of dietary lipid content on growth Rate and liver lipids composition in Acipenser schrencki;饲料脂肪含量对施氏鲟生长及其肝脏脂质组成的影响
5)Amur sturgeon施氏鲟
1.Comparison of oxygen consumption and asphyxial point in juvenile Amur sturgeon Acipenser schrenckii between sea water and fresh water;海水和淡水中施氏鲟幼鱼耗氧率与窒息点的比较
2.Acute toxicity of danofloxacin in Amur sturgeon and the body resi due;达氟沙星对施氏鲟的急性毒性及组织残留检测
3.Effects of feeding rate on growth of Amur sturgeon Acipencer schrenckii;不同投饵率对施氏鲟幼鱼生长及体成分的影响
6)Lutraria sieboldii Reeve施氏獭蛤
1.Development and Behavior of the Larvae and Juveniles of Lutraria sieboldii Reeve;施氏獭蛤幼虫和稚贝发育及行为的研究
