1.from nature to art,which is manifest not only in the method he uses and the classification he makes on philosophy but also in the view he takes of body,man as well as body politic.霍布斯所遵循的是"从自然到人为"思想路径。
2.Despite its lack of particular historic characteristics,Pride and Prejudice reflects a revolutionary age through its detailed portrayal of the conflict between external value of art and internal value of nature in human spiritual experience.《傲慢与偏见》虽然在表面上缺乏时代特点,却间接地通过对外在的人为价值和内在的自然价值间的矛盾冲突的描写,从人的精神层次上反映了一个变革的时代。

1.Two is company, three's a crowd.两人为朋,三人为众。
2.One for all, all for one.一人为大家,大家为一人。
3."All for one, one for all. -- Dumas pere"人人为我,我为人人。 [法]大仲马
4.“Taking Human Beings as the Essential” Can′t be Interpreted as "Taking Individuals as the Essential";“以人为本”不能解读为“以个人为本”
5."One should eat to live, not live to eat"人为生而食,非为食而生
6.Humanism and Effort--Two dimension of human-oriented editing为人与人为:编辑工作以人为本的二重维度
7.take someone forph.1. 错认某人为...
8.She attracted others to virtue / evil.她诱人为善/作恶。
9.A person who commits a tort is called a tortfeasor.实施侵权行为的人被称为侵权行为人。
10.prescribe for a patient [for the gout]为病人 [为痛风] 开药方
11.Why do you refer to yourself as a Han?为什么你自称为汉人?
12.He lived a saint, and died a martyr.他生为圣人,死为烈士。
13.Quietude is the crown of life .人生何为先,宁静为桂冠。
14.Women want to be the best for their family, their friends, and themselves.女人要为家人、为朋友、为自己做最好的女人。
15.To furnish bond or surety for.为…作保或保证人。
16.Give sb. credit for sth.为。。。赞扬[肯定]某人
17.take vengeance on [upon] a person (for...)(为…而) 向某人报仇
18.The students totaled 3, 000.学生总数为3000 人。

Ren Wei Wei Ren人为为人
1.Based on the essence "ren wei wei ren" of eastern management,this article puts forward the concept of "he he" management,which sets out from "he he of oneself" to "he he of group",and then to "he he of organization".基于东方管理"人为为人"精髓,提出了由"己身和合"到"群己和合",再到"组织和合"的和合管理理念。
3)human being qua human being人之为人
4)Every miller draws water to his own mill人人为己
5)turning man into man使人成为人
6)anthropogenic sources人为源
1.A numerical simulation study of contribution of various anthropogenic sources to ozone formation in Pearl River Delta region;不同人为源排放对珠江三角洲地区O_3生成贡献的数值模拟
