1.Construction plan on how to move statue on Huanghuajie Square;黄华街广场塑像迁址施工方案

1.Our shop is having a Big clearance sale Because of its relocation.本店迁址,清货大减价。
2.The factory has been relocated.这家工厂已经迁址
3.On a Feasible Project of Moving the Capital of our Country to Another Place;关于我国首都迁址问题的探讨——试谈一种分都式的首都迁址方案
4.Study of Industrial and Commercial Enterprises that Need Relocation with the Airport [SICENRA]需随同机场迁址的工商企业的研究
5.We have done our sums and are relocating to Scotland.经过周密计算,我们准备迁址到苏格兰。
6.On the Transfer of Zhengshitang and Domination of Zhongshuling in Tang Dynasty;论唐代政事堂的迁址与中书令的独尊
7.Notice of Change of Address: Kindly change my office address on your records from the XX Building to ...迁址通告:敬请贵公司从客户档案中将本公司的地址由XX大楼改为:…
8.I inform you that I have moved to a new.我已迁至新址,特此奉告。
9.Notify your employer of your moving dates and new address将搬迁日期和新地址通知给您的老板
10.Notice be hereby give that we have removed to the address above mention .我司已迁到上述地址,特此通告。
11.I inform you that I have now removed my factory to the above address."本厂已迁移到上述地址, 特此通知"
12.The firm moved to its new premises in 1971.该公司于一九七一年迁至新址。
13.Notice is hereby given that we have removed to the address above mentioned.我司已迁到上述地址,特此通知
14.Please take note that we have recently removed to the above address.我司最近已迁到上述地址,特此通知。
15.We have move our office to No.140nankeen road.我方办公地址已迁至南京路140号。
16.The monument was moved bodily to a new site.纪念碑整个迁到一个新场址.
17.In Aug 2002, the gallery moved to its current location。2002年8月亦安画廊迁到了现址。
18.Please note that we have moved into…… and therefore, all future communications should be made to the new address mentioned above.请注意,我公司已迁至新址……,因此,今后希望按上述新址联系。

station migration站址迁移
1.The data obtained by station migration could be considered as a series, if they were from the same collectivity.针对雨量站站址迁移前后的降水资料,在给定显著性水平条件下,用F检验的原理对两个样本值是否来自同一总体进行检验,如果来自同一总体,则认为站址迁移前后的降水资料可以作为一个系列处理,否则,需分别处理。
3)new site for location搬迁新址
4)station relocation台站迁址
5)migrating seeking aim迁移寻址
6)the movement of the location of a city城址迁徙
