2)ecological epistemology生态认识论
1.One of these theories is ecological epistemology.但是,由于某些原因,有些有影响的生态取向的理论尚未被国内学术界知晓和认可,生态认识论就是其中之一。
3)naturalistic epistemology自然主义认识论
1.Recently,the "a priori" modifiers presented a conception of naturalistic epistemology that is entirely comp.戈德曼为代表的一些自然主义认识论者试图为先验知识的存在和重要性进行辩护。
2.In this essay I shall follow the practice of recent discussants who discuss whether there is a piriori under the background of naturalistic epistemology.本文主要针对一些学者关于在自然主义认识论背景下是否存在先验性这一问题的争议展开探讨。

1.The Reconstruction of Normativity within the Context of Naturalized Epistemology;自然主义认识论背景下的规范性重建
2.The Strong Programme s problem and Its Solution from the Perspective of Naturalist Epistemology;自然主义认识论视角下的强纲领问题及其解决
3.Objectivity and Its Possibility of Scientific Knowledge--On John Ziman s Naturalism Epistemology View of Science;科学知识的客观性及其可能——论约翰·齐曼的自然主义认识论立场
4.Naturalized Interpretation of Norm--the Normative Problem of Naturalized Epistemology;规范的自然主义解释——自然化认识论的规范性问题之一
5.Proper Insight into Marx s Theory " Two Inevitables";正确认识马克思主义"两个必然"的理论
6.Review on John Searle s Consciousness Theory of Evolutionary Naturalism;塞尔的进化论自然主义意识理论述评
7.Marxist Philosophical Epistemology马克思主义哲学认识论
8.theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义认识论
9.On Liberalist Ideas,Practice and Misunderstanding in Late Qing Dynasty;论晚清自由主义者的思想、实践与认识误区
10.An Exploration into "Know yourself" of Socrates and value to subjects;试论苏格拉底“认识你自己”及其对主体的意义
11.Pleasure in Nature and Eco-Consciousness in the Romantic Poems;论浪漫主义诗歌中的“自然愉悦”与生态意识
12.The Disputes Between Liberalism and Communitarianism;全面认识个人与社群的关系——评自由主义与社群主义的争论
13.Hiromatu Wataru s Theory on the Conception of Nature and Significance in Epistemology from Classic Physics to Modern Physics;广松涉论从经典物理学到现代物理学的自然观及其认识论意义
14.On the Understanding of the Features of the Liberalism Intellectual in the 1940s;论20世纪40年代自由主义知识分子的特征认知及其意义
15.From Determinism to Naturalism: American Naturalistic Writing;从决定论到自然主义:美国自然主义文学创作
16.Analyzing the Epistemological Characteristics of Constructivism;建构主义学习理论的认识论特征分析
17.From Nature Worship To Anti-anthropocentrism--Three Stages of Humankind s Recognition of the Relationship Between Human and Nature;从自然崇拜到反人类中心主义——人类对人与自然关系认识的三个阶段
18.She's is a romantic as long as I had know her, always talking about " love at first sight ".自我认识她到现在她一直是个浪漫主义者,总是谈论什么"一见钟情"。

ecological epistemology生态认识论
1.One of these theories is ecological epistemology.但是,由于某些原因,有些有影响的生态取向的理论尚未被国内学术界知晓和认可,生态认识论就是其中之一。
3)naturalistic epistemology自然主义认识论
1.Recently,the "a priori" modifiers presented a conception of naturalistic epistemology that is entirely comp.戈德曼为代表的一些自然主义认识论者试图为先验知识的存在和重要性进行辩护。
2.In this essay I shall follow the practice of recent discussants who discuss whether there is a piriori under the background of naturalistic epistemology.本文主要针对一些学者关于在自然主义认识论背景下是否存在先验性这一问题的争议展开探讨。
4)epistemological relativism认识论相对主义
1.In the light of content,cognitive relativism can be mainly classified as ontological relativism and epistemological relativism.事实上,认知相对主义有多种版本,从内容上来看,认知相对主义分为本体论相对主义和认识论相对主义两大类,认识论相对主义又可细分为合理性相对主义、概念相对主义和真理相对主义。
5)constructivism epistemology建构主义认识论
1.In the 1970 s, Valentin Turchin and William Powers established two great cybernetic meta-theories named Perceptual Control Theory and Metasystem Transition Theory respectively, whose Constructivism Epistemology had more obvious characters such as special hie.1970年代鲍威斯和图琴分别创立了感知控制论和元系统跃迁理论这两大控制论的元理论,其中的建构主义认识论特征更加明显,它们特有的层次、目的、反馈概念也丰富了建构主义的内容和论据。
6)feminine epistemol ogy女权主义认识论

生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。