1.Genetic diversity markers detected by inter-simple sequence repeats(ISSRs) in Crotalaria latifolia in Yunnan云南猪屎豆属遗传多样性的ISSR分析

1.Genetic diversity markers detected by inter-simple sequence repeats(ISSRs) in Crotalaria latifolia in Yunnan云南猪屎豆属遗传多样性的ISSR分析
2.Any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria, having inflated pods containing seeds that rattle when the stem is moved.猪屎豆一种植物属于猪屎豆属其豆荚扁平,当茎被摇动时,里面的果实能发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音
3.any of various plants of the genus Crotalaria having inflated pods within which the seeds rattle; used for pasture and green-manure crops.猪屎豆属的各种植物,在膨胀的荚里种子哗哗响;用作牧草和绿肥作物。
4.Application of White Tephrosia,Cajan and Pallid Rattle-box to Slope Ecological Rehabilitation Project of Freeway山毛豆、木豆、猪屎豆在高速公路边坡生态恢复工程中的应用
5.Study on physical function and rheological property of crotalarin mucronata bean gum猪屎豆种子胶的物理性能及流变性研究
6.16S rDNA PCR-RFLP analysis and numerical taxonomy for rhizobia Isolated from Trifolium,Crotalaria and Mimosa三叶草、猪屎豆和含羞草植物根瘤菌16S rDNA PCR-RFLP分析和数值分类研究
7.String beans belong to the pea family.菜豆属于豌豆属植物。
8.discharge from the ears [ eyes, nose ]耳屎[眼屎, 鼻涕]
9.Any of several plants of the genus Lathyrus, such as the sweet pea or the beach pea.豌豆属植物一种山黧豆属植物,如甜豌豆或沙豆或海边香豌豆
10.Influence of Soybean on Sows and Piglets Immunoreaction and Performance;大豆对母猪和仔猪生产性能及免疫反应的影响
11.Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Leguminosae, which includes peas, beans, clover, alfalfa, and other plants.豆科植物的豆科植物的,属于豆科植物的,具有豆科植物特点的,这种豆科植物包括豌豆、蚕豆、翘
12.of or resembling the legumes.属于或关于豆科植物的。
13.The rose and the bean families belong to the same order .蔷薇科和豆科同属一目。
14.dried beans cooked with pork and tomato sauce.干豆和猪肉、番茄沙司一起烹制。
15.It's a kind of stew made with black beans, pork, and spices.这是用黑豆,猪肉和香料做的一种炖肉。
16.Corn could not be crossed with soybeans, nor cows with pigs.玉米和大豆,牛和猪都不能杂交。
17.Soya is excellent for fattening pigs.用大豆给猪增膘是极好的。
18.You celebrate your birthday with taro, red bean, and lard.用红豆、芋头和猪油给自己过生日。

4)Crotalaria mucronat猪屎豆
1.Monosaccharide Composition Analysis of Polysaccharide Gum from Crotalaria mucronata Seed猪屎豆种子胶多糖的单糖组分分析
5)Crotalaria chinensisL中国猪屎豆

【药物名称】猪屎豆 【别名】野花生,椭圆叶猪屎豆,野黄豆草,猪屎青。 【科属】云实科,豆科。 【植物形态】植物形态:落叶亚灌木,高达1.5米,枝圆柱形,具浅沟纹,被紧贴而细小的灰白色柔毛。叶互生,三小叶,叶柄扁圆形,长2~4厘米,上面有浅纵沟,小叶柄细柱形,长1~2毫米,均被灰褐色短柔毛;托叶极细小,早落;小叶倒卵形至倒卵状长圆形,顶端1枚稍大,长3~5厘米,宽1.5~2.5厘米,基部阔楔形,先端钝圆而微凹,有短尖头,全缘,表面绿色无毛,表面淡绿色而薄被紧贴细柔毛,中脉在表面微凹,再背面突起,侧脉羽状,7~9对。花黄色,假蝶形,顶生总状花序,萼5裂,旗瓣近于卵圆形而先端稍尖,有纵纹,雄蕊10枚,下部连合。荚果圆柱形,微弯、淡褐色。 生态分布:我国中部、东部及南部各省有栽植。 药用部分:根、种子及全草入药,夏秋采收。 用途:根性味微苦、辛、平,无毒。开郁解结,除湿热,理气,解毒。种子性味甘、涩、凉;能补肝肾,明目,固精。又可作咖啡的代用品。用量:种子2~6钱,根5钱~1两。