1.Environment thoughts evolve from pragmatism to value-centrism,and to Eco-centrism.环境思潮是从实用主义思潮到价值主义思潮再到生态中心主义思潮这一进程的发展过程。
2)new axiology新价值主义
3)idea of subjectivism value价值主观主义
4)Altruistic values利他主义价值观
5)Generalist Values普遍主义价值观
6)socialist values社会主义价值观
1.The socialist core value system shows a complex spatial structure: its lateral structure consists of the ideological and the behavioral aspects;its vertical structure consists of the basic socialist values and the idea of the higher socialist core values.社会主义核心价值体系是一个复杂的立体结构:横向结构由观念层面和行为层面构成;纵向结构由基础层次的社会主义价值观和高等层次的社会主义核心价值理念构成。
2.According to Deng Xiaoping s view on the connotation,judgment,selection and creation of value of socialism with Chinese characteristics,people s interests are not only the starting point of selection of socialist value and the purpose of creation of value,but also the standard of judgment of value and determination of value in socialism,so it is the core of Deng Xiaoping s socialist values.在邓小平关于中国特色社会主义的价值内涵、价值判断、价值选择、价值创造等一系问题的论述中,人民利益是贯穿始终的一根红线,它不仅是社会主义价值选择的出发点和价值创造的目的,而且是价值判断的标准和社会主义内在的价值规定性,因而成为邓小平社会主义价值观的核心。
3.In period of the historical change and the social transformation,the guiding ideology of the socialist values and the guiding status of Marxism are met with a severe challenge.在历史变革和社会转型时期 ,作为社会主义价值观指导思想的马克思主义的指导地位面临着严峻的挑战。

1.Socialist Market Economy and Values;社会主义市场经济与社会主义价值观
2.On Socialist Sense of Value of Chinese Marxism;论中国化马克思主义社会主义价值观
3.Contemporary Construction of Socialist Values with Chinese Characteristics;中国特色社会主义价值观的当代建构
4.Compare Mao Zedong s and Deng Xiaoping s concept on socialist value;毛泽东、邓小平社会主义价值观比较
5.On Education of Socialist Value View and Construction of Harmonious Society;论社会主义价值观教育与构建和谐社会
6.Socialist Market Economy and the Collectivism Values;社会主义市场经济与集体主义价值观
7.The People-oriented and the values of the Socialist harmonious society;以人为本与社会主义和谐社会价值观
8.On the concept about socialist honour and disgrace and the Education of College Students Concept of Value;社会主义荣辱观与大学生价值观教育
9.New Concept and Connotation of Socialist Leading Sense of Value;社会主义社会主导价值观的新概括和新阐释
10.Perfecting the Dominant Ideology and Constructing Harmonious Socialist Society;建设主导价值观 构建社会主义和谐社会
11.Socialist Collectivism as the Core Value in the Primary Stage of Socialism;社会主义集体主义是社会主义初级阶段的主导价值观
12.Conflict and Construction of the View of Value in Market Economy of Socialism;社会主义市场经济价值观冲突与建构
13.On the Contents of the Value of Socialist Core Politics;试论社会主义核心政治价值观的内容
14.Order:Examining the Political Value on the Socialist Outlook on Honor and Shame;良序:社会主义荣辱观的政治价值探微
15.On the Core Values of Socialism from Soft Strength Angles;论作为软实力的社会主义核心价值观
16.On the Setting-up of Socialist Core Value Among college Students;论大学生社会主义核心价值观的树立
17.Globalization and Establishment of Socialist Core Values全球化与社会主义核心价值观的确立
18.The Core Socialist Value System and Scientific Concept of Development社会主义核心价值体系与科学发展观

new axiology新价值主义
3)idea of subjectivism value价值主观主义
4)Altruistic values利他主义价值观
5)Generalist Values普遍主义价值观
6)socialist values社会主义价值观
1.The socialist core value system shows a complex spatial structure: its lateral structure consists of the ideological and the behavioral aspects;its vertical structure consists of the basic socialist values and the idea of the higher socialist core values.社会主义核心价值体系是一个复杂的立体结构:横向结构由观念层面和行为层面构成;纵向结构由基础层次的社会主义价值观和高等层次的社会主义核心价值理念构成。
2.According to Deng Xiaoping s view on the connotation,judgment,selection and creation of value of socialism with Chinese characteristics,people s interests are not only the starting point of selection of socialist value and the purpose of creation of value,but also the standard of judgment of value and determination of value in socialism,so it is the core of Deng Xiaoping s socialist values.在邓小平关于中国特色社会主义的价值内涵、价值判断、价值选择、价值创造等一系问题的论述中,人民利益是贯穿始终的一根红线,它不仅是社会主义价值选择的出发点和价值创造的目的,而且是价值判断的标准和社会主义内在的价值规定性,因而成为邓小平社会主义价值观的核心。
3.In period of the historical change and the social transformation,the guiding ideology of the socialist values and the guiding status of Marxism are met with a severe challenge.在历史变革和社会转型时期 ,作为社会主义价值观指导思想的马克思主义的指导地位面临着严峻的挑战。
