价值链,value chain
1)value chain价值链
1.Applications of analysis method of value chain in pharmaceutical industry;价值链分析方法在医药行业研究中的应用
2.Research on analysis and optimization of value chain for oil refinery;炼油厂价值链分析与优化
3.Thoughts on Application Management of Value Chain Machining Flour;对价值链管理在面粉加工业应用的构想

1.Value chain reconstruction for Chinese enterprises in the global value chain;全球价值链下的中国企业价值链重构
2.Analysis on the Relationship Between the Value Chain Conformity and the Value Chain Accounting;价值链整合与价值链会计的关联分析
3.On Value Chain Analysis and Value Chain Management of Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业的价值链分析与价值链管理
4.Understanding Relationship between Value Chain Management and Value Chain Accounting;解读价值链管理与价值链会计的关系
5.On Value Distribution of the Value Chain:Construction of Value Pool;价值链价值分布研究:价值库的构建
6.Study Enterprise Value Appraisal Index Based on Value Chain;基于价值链的企业价值评价指标研究
7.A Stdudy of the the Value Chain Accouting Content based on the Value Chain Management;价值链管理视角下的价值链会计内容研究
8.Integrated Industry Supply Chain Model;基于价值链原理的复合型业态供应链价值模型
9.An Analysis of Customer Value Attribution Structure in Supply Chain/Value Chain;供应链/价值链中的顾客价值驱动结构分析
10.Value chain accouting is the strategies and support;价值链会计是价值链管理的手段与支撑
11.The University s Management of the Chain of Opportunity-value and the Chain of Risk value;高等学校机遇价值链与风险价值链管理
12.Virtual Enterprise,Virtual Value Chain and their Logistic Relationships with Value Chain;虚拟企业、虚拟价值链及其与价值链的逻辑关系
13.On the Strategic Transition from Enterprise Value Chain to Market Value Chain;论企业价值链向市场价值链的战略性转变
14.Turning in the Direction from Value Chain of Production Toward Value Chain of Service;从面向产品的价值链到面向服务的价值链
15.Research of the Value Chain Optimization on the Base of the Theory of Customer Value;顾客价值导向的企业价值链优化研究
16.The Study of the Custom Valve Management Based on the Theory of the Value Chain;基于价值链理论的顾客价值管理研究
17.To Enhance the Engineering Project s Attached Value in the Value Chain;在价值链中提升工程项目的附加价值
18.Relation Research on Value Chain,Value Creation with Management Accounting;价值链、价值创造与管理会计关系研究

1.Quantitative model for oil-gas recovery enterprises value-chain and its relevant positive analysis;油气开采企业价值链数量模型及其实证分析
2.Design of component oriented ERP system based on analysis of enterprise value-chains;基于企业价值链分析的面向构件ERP系统设计
3.To analyze value-chains of refineries and to design enterprise management information system;炼化企业价值链分析与管理信息系统设计
3)value chains价值链
1.A Study on Cost Managerial Framework under Business Value Chains;基于企业价值链的成本管理框架研究
2.Strategic Management Accounting Value Chains On Competitors Analyzing Of Application;战略管理会计中价值链在竞争对手分析的应用
3.This paper divides software enterprises into three types from the angle of value chains.本文从价值链的角度将软件业分成三种类型,利用动态竞争与竞争优势理论,并结合软件企业竞争的特点,提出了处于价值链不同环节的软件企业的竞争优势来源。
4)value link价值链
1.On the analysis method of value link of architectural enterprise;建筑企业价值链分析法初探
2.The industry group is both a regional production system linked by value links and an important foundation for the development of regional economy.产业集群是以产业价值链为纽带的地方生产系统,是区域经济发展的重要基础。
5)the chain of value价值链
1.To exploit the chain of value actively in the value-added service and enhance the competitive ability of telecom operators;积极开拓电信增值业务价值链 增强运营商竞争力
6)the value chain价值链
1.With the constant maturity of the value chain theory, Researching Incubator value chain model and based on the competitiveness of value chain analysis has become demand with incubator theory and practice of development.价值链分析提供了寻找竞争优势的基本思想和分析框架。
2.To deal with the crisis,this article point to set up competitiveness and the financial perspective of the value chain for enterprises,set up financial management system ideas at the post-crisis system.提升企业核心竞争力的方面很多,文章以财务竞争力和价值链的视角为企业应对危机,进而也为后危机时代建立系统完善有效的财务管理体系提出思路。
3.In this article,we describe and analyze on the business development and supervision of the value chain brought by new industry.随着市场对于个性化、应用型信息服务需求的增加,产业价值链也在发生巨大变化,呈现出由简单到复杂、由单一到合作的形式,新的产业价值链处于逐步形成和完善发展中。

Value Chain 价值链业务如何取得原材料、通过不同的程序为原材料增值,然后将制成品出售给消费者的高层次的模型