法律对策,legal countermeasure
1)legal countermeasure法律对策
1.Discussing the Legal Countermeasure of a Death Case of the Pregnant Woman and Her child.;论孕妇李丽云母子双亡案件的法律对策
2.Chinese enterprise overseas acquisition risk prevention s legal countermeasure;中国企业海外并购风险防范的法律对策
3.Rational Analysis on Green Trade Barrier and Chinese Legal Countermeasures;绿色贸易壁垒的影响及其法律对策

1.The Research of Legal Countermeasures Against Anti-dumping of EU to China;中国应对欧盟反倾销的法律对策研究
2.Legal Thinking on Dealing with the Question of the Scissors Gap between Industry and Agriculture of Prices;应对工农剪刀差问题的法律对策研究
3.Effects and Strategies on International Merger and Acqusition;跨国并购对我国的影响及其法律对策
4.Chinese Legal Countermeasures against Tariff System of NAFTA;中国应对NAFTZ关税制度的法律对策
5.The Legal System of Biodiversity Conservation in Our Country;我国生物多样性保护的法律对策研究
6.The Research on Prevention Legal Countermeasure of Basin Water Pollution in China;我国流域水污染防治的法律对策研究
7.Legal Countermeasure Research of Preventing and Cueing Sandy-desertification in Northwest;西北地区沙漠化防治的法律对策研究
8.The Legal Response of Northwest Glassland Desertification Control;论西北地区草原荒漠化防治法律对策
9.Legal Studies on the Trade in Educational Services of China under GATS;GATS下我国教育服务贸易法律对策研究
10.Research on the Tax Avoidanc Status and Anti-ITA Law in China;外商投资企业国际避税法律对策研究
11.Mixed Operation and Countermeasures on Banking Supervise;混业经营与我国银行监管的法律对策
12.Difficulty And Legal Countermeasures Of Safeguarding Rights By Trade Union In Enterprises;当前企业工会维权的困境及法律对策
13.The Civil Legal Quality to the Restriction and Strategy of the Legal Effect in our Country;公民法律素质对我国法律实效的制约与对策
14.The Challenges of Electronic Commerce to the WTO Rules;电子商务对WTO法律规则的挑战和对策
15.Impact of the Revision of the New Lawyers Act on Procuratorial Organs and the Countermeasures Thereof《律师法》修订对检察机关的影响和对策
16.Cool Legal and Innovative Strategies:Legal Countermeasures to Deal with the Current Subprime Mortgage Crisis冷静的法律与创新策略——金融危机的法律应对之策
17.On the Impact Humanism Made On the Decision-making of Governmental Legal Aid论人本观对政府法律援助决策的影响
18.Study on the Legal Problems and Solutions of BOT in China;BOT在我国面临的法律问题及对策研究

legal countermeasures法律对策
1.On problems of environment and resources in China and their legal countermeasures;我国的环境资源问题及其法律对策
2.Legal Countermeasures Research on Anti-theft of Trade Secrets;反窃取商业秘密法律对策
3.The paper reviews and analyses the initiation and development of OMO, points out the restricting factors and suggests legal countermeasures for the development and perfection of OMO in China.本文回顾分析了公开市场业务在我国的产生和发展,指出了影响其发展的制约因素,提出了发展和完善我国公开市场业务的法律对策
3)legal measures法律对策
1.The Corporate Governance of Listed Corporations in China : Main Problems and Legal Measures;我国上市公司治理结构存在的主要问题与法律对策
2.Negative effects on technology innovation of enterprises caused by foreign investment holding and legal measures外商控股对企业技术创新的负面效应及其法律对策
3.On the Source of Fake and Shoddy and Legal Measures浅析假冒伪劣存在的根源及法律对策
4)legal measure法律对策
1.The paper analyzes the deficiency of the legal system for protecting the underground water resources and points out the necessity to strengthen and improve relevant laws and proposes legal measures to maintain sustainable use of the underground water resources.从昆明市地下水资源的现状及其开采利用过程中存在的问题出发,着重分析了现行地下水资源保护法律制度中存在的缺陷与不足,以及加强和完善相关法律制度的必要性,从而提出实现地下水资源可持续利用的法律对策
2.This article suggests that the following legal measures should be adopted for developing it: reducing state-owned shares; activating the general meeting; removing insider control; enhancing the board .发展我国股票市场可以采取如下法律对策:减持国有股;激活股东大会;消除内部人控制;加强监事会的独立性;完善民事责任;建立相应的诉讼制度。
3.This essay therefore puts forward,in four respects,the basic ideas and certain suggestions about the legal measures dealing with the problem of re\|employment.本文从四个方面提出了再就业问题法律对策的基本思路和若干设想 ,特别提到了对下岗行为进行法律规制的必要
5)law countermeasure法律对策
1.With discussing the present situation of the injury employment right of our females since the economic reform,the paper analysis its law reason and proposes its law countermeasures.文章通过阐述我国经济体制改革以来女性就业权受损的现状,分析造成这种状况的法律原因,并提出了改善我国女性就业权受损的法律对策
6)Legal preventing strategies法律防治对策

Blotto对策Blotto对策Blotto games B一川幽〕对策!BI峨劝〕g别nes;6.ooT,o“I,p“l 一类正规形式的二人零和对策(two一peoonzerc)一sum缪me)其中局中人的纯策略(见策略(对策论中的)(strategy〔in缪me theory)))是有限资源(可分割的或不可分割的)在多个对象土的分配,而增益或支付等于个体对象的增益或支付之和,这一对策是以一个虚构的Blotto土校来命名的,据说他是第一个参预这种类型的对策的人物