自然价值,natural value
1)natural value自然价值
1.New theory on natural value;罗尔斯顿的自然价值论述评
2.The situation of unsustainable growth that man finds himself in is originated from his denial of natural value.否定自然价值是人类面临不可持续发展形势的思想根源。
3.The readers can recognize the real substance of it and the essence of the sustainable development by dividing the natural value into two parts:function and service.自然资本不同于马克思或西方经济学家关于资本的理解和定义,它从自然价值分为功能与服务两部分,阐述了自然资本的真正含义并探讨了其可持续发展的内涵。

1.Natural Value is the generalization and abstract of nature materials' concrete value.自然价值是自然物具体价值的概括和抽象,是“自然物价值的一般”。
2.Natural Axiology:from Tool Value to Intrinsic Value从“工具价值”到“内在价值”:自然价值论进展
3.The Extension of The Value and The Real Exaltation of The Value of nature;价值的泛化与自然价值的提升——对罗尔斯顿自然价值论的辨析
4.I will further state theoretically my views of the above issue and produce my own equator: exchange value =natural value+ labor value. Another concept--negative value,is also introduced to you.同时,提出“交换价值=自然价值+劳动价值”的公式和“负价值”的概念。
5.It is the inevitable outcome that complies with new natural view to reappraise natural value.重估自然价值是顺应新的自然图景的必然产物。
6.Natural Value and Ecological Aesthetic Value:Effect and Significance自然价值之于生态审美价值:作用和意义
7.Value,Morals,Power and Ethics--An Interpretation of Nature Value Theory;价值、善恶、权力与道德——对自然价值论的一种理解
8.Natural value is the theoretical fulcrum of environmental ethics.自然价值是环境伦理学的理论支点。
9.The Development of Value Theory: Naturalism Theory of Value;价值理论的新发展——自然主义价值观
10.Values of Nature: the Unification of External and Internal Values;自然的价值:外在价值和内在价值的统一
11.THEORETICAL THINKING ON THE VALUE OF NATURAL RESOURCES--The Absence of Natural Resources Values in the Theory on Labor Value;自然资源价值的理论思考——论劳动价值论中自然资源价值的缺失
12.Nature: Intermedia of Reflection and Mirror on Man Himself--Exploration on New Value of Nature;自然界:人类反观自照的中介——自然界价值新探
14.Studying the Rationality of the Natural Intrinsic Property from the Perspective of Axiology;从价值论的角度看自然内在价值的合理性
15.Analysis on the Value of Natural Resources with Marx Theory of Labour Value;从马克思的劳动价值论分析自然资源的价值
17.On the value of Harmony of Art Nature and Landscape Nature;论艺术自然与山水自然和谐关系的当代价值
18.Natural Science and Pure Natural Force in the Process of Value Increment;价值增殖过程中的自然科学与单纯的自然力

nature value自然价值
1.Analysis on Rolston s Nature Value Theory;罗尔斯顿的自然价值论分析
2.Up till now,two propositions appeared: human centre doctrine and non-human centre doctrine on the diffirent comprehension of the nature value.学术界就自然价值的不同理解形成人类中心主义和非人类中心主义两种主张。
3.This paper discusses in detail the ethical connotation of circular economy,which respects nature value,pursues to maximize the value of zoology and to minimize the requirement and damage to nature.文章梳理了循环经济的伦理内涵,认为循环经济体现了对自然价值的尊重,追求生态价值的最大化,对自然索取及伤害的最小化。
3)value of nature自然价值
1.To him,the beautiful is linked with the good,since environmental ethics and environmental aesthetics share the same philosophical basis:the value of nature,and both of them presuppose a wholesome ecological environment.在罗尔斯顿的环境思想中,美与善是相通的:环境伦理学与环境美学思想具有共同的哲学基础——自然价值论;环境美与环境善具有共同的前提——健康的生态环境;整体和谐是环境美与环境善的共同标尺。
4)the Value of Nature自然价值
1.Reassessment of the Value of Nature and a Poetic Habitation;自然价值的重估与诗意的栖居
2.Based on their own different positions, they give different answers to these important problems such as what is the nature and useable range of value, what is the value of nature, what is the character of the relationship between human being and nature, and on the theoretical position which tende.基于此,笔者对“自然价值”、“自然的内在价值”、人和自然的关系问题作出了科学的分析,认为自然的价值和所谓的自然的“内在价值”都是相对于人而言的,价值的存在不能离开人。
5)natural goods value自然物价值
6)the value of nature自然价值论
1.The heart of the value of nature is to prove the objective existence of nature s intrinsic value.霍尔姆斯·罗尔斯顿是当代最负盛名的非人类中心主义环境伦理学家,自然价值论是其环境伦理思想的核心。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分