市场调节,Market regulation
1)Market regulation市场调节
1.Market Regulation and the Sustainable Development of Transport System;市场调节与交通系统可持续发展
2.On the basic of analyzing the influences of market development degree and government macro-control ability on land use planning and according to the review of international research on balancing relationship between market regulation and macro-control, the paper discusses the problems about the connection of market regulation and macro-control through price signals.文章在分析市场经济发育程度和政府宏观调能力对土地利用规划影响的基础上,结合国际有关土地利用规划中运用市场经济机制的研究动态,论述了价格信号是协调土地利用规划中的政府宏观调控与市场调节的结合点,以期为我国新一轮土地利用总体规划的修编,正确处理宏观调控与市场自我调节的关系提供借鉴。

1.An Economics Analysis of Market and Government Adjusting Industrial Relations;劳动关系市场调节与政府调节的经济学分析
2.On the Formation of a New Type Regulatory Mechanism Based on Market Regulation with State Regulation as the Leading Factor构建“以市场调节为基础、以国家调节为主导”的新型调节机制
3.a mechanism that combines planned economy and market regulatio计划经济和市场调节相结合的机制
4.to give play to the supplementary,regulatory role of the market发挥市场调节的辅助作用
5.to combine economic planning with market regulation经济计划和市场调节相结合
6.Farm and livestock products are sold mainly through the market.农畜产品的销售以市场调节为主。
7.The combination of planning and market regulation will be continued.以后还是计划经济与市场调节相结合。
8.Environmental Legislation Needs to Make Full Use of Market Regulation Mechanism Urgently;环境立法亟需充分运用市场调节机制
9.Government Malfunction and Market Regulation in Development of Vocational Education;职业教育发展的政府失灵与市场调节
10.The Choice of the Combining Mode of Market Principle and Government Control in China;我国市场调节与政府调控结合模式的选择
11.The Macro-control and Market Regulation of Land Use Planning;土地利用规划中的宏观调控与市场调节
12.Market-Oriented Pricing Mechanism Basically Formed in China中国基本形成以市场调节为主的价格机制
13.The Comparing Research on Government Intervention and Market Adjustment to Externalities;外部性的政府介入与市场调节的比较研究
14.to give play to the regulatory role of the market发挥市场的调节作用
15.Coordination Research of Energy-saving Generation Dispatch and Market Mechanism;节能发电调度与市场机制的协调研究
16.Re-feeding the Agriculture: the Interactive Activity of Government s Tangible Adjustment and Market s Intangible Adjustment;反哺农业:政府有形调节与市场无形调节互动
17.The market mechanisms are beginning to play their regulatory role.市场机制开始发挥调节作用。
18.From the macroscopic view, the government makes the adjustment of the market in a less strong manner;宏观上,政府调节市场,但不可过强;

market adjustment市场调节
1.Therefore, we should improve the efficiency of government intervene and the integrity of market adjustment to solve the problem of equity and efficiency of medical service.由此提出,在医疗服务市场中,我国公立医院医疗服务的公平与效率问题,必须通过提高政府干预的有效性和市场调节的整体性来进行调节与改善。
2.With many kinds of manifestations,the discrimination in employment tells market adjustment failing and government control faulting,while the ideal choice is the settlement mechanism of economic law featuring the combination of market adjustment,government control and synthetic running.就业歧视现象反映了市场调节失灵和政府管制缺陷。
3.The problem of employment discrimination reflects the dilemma of failure market adjustment and limited government regulation.就业歧视问题凸显市场调节失灵与政府管制缺陷的两难境地,体现国家渗透市场理念的经济法恰好是以市场与政府的互动结构作为自身分析和解决社会经济问题的通常机理。
3)market readjustment市场调节
1.This article inquiries primarily into the mechanism of market readjustment in the dynamic system of economics, which makes the ratio of capital to labor force reasonable.本文主要探讨在经济动态系统中促使资金与劳力构成比例优化的市场调节机制,提出了关于这种调节机制的修正的均衡公式,并且联系生产函数模型探讨了它在生产因素构成的优化控制上的应用。
4)Adjusting market调节市场
5)Market Regulator市场调节人
6)Market-leading financial way市场调节型

市场调节  见计划经济与市场机制。