大银鱼,Protosalanx hyalocranius
large icefish大银鱼
1.This paper reports the results of comparative study on the population ecology of asian smelt( Hypomesus transpacificus nipponesis ) and large icefish( Protosalanx hyalocranius ) in Shuifeng Reservoir from October 1998 to November 2000, which include the behavior of feeding, growth, reprcduction and population structure.1998年 10月至 2 0 0 0年 11月对水丰水库亚洲公鱼和大银鱼的食性、生长、繁殖、群体结构进行了比较研究 。
2.This paper reports the results of studies on biology of Large icefish introduced in Zaihe Reservoir during 1996-1997.1996~1997年对移植于柴河水库的大银鱼的生物学进行了研究。
3)Protosalanx chinensis大银鱼
1.Study on lineages of Protosalanx chinensis, Neosalanx taihuensis and N.oligodontis in Taihu Lake with RAPD technique;用PAPD方法分析太湖大银鱼、太湖新银鱼和寡齿新银鱼的亲缘关系
2.On Status of Protosalanx chinensis in Xujiaya Reservoir of Shandong and How to Protect Its Resource;费县许家崖水库大银鱼现状及对策
3.Genetic population structures of Protosalanx chinensis, Neosalanx taihuensis, and N.利用RAPD 技术对太湖中的大银鱼、太湖新银鱼、寡齿新银鱼的遗传结构进行了研究。
4)Big Salangid大银鱼
1.Effect of Transplantation and Propagation on Big Salangid in Xihu Reservior;西湖水库大银鱼的移殖增殖效果初探
2.Transplanting, Habituation and Fishing Vtilizationon Big Salangid in Molimiao Reservior;莫力庙水库大银鱼的移植驯化效果与渔业利用
1.Study on the Criterion of Water Temperature in Protosalanx hyalocranius;大银鱼温度基准值的研究
6)Protosalanx hyalocranius(Abbott)太湖大银鱼

大银鱼 俗名: 面条鱼、面丈鱼、泥鱼。 产地及产期: 在海水淡水中都有,分布自山东至浙江沿海和江河中下游及附属湖泊中。 介绍: 个体小,常见个体体长为15厘米左右。体细长。头部上下扁平。吻尖,呈三角形。下颌长于上颌。背鳍起点至尾鳍基部的距离大于至胸鳍基部。体透明。两侧腹面各有一行黑色色素点、性成熟时雄鱼臀鳍成扇形,基部有一列鳞片,胸鳍大而尖。