碳市场,carbon market
1)carbon market碳市场
1.The scale and role of the emerging carbon market are forecasted using a partial equilibrium model of the global trade of carbon reduction to investigate the market potential and market structure of the clean development mechanism(CDM),as well as its contribution to the reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions.为判断碳市场的规模和作用,应用一个全球碳排放贸易局部均衡模型研究清洁发展机制(CDM)的市场潜力和结构,讨论它对全球温室气体减排的贡献。
2.Therefore, all kinds of approaches were designed as a respond to the trend, and international carbon market came into being under this background.国际碳市场目前已形成以项目市场为主流市场、准许市场为辅助市场的基本格局。
3.This paper, first of all, relates the natural gas resources and the current status of natural gas in-dustry in China, and then presents the opportunities and challenges of natural gas emission mitigation of China in CDM and the global carbon market.本文从我国天然气资源及天然气产业现状入手,陈述了目前我国天然气减排在CDM和全球碳市场中的机遇与挑战。

1.Research on How to Increase China s Competitiveness in World Carbon Market;提高我国在国际碳市场竞争力的研究
2.China s Carbon Market based on Clean Development Mechanism;基于清洁发展机制的中国碳市场潜力分析
3.Meanwhile nine Northeastern states have promised to form a regional carbon market.同时,美国东北部九个州已承诺共组一地区性的碳市场
4.Discussion on International Carbon Market and Forestry Carbon Sink Trade in China;简论国际碳和中国林业碳汇交易市场
5.The black powdered carbon holds the suitable share in the market.黑色碳粉在市场上占有相当的份额。
6.Study on the Financing Transaction Mechanism of Chinese Forestry Carbon Sequestration Market;中国林业碳汇市场融资交易机制研究
7.Market analysis and development suggestions of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber;世界PAN基碳纤维市场分析及发展建议
8.Study on Transaction Costs of Forest Carbon-sink Service Market;森林碳汇服务市场交易成本问题研究
9.An Analysis and Prospect of Produce EG with EC Method and A Forecast of EG S Market;碳酸亚乙酯法生产乙二醇及市场预测
10.The Status Quo,Problems and Prospects of the International Carbon Financial Market国际碳金融市场:现状、问题与前景
11.The Marketing Strategic Study on Carbonic Acid Drinks of Wahaha Company in Chongqing;娃哈哈碳酸饮料重庆市场营销战略研究
12.Study on the Competition Trend of Carbonated Drink Market and Access Strategies for Enterprises;碳酸饮料市场竞争态势与企业进入策略研究
13.Emission Trading Market and Emission Price;二氧化碳排放权交易市场与排放权价格分析
14.Analysis of Non-Kyoto-based Forestry Carbon Sequestration Market in China;我国“非京都规则”森林碳汇市场构建研究
15.Development and Inspiration of International Greenhouse Gases(Carbon) Emissions Rights Market;国际温室气体(碳)排放权市场的发展及其启示
16.Analysis of Market Structure and Access Requirements for International Carbon Emission Trading;国际碳排放贸易的市场格局及其准入条件研究
17.Economics Analysis on Marketization of Forest Carbon-sink Service;试析森林碳汇服务市场化的经济学基础

carbon sequestration market碳汇市场
1.The domestic and international background for cultivating forestry carbon sequestration market in Yunnan Province was introduced,the important significance to cultivate forestry carbon sequestration market in Yunnan Province was analyzed,and the institution conception for nurturing the forestry carbon sequestration market in Yunnan Province was thereafter proposed in the paper.介绍了培育云南森林碳汇市场的国际和国内背景,分析了培育云南森林碳汇市场的重要意义,提出了为培育云南森林碳汇市场所需要的制度及其建设思路。
3)international carbon market国际碳市场
1.As the unique impacts of forest on climate change are concerning the international community, more and more discussions are focused on international carbon market and forestry carbon sink trade business.森林在应对气候变化中的独特作用越来越受到国际社会的关注,随之导致对国际碳市场乃至森林碳汇交易市场的讨论逐步升温。
4)voluntary carbon market自愿碳市场
1.The voluntary carbon market can be divided into two distinct components:the Chicago Climate Exchange(CCX) and more dispersed through the OTC(OTC) market.自愿碳市场可分为两个截然不同的组成部分:芝加哥气候交易所(CCX)和更分散的场外交易(OTC)市场。
5)market of carbon trade碳交易市场
1.By the following economic operations such as planting and grassing,promoting and developing the Hui national culture of being on nature,developing the industry of carbon sink,building the market of carbon trade,and so on this final objective is to set up the Regional Functional Areas of Carbon Sink in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.建立宁夏区域碳汇功能区,通过植树种草、弘扬回族亲近自然的文化精神,发展碳汇产业、建立碳交易市场等经济活动,具有重大意义。
6)carbon sink market森林碳汇市场
1.Based on the theory of Welfare Economics and market structure theory this paper analysis the concept of carbon tax and externality of the consumers and producers in the forests carbon sink market, belive that the impact of the market is correcting externality, prove that the forests carbon sink market is oligopsony at presant.运用福利经济学和微观经济学中的市场结构理论,分析了碳税的概念和森林碳汇市场交易双方的外部性特征,认为森林碳汇市场的作用是纠正排污企业和林农造林的正外部性。

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。