人工补给,artificial recharge
1)artificial recharge人工补给
1.In consideration of the environmental hydrogeological problems,necessity and probability of artificial recharge are analysed,management model of water resources system in the mining region is set up and is solved by a dualization simplex method.根据环境水文地质问题,分析了人工补给的必要性和可能性,建立了矿区水资源系统的管理模型;用对偶单纯形法对之进行了求解,证明了优化管理模型的正确性和可靠性。
2.To rationally exploit underground water resources ,to achievesustainable use of water resources, Daqing city government decided toartificial recharge groundwater, Construction of underground reservoir.人工补给地下水可以有效地增加地下水资源的可利用量,对维持地下水资源均衡起着重要的作用。

1.tificial recharge人工补给;人工补给地下水;人工补水;人工灌注;回灌
2.Spread water for recharge.为人工补给进行水的引渗。
3.Laboratory Study on Ground Water Change during Artificial Recharge;人工补给对地下水质影响的实验研究
4.Efficient and economical artificial recharge projects can often result from utilizing the bed of the main stream channel.有效而且经济的人工补给措施一般可以利用主河道的河床。
5.Research on Utilizing Soil Depurating Urban Rainwater to Recharge Groundwater;利用土壤层净化城市雨水人工补给地下水的研究
6.The study result indicated that the groundwater artificial replenishment is facing serious obstructs in theroy calculating and technical engineering application.通过分析表明,地下水人工补给在理论及其定量计算方法上的缺陷制约了其工程应用。
7.We compensate workers for injuries suffered at their work.我们对工人在工作中受伤给予补偿。
8.Employers should compensate their workmen for injuries.雇主封工人受到的伤害应给予补偿。
9.a monthly payment made to someone who has become disabled and is unable to work.给残疾而丧失了工作能力的人的月补助。
10.In settling accounts, the workday was taken as the unit of exchange; those who contributed more man-workdays or animal-workdays were paid for the difference by those who contributed less.结算时,多出了人工或者畜工的由少出了的补给工钱。
11.A subsidy from a government to an industry.补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
12.a monthly payment to someone who is retired from work.给退休人员的月补助。
13.interactive add人工添加,人工补充
14.Article 45 Artificial recharge for ground water may not deteriorate the quality of ground water.第四十五条 人工回灌补给地下水,不得恶化地下水质。
15.Surprisingly, they also passed up the opportunity to lavish more subsidies on ethanol.但令人非常惊奇的,他们同样拒绝给予酒精工业更多补贴的机会。
16.Despite laws requiring fair compensation, people forced to make way for construction projects often receive less than their properties are worth.尽管法律要求公平补偿,但被迫给建筑工程让路的人们往往只能得到少于房产价值的补偿。
17.Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.退职工人易地安家的,可以发给相当于本人两个月标准工资的安家补助费。
18.The number of workers hired by an establishment to replace those who have left in a given period of time.人员更替数,补缺人员数企业或公司在给定时期内新雇用的代替已离去的工人的总数

artificial recharge of groundwater地下水人工补给
3)groundwater artificial recharge地下水人工补给
1.Aimed to the present of the groundwater level has continually descended and need recover urgently in area of well irrigation paddy in Sanjiang Plain, this paper discussed the groundwater artificial recharge methods in area of well irrigation paddy in Sanjiang Plain, combined with the internal and overseas practice of groundwater artificial recharge.针对三江平原井灌区地下水位逐渐下降、急需恢复的现状,结合国内外地下水人工补给实践,对三江平原井灌区地下水人工补给方法进行了探讨,提出了今后地下水人工补给实践的初步设想,为该区域地下水资源的可持续利用提供了参考依据。
4)SPD artificial recharge systemSPD人工补给系统
1.Research on artificial recharge of deep-seated groundwater——SPD artificial recharge system;试论深层地下水人工补给——SPD人工补给系统
2.A new method,SPD artificial recharge system,is put forward.提出了一种新的深层地下水回灌方法———SPD人工补给系统,并通过室内沙槽模拟试验,对该系统和常规的直接井回灌法作了比较。
5)artificial ground water recharge人工补给地下水
6)artificial supply (artificia recharge)人工补给(人工回灌)

地下水人工补给  人工补充地下水的措施。人类利用不同的工程和方法,使更多的地表水或其他类型的水转化为地下水。其目的是:增加可利用地下水资源;控制地下水水头;利用地层的自净能力改善供水水质;利用含水层多年调节功能调蓄地表水;在地热异常区或干热地层中通过人工注入冷水,经地下循环,加热成热水后再取出使用;利用含水层年内温度变化小的特性,通过冬灌夏用或夏灌冬用,从而做到地下储冷或储热;通过注水回灌,形成高出于附近海水或高矿化地下水位的地下淡水帷幕,从而阻止海水或高矿化水对地下淡水的入侵等。    地下水人工补给方法有3类:①地面渗水法,即人为地引补给水至入渗池等地面工程,使之渗入地下,补给地下水;②井回灌法,即通过各种井使补给水进入地下,补给地下水;③诱导补给法,即在地表水体附近,通过抽取地下水使其水头低于地表水水位,达到地表水入渗补给地下水的目的。    中国地下水人工补给主要从1958年以后开始发展。其中以地下储冷(冬灌夏用)和控制地面沉降为目的的人工补给措施发展得较快,尤其是地下储冷,经济效益明显,在许多地方棉纺厂和其他工厂中得到推广。其他一些目的的地下水人工补给,还处在试验和逐步推广阶段。地下水人工补给需要进一步研究解决的问题主要有:①人工补给时补给水和地下水的运动规律、水质的变化规律以及温度变化规律;②土壤、岩层对污水的净化机制以及这种净化能力的加强和恢复途径;③由人工补给而造成的各种污染的预防方法和治理途径;④人工补给时各种堵塞的机理及其处理方法;⑤人工补给技术方法的改进。    参考书目   上海市水文地质大队:《地下水人工回灌》,地质出版社,北京,1977。   汪熊麟等编译:《地下水人工补给译文集》,地质出版社,北京,1987。   W.C. Walton,Groundwater Resource Evaluation,McGraw-Hill Book Co.,New York,1970.