漏斗模型,funnel model
1)funnel model漏斗模型
1.The study analyses a funnel model in the process of innovation and draws several rules that should be paid more attention for innovation.对创新过程进行了漏斗模型的分析,最后提出创新要注意的几个规则。
2.Production planning and controlling based on funnel model is introduced in this paper, description method of flux chart model is discussed.本文介绍了基于漏斗模型的生产计划与控制方法,讨论了流量图模型描述方法、面向负荷的生产任务投放等概念及技术。

1.Application of “Funnel Model” to Production Control under Constraints;约束条件下“漏斗模型”在生产控制中的应用
2.Research on Sales Funnel Model that Supporting Customer Identification and Retain;支持客户识别与维系的销售漏斗模型研究
3.Numerical Simulation of New-Type EMBR for Flow Field in Funnel Shape Mold新型电磁制动下漏斗形结晶器流场的数值模拟
4.A method for extraction of depression cone based on digital groundwater level models基于数字水位模型的地下水降落漏斗提取
5.The Local Improvement Design of KM_(70) Coal Hopper CarsKM_(70)型煤炭漏斗车局部改进设计
6.Development of KM_(70B) Stainless Steel Coal Hopper CarsKM_(70B)型不锈钢煤炭漏斗车的研制
7.Research on the Pressure Distribution of Granular Coal on the Wall of a Special Silo with Trouser-Shape Funnel裤型漏斗型钢贮煤仓散料压力分布研究
8.Vulnerability mining model for Windows based on vulnerability characteristics and Fuzz technology基于漏洞特征和Fuzz技术的Windows漏洞挖掘模型研究
9.Something resembling this utensil in shape.漏斗状物外形象漏斗的物体
10.The Investigation of Underground Reservoir Construction in the Excess Exploited Funnel Area超采漏斗区漏斗填充式地下水库研究
11.Atomic Funnel Using HE_(11)-mode Output Hollow Beam and Atomic Guide in a Beam of Single-mode Optical Fibers;采用HE_(11)模输出空心光束的原子漏斗与单模光纤束中的原子导引
12.Lilies are beautiful fragrant herbs[1] with showy funnel shaped or bell shaped flowers.百合花是美丽芬芳的草本植物,有着艳丽的漏斗型或是钟型的花朵。
13.The Effect of Inverted Funnel: the Mode Selection for Low Income Community Residents Committee to Divide and Reduce Burden;“倒漏斗效应”:低收入社区居委会分减负担的模式选择
14.Pivotal Research of Fatigue Life Forecast of Coal Stuff Hopper Car Body;新型煤炭漏斗车车体疲劳寿命预测的关键技术研究
15.Temperature Detection and Heat Transfer Analysis for Copperplate of CSP Process Funnel Shaped-Mould in Masteel马钢CSP工艺漏斗型结晶器铜板温度检测及传热分析
16.Research of the Curative Effect of Funnel-type Bone Hole Drilling Drainage in Chronic Subdural Hematomas漏斗型骨孔钻孔引流术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿疗效观察
17.Preliminary Study on Using Groundwater Depression Cone to Construct Underground Reservoir in Northern China中国北方利用开采型漏斗建设地下水库的初步研究
18.The Design and Implementation of Static Memory Leak Detection Model内存泄漏静态检测模型的设计与实现

inverted-funnel model倒漏斗模型
1.Thus,basic research issues and difficulties of the AFV regional operation are analyzed from the macro,micro and mesoscopic perspective of view,and an inverted-funnel model is recommended to represent the above-mentioned development mode,providing references for the popularization of the AFV in China.为此,提出了"政府为主导,企业为主体,市场化运作"的代用燃料汽车区域化运行的发展模式,并对政府主导的组织协调体系、政策法规、标准体系、代用燃料汽车安全运营监管体系、燃料品质监控管理体系、维修管理方法与服务体系、综合效果评估体系、代用燃料汽车区域化运行信息平台等,代用燃料生产加工及运输企业、代用燃料汽车整车制造厂及配套企业、加注站及其设备生产制造企业、代用燃料汽车改装及售后服务企业、代用燃料汽车运营企业、整车及专用装置和加注站设备相关检验检测机构,以及市场化运作中应重视和解决的基础问题进行了探索性的描述,从宏观、微观、中观角度,全面剖析了代用燃料汽车产业化进程的重点和难点问题,构建了代用燃料汽车区域化运行的倒漏斗模型
3)model of charge funneling电荷漏斗模型
4)the hopper model of systems系统漏斗模型
1.Based on the hopper model of systems, a mathematical matrix thought was put forward and a style of five-in-one was set up.在简述了系统思维产生的原因、状况之后,着重从系统漏斗模型出发,提出数学矩阵思维,从而建立“五位一体”的思维模式,并指出其在理论和具体工作中的重大意义。
5)decision filler model决策漏斗模型
6)"Funnel Fish-jar" Model"漏斗-鱼缸"模型

漏斗菜【通用名称】漏斗菜【其他名称】漏斗菜 (《东北常用中草药手册》) 【异名】血见愁(《东北药植志》) 【来源】为毛茛科植物小花耧斗菜或尖萼耧斗菜的带根全草。 【植物形态】①小花耧斗菜 多年生草本,高达40余厘米。基生叶多数,有柄,2回3出复叶,革质,小叶倒卵状楔形或线状披针形,长约1.5厘米,基部楔形,先端2~3浅裂或半裂,上面暗绿色,无毛,下面淡灰蓝色,有细毛,边缘稍外卷。花小,侧生,向外弯,花梗长约4厘米;萼片5,蓝紫色,稀为白色,长约1.5厘米,宽约1.2厘米;花瓣比萼片短一半,舷部白色,距短,呈囊状,蓝色;雄蕊多数;花柱细而微弯。蓇葖果常5个聚生,被腺毛。花期7~8月。 生于山坡、林缘。分布东北等地。 ②尖萼耧斗菜,又名:猫爪花。 与上种的主要区别:花大,萼片广披针形,先瑞渐尖,紫红色或蓝紫色,稀白色:花瓣淡黄色;距长,较粗,先端内卷。 生于山麓草地、林边。分布东北。 【采集】6~7月间采收,晒干。 【功用主治】《黑龙江中药》:"通经活血,治月经不调,妇女血病。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,3~5钱;或熬膏,1~2钱,开水冲服。